Literally sickdark dumbed down Dark Souls

>literally sickdark dumbed down Dark Souls
Why is this game so praised again?

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>dumbed down Dark Souls

I don't think having less RPG mechanics is possible. That said is dumbed down means actually playable on PC it probably is possible.

Its a

"the last ever dark souls DLC turns out to be shit so the fanbase turns its impotent rage towards the objectively best game in the series"


Dont make me say it

I've seen this thrown around a bit for the last few days. What the fuck does it mean?

>less stats
>no equip weight
>no poise
>no different rolls
>armor is useless
>one type of magic
>stamina management is non existant

>i haven't played the game

Never ever

people here used to say it when trashing BB, back when it was first released and nobody had played it. Nobody says it anymore because they all acknowledge that BB is good

But I did. Everything I said is correct. Try and prove me wrong.

its a forced meme some autist has been trying to force since literally the first bb reveal. he was trying to force it a lot harder in the past though. looks like he's trying to start again

>shittig on bloodborne

Okay, thanks for clearing that up.

>>armor is useless
I've only recently started playing BB, but this has confused me the most. Armors have varying stats yet they're almost pointless.

Very good. You can do fashion run, instead of stupid min-maxing

>I'd rather play dress up than have gameplay depth
The Bloodborne target audience folks

Armor has always been fairly useless in these games. Apart from maybe in DaS1 with how poise worked in that game, you generally just picked whatever you thought looked good together. Or the silliest shit if you're a memelord.

>das1 armor is only about hitting poise benchmarks
>das2 Fashion souls
>das3 ugly but still fashion souls

Is a worse RPG than the Souls games and even worse action game compared to other action games like DMC and Ninja Gaiden, so whats the point?

Instead of one type of magic that should be a fucked up magic system and bullet system, like seriously fuck that system, using "bullets" to use magic, what the fuck m8?

Not true.
Try NG+ or some tougher dungeons. It makes a lot of difference, if you for example equip for max fire defense for certain bosses.

Also: lot of people don't like this game because they can't tank bosses with high level gear or shields. This game actual requires for you to GIT GUD

>being r/gaming tryhard
>not playing for aesthetic
Oh boi

Bloodborne is mechanically the best Souls game, and PCbros hate that fact

It objectively has less depth than Souls games.

>playing games for anything other than gameplay
Back to neogaf with you

>It objectively has less depth than Souls games.
Why don't you just play the game before posting here?

It's not a dumbed down Dark Souls. It's a faster action game that rewards you for taking hits and continually mashing R1.

It's the most overrated game on the board currently though and the aesthetic is laughable.

But BB has great gameplay anyway. And you're being retarded if you think otherwise kid.

first half of dark souls 1 = Old hunters >demon's souls = bloodborne = Artorias of the abyss > dark souls 2 DLC's = second half of dark souls 1 >= dark souls 2 >>>>>>>>>>>Garbage fan pandering shit

>dumbed down
>just took the most game breaking strat from dark souls and made it the way you're supposed to play

i think it is you who is dumbed

>because vee is for shitpsting XD
fucking reddit cancer

>le you didn't play the game argument
Why don't you refute these points? >R1 and dodge spam constitutes good gameplay
Ok kid.

What's laughable about the aesthetic really?

Except in Dark Souls you can't just spam R1 and roll because those things actually cost some stamina

try spamming anything, and you'll get murdered
also timing is crucial
also you played that game on youtube
fuck off shitposter, get back to plebbit

>gameplay depth
>minmaxing the same as everyone else

omg my big numbers much deep so complexity

It's a
>Sup Forumseddit user tries to be contrarian to fit in but goes over board and makes it obvious he's actually just an entry level casual faggot repeat episode

summer reruns are starting early this year

bloodborne is the most polished game in the series, and is only comparable to demon's souls in terms of atmosphere, gameplay is pure casual filter, trophy system proves it simply by showcasing how many people drop it at papa gas station or BSB

only lifetime peasants hate on bloodborne, it's a literal 10/10 with the DLC, you can't say that about any other game in the series

this thread is probably just exclusive babbies shedding tears desu

>almost every enemy gets stun locked
>can dodge a bazillion times
>le le go back to plebbit
Great arguments, you sure convinced me you retarded underage.

>Why is this game so praised again?


>he min maxes instead of having fun creating different builds
Not my fault you're a guide reading cuck.

>almost every enemy gets stun locked
>can dodge a bazillion times
wrong, you've never played it have you? if you had, you'd know better
>le le go back to plebbit
he's right you know

>no you are!
thanks for playing

>literally sickdark dumbed down plebbitor

maybe it's a different game

But Bloodborne is the same.

Not an argument. Try again.

>gameplay is pure casual filter
Lmao. Get a load of this neogaffer trying to fit in.

Yeah, a dumbed down one.

Fuck you faggot, all I hate is the bullet and magic system! I hate how long it takes farming bullets, I hate how expensive spells are, how expensive some shit is all together and fuck those faggot hunters, they need drop molotovs again, I havent seen a molotov drop in 2 weeks!

>guys pls let me chat shit about this game i've literally never played

stop being poor, boogeyman

>OP BTFO and he still squirms in agony

it's supposed to reflect that you're energized by the monster blood and not weighed down with plate armor. it's more of an action horror adventure than a punishment simulator so that's reflected in the design

I played the game holy shit.
Why is it that no one can criticize this game without the retarded fanboys showing up?

Do have any actual arguments or are you just going to spew more memes?

>it's shit on purpose

Did you play the game? It's not at all.

>it's exclusive therefore above criticism
so this is the power of consolewarring, at last I truly see...

Platinumed it in 10 days. Easy game.

Spamming R1 will cost you stamina.

the game really doesn't want you to use those much. there's no wizards in bb just ayylmaos and monsters so you're supposed to suffer for trying to be more than a lowly human. i can imagine that's frustrating tho if you really like the magic and want to explore it more.

the two shortcomings i'll agree to is the build diversity is relatively narrow (you can only be a hunter basically, no knights or clerics or anything) and the weapon diversity doesn't really make room for experimentation). it's kinda like witcher vs skyrim where they've picked your class for you and you can only be a more tanky or more dexterous version of it.


But it's praised because it's good. Not worth the all the dicksucking Sup Forums does, but solid.

That's all.

>he tires sooo hard

>what is the up button

Significantly less, which leads to spamming being more effective as opposed to careful timing. Same problem with Dark Souls 3 but apparently BB is above any criticism.

funny watching soulsbourne fans argue about their game's complexity. you spam roll and attack sometimes. PvP is and always has been shit on the virtue of the fact that it's in real time and lag makes it garbage for anyone except the most high functioning autist to enjoy.

Because Bloodborne is a fast paced game while Dark Souls is slow and methodical.

Because Dark Souls is dumbed down Bloodborne.

>doesn't have any arguments
>continues posting le epic reaction images
Sad that you have given up already, kiddo.

your only concrete point is "it's different from dark souls" and you extrapolate that into "everything that makes it different makes it shit." that's not an argument. that's anal retention. go fanboy somewhere else.

>he two shortcomings i'll agree to is the build diversity is relatively narrow
Tell me about it, before I started I wanted to make two characters, a tank one and a magic caster. Started tank first to get a feel for the game, after about 3 weeks I've seen that an arcane character would be a bit of a waste of time with the ammo/magic system unless it's a build to maximize damage of the Moonlight Broadsword.

Ah yes, the Up Button I discovered that on my first day playing trying to change items. So here's 5 bullets for over half your health. No thanks.

>formulating arguments in a discussion with retard
lol no

DMC, Ninja Gaiden and Bayonetta are fast paced games. Bloodborne is just dumbed Dark Souls with one build.

Im not even saying its bad im just asking, whats the point if i want to play a Souls-type action RPG, i'd play dark souls, if I wanted to play an action game i'd play DMC, whats the point of a game that seems in conflict with its own design?


BB is all of the meat of a darlsould hamr and alot less fat

It's a great game and a timeless classic

Can't wait for Miyazaki's next game, pic related

It has its issues. Honestly it feels like every enemy that isn't a boss is trash that can be mashed through and that the AI is very stupid. The look of it isn't that good, most of it feels kind of repetitious visually and the CA blurs the fuck out of everything. Character creator is still oblivion bad and there's no real build variety.

I am pretty far into it but I had to get Nioh because I'm enjoying that a bit more and getting more challenge from it.

I love the sickdark setting. It's like the greatest Van Hellsing game ever.

*of a darksouls game

>can't be assed to create a compelling main character so just make unbalanced mess of gear and op options so babbies can't be wrong
>can't trust players to dodge so give them a shield
>make stamina diminish way fast = artificial difficulty

i can't believe how lazy they are

>only posts retarded arguments
>continues posting le epic no arguments
Sad that you haven't give up that already, kiddo.

>literally unfinished dumbed down Demon's Souls
Why is this game so praised again?

because poorfags could pirate it and had never played demon's souls


> never played Souls game before

> bought into the BLOODBORNE IS L33T DIFFICULT meme

> cominced it's going to be a great game and a great challenge

10 days later.....

Nice ad hom. Kill yourself soon.

>tu quoque

Why Sup Forums full of retarded kiddies that can't handle someone criticizing their favorite game?

First trophy pic.

The game was painfully linear, had no music, no story and pvp was laughable. The combat was basic and every weapon was basically identical.

t. Level 211



It literally doesn't take off anywhere near as much as that. It's slightly less than how much a blood vial heals you which is around 1/3 or less. Maybe you should properly play the game, stop wasting all your bullets on every enemy you see and not get mad about how the game doesn't fit your exact definitions. Or just play something else.

Darksouls 3 is pretty bad tbqh

wasn't the difficulty meme just dark souls fags making shit up? i don't think the studio ever said it'd chap your ass.

It's pretty easy and its fairly overrated but the combat can be pretty stylish at least.

All of that is fairly agreeable. When you finally reach a boss fight and the music kicks in it is really jarring and frankly not that good. The soundtrack is also overrated.

It's not "different dark souls" it's "dumbed down dark souls". Learn the difference, faggot.

Better weapons, enemies, bosses, music, atmosphere, combat, level design doesn't drop as drastically, etc.
No gamebreaking shit like poise, infinites, BS spam.
Smart design upgrades, like belt-casting being superior to using catalysts, a sensible BS system, stance swap mid-string, and 2-handing always getting an L1 move, etc.

Dark Souls is worse in basically every meaningful way aside from stam management, and shortcuts.

Level 179, which I managed to reach, all the while platinuming the game in 10 days.

Laughable isn't it?

A bit of that and a lot of the marketers hyping the difficulty up.

Except for the fact that Dark Souls is better than Demon's Souls in about every possible way?

How could you possibly dumb down Dark Souls more than it already is?

The boss music was all just stereotypical, interchangeable crescendo orchestra music.

Why the game didnt have map music is beyond me...may have helped the atmosphere if it did.

By releasing Bloodborne.

Sony console exclusive

Literally the only reason

Demons Souls was praised endlessly as superior to the Dark Souls series until RPCS3 was able to emulate it, and then it was decried as ancient shit nobody wanted to play.

Sonyshits gonna shit

Fun fact

The "difficulty" select in souls games is how much you level up

You played yourself

Why it took you so long?

The point of this thread is not if it is good or bad, but why it's so beloved when it's a mediocre version of Dark Souls. The answer is exclusivity and memes

I played the game at face value and Platinumed it in 10 days.

This game is only difficult for newbie gamers.