How's your game going?
How's your game going?
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This is a humble reminder that learning how to develop your game from scratch (that is, not relaying in game engines such as unity and GMS) will take you closer to deploying a game and beat your competitors.
Because games and game development are so popular, and you are competing against other games for attention, it is in your interest to use more performant tools that allow you to program your game without cutting any feature or depending on closed software.
If you are interested in defeating your main oponents (those using game engines, like the ones listed in the op poster), here are some tips:
- Use efficient and performant programming languages, such as c++, rust or nim.
- Learn algorithms:
- Learn maths and physics:
- Learn how to get the most out of your cpu:
- Learn how to do graphics:
Good luck.
shit, nobody told me making games is actually for people with lots of capital to invest or people who know marketing. making an indie game is stupid as fuck. i am gonna go find a normal job so i can live a more decent life
Oh look it's this thread again
FUCK YOU to try to keep reminding me. I want to forget about it, but you needed to make your thread again, FUCK YOU!
months away from release
check it out on greenlight if you want
>super monkey ball ripoff
i'm sure you'll hit the big time this time, timmy
It's OK
That's not an SMB clone. The ball moves on its own instead of tilting the whole level to move. It just looks like an intertia based 3d platformer to me.
working on zelda 1 styled mmo HTML5 game
really basic right now but i've only been working on it for a very short period of time
>hurr durr meyk ur oan ngin feggit
Stop pasting this shit you absolute cock womble.
Time To Market is one of the top driving factors in any line of business. Rolling your engine (even for a 2D side scroller) is likely going to cost you 100+ man hours. And that's if you already familiar with programming. If not multiply that by 10 minimum.
If your game can be made in GMS with the end result being identical to making it in your own engine then why make it from scratch
For any new devs in here please be aware that this is shitposting/bait
steam today
I'll start when godot includes support for C# instead of some useless lang.
You're in luck, Godot 3 will support C#. Release is still a 2-3 months away though.
>not making 3D games
What are you some kind of dumb pleb?
I feel like dicking around and making a text adventure a la homestarrunner's Quest for Ye Flask (ie text commands plus simple graphical interface). What would you recommend?
Because making it from scratch will add at least 2 years to production!
I need more motivation
also failure today
decently enough
added message box system
GameMaker, Godot, Ren'Py
Ah, I remember this from months ago. Congrats user! Good luck with sales.
Will Godot 3 outclass Unity's 3D support?
Cool! Looks like it'll be fun
Where's your game?
Godot 3 has a completely rewritten 3D renderer, with modern PBR rendering and other fancy 3D stuff. So it's definitely on par with engines like Unity and UE4. It might not have as many built in materials as those engines though. But I'm sure some people will make some and release them on Godot's asset library.
It's a shitpost. Probably, anyway, it could be sincere, but still. A lot of people don't believe in using existing engines because it promotes laziness and deprives you of an incredible programming challenge. Some hardcore developers can be pretty passionate about that too, and won't trust any Unity/GM game to ever be good unless it goes above and beyond... which might also go for your made-from-scratch game as well. These people can have extreme standards. I mean it's understandable, video games are massive undertakings in all but the smallest forms.
It's good advice for the person or team who are not only dedicated, but experienced. Having your own engine means you can have fine control over literally everything; if you have an error or some kind of other mistake, you'll probably always know almost immediately what to do because you know the insides like the back of your hand. However, or a shmuck with a day job and basic coding knowledge,I say please don't be crazy and just stick to Unity or GM. Fuck, if you know how to break the mold, use RPG Maker for all I care if you have to. The biggest obstacle in game dev next to unwittingly developing something not fun is the danger of overwhelming yourself. Don't make things harder than you have to. Cut corners when it doesn't hamper creativity, do whatever you can to make things as easy as possible without compromise. Minimize the coding focus so you can go all out on other facets if you're also doing art or music and the like.
Remember, the end user gives no fucks whether you programmed the whole thing in c++ or not. Don't think you have to please hardcore programmers when they try to rag on you for doing things the easy way.
>gold nigga
>The spinning ball doesn't have a spinning dick to go along with it
I'm sorry, but that combat looks fucking terrible and I wouldn't play the game because of it.
Combat looks like those shitty meet and fuck games I jerk it to
Fucking awful that's what.
Trying to make a simple point and click adventure game but blueprints is beating me hard.
Anyone know why this isn't this working? And if not, how do I actually make something like it work?
Basically, I have a "Generic Object" blueprint with a variable for the mesh and one for the text that will appear when you examine it. And I want to feed that text into a widget so when the object is clicked it will use the objects text and make the widget visible.
Why is it so damn hard to edit variables from another blueprint, damn. I feel like a moron.
Thanks. Out of curiosity, does Ren'py allow for clicking on images to "search" for objects, or is it totally menu-based? This is not for a text adv. obviously, but still curious.
You have both of those things on input.
3 gurls and a golden nigger
Wow so diverse! I must get it.
This looks really great, man.
I'm downloading it now, I'll toss some sheckels your way when I get paid on friday.
Eh, doing alright, been working on cutscenes and all.
They haven't been proofread though so the english isn't that good at the moment. ( I'm not a native speaker )
it is going okay. made a simple level to introduce a new obstacle
Also this
Not really a fan of the in-game graphics. They don't look consistent at all. the world is all blurry, the characters have sharp outlines, but blurry shadows, it's weird looking.
The sprites for the characters talking look good though.
Well that spoiler got fucked up.
You mean I have two exec branches?
Even only using one it's not anything.
I think it can't find the reference or it can't assign something to something.
I thought it was gonna be early 2017?
Nice I've been waiting for one of these threads all day
So I actually started some shit today, downloaded godot and did tutorials for a few hours and tried to make my own thing but it is way more programming heavy than I thought. Should I keep trying? Try a different engine? Construct 2 was my next move
it's blackadin you shitlord
why did everyone find it fun before but not now? did I fuck up the trailer or something?
1 retarded asian, 1 thicc, 1 'girl' and 1 nigger, to be exact
As a non-programmer Constuct 2 is the thing that has made me be able to do the most things the easiest.
But it being HTML5 only makes it kinda awful.
>You mean I have two exec branches?
I have no idea what that is, i only used UE4 blueprints for a day. You mean you want one of those things to influence the other, right? It seems to me like they're both on the "in" parth of the "SET" function, so basically they're both thrying to set something, but there isn't anything on the right side to be set.
Just my idea though, i don't know shit about blueprints.
>why did everyone find it fun before but not now? did I fuck up the trailer or something?
I've always thought it looked like compelte trash, but saw no point in commenting on it.
A tranny a (white) Asian and a retarded looking thicc girl but why the golden negro I don't get it
Last time I even touched gamemaker was early December. I remember trying to learn dialogue and it was the most confusing shit on mars. Feeling like getting back into deving but trying out unity this time. I'm assuming there's actual tutorials and up to date books this time around.
Yeah I noticed it too, that's mostly because when I work on assets for the overworld I do it by drawing on photoshop with brushes and stuff, but when it comes to sprites I just make it via pixel art.
There were some delays from what I've read, and since compatibility is breaking with 2.x they're taking the time to add some other new compatibility breaking features, like a new and improved audio server.
From what I understand the new features are nearly complete now, alpha could be released in a month or so, and then it's bug fixing and polishing.
It'll probably have a useful error in your output log/message log
oh, right, that makes sense.
the nigra is to parody crazy black evangelists, basically.
I was going to make a few small browser style games first anyway, so this seems like the best move... would things I learn using construct translate to other engines like gamemaker? Obviously I'd like to eventually make steam and console games
Thank you for reminding me how collosal failure am I because I haven't touched UE4 since before christmas.
>want to work on games
>have no energy because I know it's impossible for me to actually finish something solo, it's not a valid means of personal income, and once I stop being a worthless neet I won't have any time to work on it anyways
I write music. Working on a project with another user right now; before I post those, some of my latest tracks:
I also write Sega Genesis music as a hobby:
(^from a soundtrack I worked on last year)
I've been commissioned by somebody to write a Shining Force-esque track, which I am pretty excited about, since it's been a while since i flexed my orchestral muscles with the Genesis soundchip.
You can always try Construct Classic aka Construct 1, though it's fairly old, no mac support (lol) and can be buggy. But it has .exe support, which C2 never had, ha. It's a nice little program.
You and me both buddy
Well fuck I wanted to start on spring break.
like dogshit
i upgraded my pc and came back to find a bunch of dumb bugs that I have no idea what's causing them, pic related
i ended up being able to fix this one but there are things about gamepad detection that completely fuck over some things I've done
plus I really need a GDD because I'm sitting on a pile of notes and I have no fucking idea what I wanted to achieve in the first place, i'm just sitting here fiddling with code with no game, no direction, and no gameplay
Animating butts.
Link? Can't find it.
The exec is the white lines/arrows. I.E, on event make X happen, so for me, on click, set text to this variable.
I'm not really sure what the right variable output does actually. But I can't find much that seem to help me if I drag a node off from it.
It does but due to my inexperience and general stupidity it's like reading moonrunes.
From what I've been able to comprehend it mostly just says "assigned to none", but I'm not sure how to assign it properly.
Also here's a battle track recently finished.
Composed by this fella
>would things I learn using construct translate to other engines like gamemaker?
Not too in my experience. I've never really bothered to properly learn GM though since I find the UI and workflow a bit annoying.
But I will teach you a bit of visual scripting that can be helpful I guess.
>You can always try Construct Classic aka Construct 1
There's also Clickteam Fusion, which is what Construct spun off from an angry developer. I have only used it a bit but I hear it has better performance than Construct 2. And native exe support.
Wrestling with a mesh for 2 months because I don't know anatomy or topology
The worst thing about that is that I have spend like 30 bucks on UE store for that Fist Person horror template (I had certain plans with it). Shitty impulse buy, I could have bought a new game with it instead.
What do you think of this title screen?
Maybe you should post the error message so people who are more experienced can interpret said moonrunes
GDScript is going to be mostly unchanged, just some new features, better performance, and a few name changes. Also the whole game structure, using nodes to make scenes in a scene tree is unchanged. So you could start learning the engine with Godot 2 and move to 3 once it's released.
Unless you specifically wanted C# or PBR 3D. In those cases I guess you'd need to wait.
It's fine, though the font for the selections should obviously not be arial.
It's hard to say anything else since it's not like we see anything other than some sky + menu options.
Is this a Binding of Isaac mod?
What is set to none? Hud examine text reference?
What are you currently doing to acquire the reference to it?
At this point you might think that nothing of this applies to you. Please, reconsider it:
- Data-Oriented Design (Or Why You Might Be Shooting Yourself in The Foot With OOP)
- Pitfalls of Object Oriented Programming
- common OOP game engine development pitfalls
- Three Big Lies
Think about it in this way: understanding how your computer work might not secure you success, yet it gives you a huge advantage in this race.
You might say that the latest famous indie game done in unity didn't put any effort into engineering at all, but this is only illusory. You cannot see how many hours, days and months the developers behind successful unity (and GMS) games had to put to work around its inherent limitations.
You can say to yourself "I don't need anything else, i'll relay in my luck" or think wisely and increase the likelihood of being success by expending some time learning more about computers.
Everything depends on you.
It's not Arial, it's probably worse than that. But I'm very confused by fonts licensing so I won't touch that for now.
Just wondering if there's something about it that particularly stands out as crappy.
Nope, it's a standalone game
I think these are good ideas for continued learning. However, for those who have making a game as their main objective, instead of piling on all the things you don't know and spending ungodly amounts of time to "learn and understand it all just right" you should go at your own pace and find a nice spot to start off. Whether that be one of the engines or learning to script.
Don't worry about "learning the wrong way" or anything like that. Quite a bit of things will relate to one another.
Working on a pixel art visual novel. Got the wife (male) doing the background graphics for it, coming out pretty well.
Oh. Sorry 'bout that.
Hud examine text reference?
I think so.
I created a variable called "Hud_ExamineText Reference" in the Generic Object blueprint that points to the widget I want to edit.
Now that you say it the Default Value of it is None(and it seems to not have any valid values'). Never really noticed that.
Is there another better way to do it?
I don't want to learn GDscript it's a pain to learn another language, and this one is useless outside godot.
I guess I'll check how the engine works to start programming when they release the 3.0 version.
>It's not Arial, it's probably worse than that. But I'm very confused by fonts licensing so I won't touch that for now.
Just use one of the many free open sauce fonts like the Liberation fonts for example.
>furry game
honestly you should team up with the furry punchout dev here
looks comfy as fuck, user
keep it up
Not bad. Not bad at all.
Remember to add an option for instant/near instant text scrolling. Fucking hate it when games force me to use a slow as fuck scrolling text forcing me to double click every single line of dialog.
>that points to the widget
Just making a widget reference variable doesn't automatically set it to point at the widget, you gotta actually set it.
Where is the widget? Did another object create it?
>shill unique looking game, pique interest
>don't provide a name
what did he mean by this?
how do i know the system requirements for my game?
i-it's not finished i just want to know.
Fuck off, making your own engine doesn't help you become successful.
haven't posted there in ages but the tactical rpg is still in progress
>Just making a widget reference variable doesn't automatically set it to point at the widget, you gotta actually set it.
Oh. Then I read that document wrong. How do I set it? Using the SET blueprint gives me nothing to work with.
>Where is the widget? Did another object create it?
The player character creates with widget with an Event BeginPlay. The actual widget works fine and displays the text from it's internal text variable(which is the one I want to edit from the other blueprint)
I really appreciate all the help user. Sorry if I sound so uninformed.
The yellow coin and pillar are two generic object blueprints.
maybe have the options larger and side by side
You know who made their own game engien from scratch?
The 2 guys working on overgrowth.
And you can see how well it is working out for them.
Try it with this font if you've got the time.
I've made some buttons with it and I've at least liked the look of it. It's free of use in commercial projects.
Is unity a good engine to make a max payne like game? or should I use Unreal engine?
I want projectiles and not hitscan
Fairly certain they even abandoned it and gave it to some other people to finish.
So the player is firing traces at objects?
Surely it'd be easier to just obtain the text from the object you hit, and then let the player deal with the widget itself.
Going ok, making some NPC
Thanks that looks great, and the variations are pretty cool too.
Anyone like to work on reviving dead MMOs? This is a game i've been working on for a few years now. The game is called RaiderZ and it was considered as a "TERA clone" for a while, the main development company behind it (MAIET Entertainment) went under about a year ago, and I enjoyed the game so I decided to pick up development of it where they left off. Pic is ingame, I'll post a pic of the servers running in a moment.