Why is the entire speedrunning community so autistic?

Why is the entire speedrunning community so autistic?

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Because speedrunning is autistic.

>an entire community obsessed with going fast

Hmm, where have I heard of this before?


When's the next speedrunning event?

Now when the Power ranger marathon has ended I need another event like that to fill the void in my life.

Is that guy in the back naked?

>Why does this community of obsessed people have so many people who obsess over things

First response is always the correct response.


when you wear a tshirt too much, eventually your skin folds conform to the shape of a tshirt

Using sex as an analogy.
Regular players want to experience all the pleasure throughout the session, feeling everything from the beginning, the middle and the end.
Speed runners just want to blow their load as soon as possible without even feeling anything

Just a flesh colored shirt. Really poor choice of shirt color.


Time Attack communities are also autistic as well

>not using food as an analogy


I'm convinced that every video game related community that meet in person is autistic. I never wanted to admit it but there's just too many examples.


Oh, have they already done casting for the Popeye movie remake?


Speed running is just repeating the same task over and over and over again until you've perfected it. That is what autists live for.



Delete that.

Is this what losing at the Nintendo World Championship does to a man?


Make me

no, this is what JOHN FUCKING NUMBERS does to a "man"


Delete it now, you misogynerd.


please, no more.

It's endlessly playing a video game for months or even years trying to do it fast, resetting over any mistake, and repeat. It's insanity and it's no wonder there are a lot of issues.

What they if they liked climbing mountains, Todd?

I certainly like a lot of things.

jump scares on Sup Forums is not ok


Because you necessarily have to be autistic to replay the same game over and over and over trying to get the shortest playthrough possible. For people with normal brains, games are for fun, immersion, escapism, and leisure, not a obsessive and tedious chore.



I LOVE watching speedrun events, because the odds of weird shit happening are just too good to ignore.


Those """teeth""" look like they're the feet of that sea creature that eats fish tongues and hangs out in their mouths, leeching off the food.

What does it really matter to you if a hobby is occupied by autists? People can enjoy video games and how they play them without regarding the community behind them; they're just like fanbases?

What is seriously Sup Forums's obsession with calling out these people beyond being more pitifully petty than the community themselves? This is no different and just as bad as cringe threads

Holy fuckamoly.

Anyway I enjoy watching speedruns of some older games I'm nostalgic about, but on the whole it seems a wee bit autistic.

Playing the same game over and over again for hours,days and weeks on end just so you can get 0.001 seconds quicker, if that doesn't scream autism then I don't know what does

>can tell, even from that angle, that it's one of those jewel plugs

fucking hate those. so tacky.

I couldn't tell why this was posted since I've seen it randomly a few times. Now its all clicked together, holy shit

what went worng this guy seem really beta but still straight then he went full trannie?

Speedrunners are mentally ill.


RunnerGuy is bae

What does the other runners think of Cosmo's meltdown and self-destruction anyway? Have they commented on it since it happened?

he lost at a videogame or some shit and decided to stuff his face with hormones as a result
>but it makes no sense
trannies don't make sense


Hey got blown the fuck out so hard by JOHN FUCKING NUMBERS in a speed running competition that he lost his mind and became a woman. Mind broken from defeat.

one and done. I could "speedrun" a game just doing it the best I can on my second playthrough in NG+ without tricks and shit, but spending 10 hours to learn one trick to save 30 seconds WEW

He got fucked so hard by johnnumbers he became a tranny to escape the humiliation.


I remember there was a side picture showing his pathetic jawline. God what a fuckin ghoul.


Can you stop?

I don't get it

He also constantly mutters to himself, freaks out in bizarre ways and talks about wanting to upload his brain to a computer to preserve himself on stream. It's like the trauma triggered end-game schizophrenia.

Because only an autist finds it compelling to jump into corners for 10 hours to see if he can glitch through to make his record 0.2 seconds faster.


[spoilers]Sanic fast



You know how there's those fish in nature that change sex if there's not enough of the opposite sex?
That is what's happening here. The speed run community has like 0 females, so evolution kicks in and triggers some of the males to switch to females so that there is breeding potential. It's just nature doing its thing.

Dressing feminine and trying to make your voice softer is not becoming the opposite sex. Especially not now that progressives are all on about breaking down stereotypes.

>breeding potential
I don't think trannies work like that.

but trannnies will never be women

thats just his idle animation dude dont judge him

>so that there is breeding potential


Evil Sunz Ork clan - red ones really do go faster.

That's either a glitch where the real life loaded the wrong animations, or he did a very specific sequence and after he leaves the camera's view he wrong-warped to Ganon's Castle.


>average /r9k/ poster

Oh I know, we're not simple fish, trannies and transgenders are mentally ill, I'm just trying to find a scientific explanation for their illness

I'm not sure but I think that he was looking of an empty seat and tried doing something to make it look like he wasn't just standing there.

Ten hours to save 30 seconds lol
You don't know that they spend 100h on one segment to save 2-3 seconds do you

>Why is the entire gaming community so autistic?


I saw Narcissa Wright at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.

She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in her hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Ma'am, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.




I think it's part mental illness and the hugbox mentality of today. When I was a kid the faggots you see now a day would get the shit beaten out of them. Now everyone is so terrified to say a single word that offends everyone that I think some of these mentally ill people do this so they can do something were people literally want to make it illegal to speak against.

At first I thought he was being silly for the camera but after watching it a few times I'm not so sure.. Gonna have to analyze it further

The Sean Murray version is better.

And why are they all trans?

Oh, right, the autism.

Being trans is now oddly a popular thing. That and it's actively being protected so these morons are using it as a safe place from criticism.



What the fuck happened to Cosmo?

It all makes sense if you realize he's trying to act cool in a sort of quirky manner, basically like an anime character. Look at the way all of his movements are calculated. Stopping to a halt, scratching his head seemingly confused, putting his hand on his chin, ducking his way out of the camera in an awkward way... The guy is clearly living in his own fantasy world where he's the main character.

>play the same game for months, sometimes years on end hoping to shave milliseconds off your time

Gee, I dunno. It truly is a mystery why most people that do this are autistic

Can someone give me quick rundown on this thing?

It's a textbook example of autism.

>doesn't understand the point of games
>doesn't understand why games are fun
>obsessed with them anyway
>obsessed with completing them, breaking them, pushing them to their limits, memorising everything about them

Long story short he's this guy named Cosmo that use to be "famous" for his speedrun of Ocarina of time and a few others. He kept claiming no one could beat him. Then came JOHN FUCKING NUMBERS at a competition where he kicked his shit in. Almost immediately afterward he said he was a girl named "Narcissa". A very very ugly one at that.


you forget the part where he was like "m-my arthritis!!!"

Nigger human physiology is waaaaaaaay more complicated than fucking fish. A penis mutilated into vagina does not have the potential for birth, males do not and will not have the correct plumbing. So no matter what they will never be the opposite sex because the defining characteristic of a female is the ability to bear young.