Th...think of the trannies Bioware!

Th...think of the trannies Bioware!

Do we really need representation for a minority group that is under 0.5% of the population?

0.1% in the USA currently.

We need representation for midget one legged trans black women

The correct answer is no. But sjw's will tell you otherwise. But only sane people realize that they dont matter

do you autistic virgins lurk every gaming journalism who doesn't share the same mindset as you? I wouldn't even know wtf a sjw is if it wasnt for you Sup Forums cunts

Wow so you would rather have a bunch of shitty journalists ruin your game for you. Like Mass Effect and Yooka Laylee. We dont want politics affecting our video games. We just wanna play


Here's an idea. I know it might seem crazy at first but stay with me.

Imagine this... Like how about instead of clicking on clickbait shit and getting angry over it and making threads here you just don't click on it?

Or better yet and this might seem even crazier. How about... Seriously, listen first... How about just not visiting those sites in the first place?

No, but if you're gonna put them in your game, you may as well do it right.

This is what happens when you import your workforce from patriarchal countries like India. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a gangrape at Bioware in the future.

But if we did that, Sup Forums would lose its spot as the most active board.

Next thing you'll say that we should be enjoying video games. What a preposterous notion!

We might as well not do it at all. Trannies are mentally ill pieces of human waste. No one wants to be them, no one would want to fantasize it either.

You should've left out where it was from, I like the mystery and guessing which click bait website it came from!

No, i dont give a shit what these fucks say. If i think the game looks fun and exciting i will buy it.


look at all the representation attack helicopters get. it's only right.

Nah, it happens all over the place. Try going to college, it's fucking miserable. Also, Sup Forums hated shitty games sites like kotaku and polygon long before Sup Forums was a thing.

You should probably go back to

This is why you never give a mouse a cookie


I don't get it, if I was trans, I wouldn't want trans people to be represented in everything. The point of transitioning is so that people see you as the gender you identify as, not as a transwoman/man. You just shouldn't be able to tell if a character is trans or not, because it shouldn't matter, especially in a sci fi universe where sex reassignment surgery should be really good by then.

but 55% of white women voted for trump

Oh boy, well have fun wasting your cash you degenerate piece of subhuman garbage.

>bioware has been quiet since release, just like ME3
>the drama will commence about 1 month after release just like last time

I can't fucking wait

I never had problems at my college. I just ignored them.


My girlfriend and I voted Trump and so did her friends and family you faggot. Go back to crying in the corner you communist socialist loving faggot

Well yeah, you've got to. But that doesn't change the fact that they still try to shove it down your throat


>says the autistic cunt who gets upset because dumb trannies gets paid to write shitty article

Stop letting them live in your head rent free Sup Forums cuck

only sane person in this thread. Fuck all of you for bringing attention to this shit 24/7. You're your own worst enemy.

I have went to two colleges on the east coast and can tell you that they are loud and very physically violent. I kicked the shit out of 3 of those commie fucks on the way to my mathlab one day

>Sup Forumsirgin pretending to have a gf and friends


That commie fucks name? Albert Einstein.

MtF trans here. No we don't. I don't want it, and I don't get it. The best part about female vidya characters, and the ability to customize your own(In shit like ME) is that I CAN be female in those games.

Realistically if you want to marry a Virgin you probably are going to stay alone.

Glad you know it now

Your girlfriend sucks dwarf cock.

Wouldn't a tranny want to play a female character?

Fuck you are right ;_; go hillary go! 2020 is your year hun

How is it being mentally ill and trying to suicide every so often you subhman filth

The tolerant alt right, everyone.

But you ARE a girl ;^)

back to neogaf with you faggot

Why are you mentioning hilliary? She lost and i also voted for trump but you should know shit threads like this is ruining Sup Forums

more like the faggot altright

It's pretty easy to do it right, you don't have the character declare it.

But I guess that wouldn't be realistic

>Trannies are mentally ill pieces of human waste.

I mean that may be true but look where we are.


This is kind of what I would be curious about. I'm not Trans but I would imagine a trans person would care more about being able to play as their respective gender(sex?). Like if I was a boy who transitioned to being female, I would just wana play as a girl instead of some inbetween option.

bad thread man


This is why I hate when people say there are more than two genders, because generally they mean "transboy" or "transwoman" or whatever.

The entire point of being trans is to "fix" yourself and become the gender you identify with.

It's a zero sum game. You're either a man or a woman. Biologically, through surgery, whatever.

You were a man and you got the surgery? 'Grats, you're a woman. End of fucking story.

well meme'd my man

I want someone to link me some 3d loli

Says the tolerant alt left with their communist guns and communist fists ready to punch nazis

Bioware can't even get basic normal human interaction right and these faggots want them to focus on creating a well researched perfect transsexual character that perfectly represents their fetish subculture.

Just how arrogant and entitled will these lefty degenerates get?

There should be a futanari option in a scifi game though... also fantasy games because of magic potions.

t. Sean Hannity


Aww man i didn't think blaire white would be playing video games


I don't understand transfags, if you think you're a woman then pick the woman and if you think you're a man pick the man

at a certain point your just bitching that it doesn't have your very specific headcanon option in it and that the npcs don't point it out at every opportunity, in which case you can join all the furries and other autistic weirdos and fuck off

Everyone saw you run away and cry on live TV, Richard. But that's OK, because there's nothing wrong with crying. Wuss.

That's the joke, dunce.

He has a show on Fox and he always rants about the "alt left".

I dont know who that is

No, but as long as transsexualism and an unusually high interest/aptitude for the tech and software sectors goes together (in per capita comparison to other sexualities/gender identities) you should expect some of them to be vocal about it.

The ovens just got 10 degrees hotter.

Richard is a zionist controllled opposition out to make us look bad

no. the reason this happens is that the west doesnt have some indie games/nerdy mediums about it, like yaoi/bara shit, and devs to actually produce it. so they all rush into all the blockbuster games like this to release their sexual stresses/desires.

As long as you're trying to be the little girl, user. That's the ideal El Mooto founded this site on.

A game made by sjws is torn apart by sjws. Prove that this god damned “culture“ is eating itself.

Because these faggots have increasingly powerful amounts of influence. Just because you ignore a parasite doesn't mean it isn't suckinh your blood.

I dont watch Saudi funded news shows because unlike you; you are a cuckold faggot.

Here is a picture of your group

She's a mtf trans youtuber opposing pc and sjw culture. You should check her out, she's cool.

it's an extreme minority of trans that have been given a voice by SJWs; don't think even a hint of the 0.1% of trans that exist agree with retards like Wu or are as fucked in the head as Narcissa

but I thought your God Emperor won and all the sjwliberalbetajewcuckshills are gone forever

But if we don't get multiple scenes of, "It's so hard, guise! You don't understand!!" then it doesn't count.

It has one NPC, that is not even an actual quest-giver, mention in a side-sentence, between to commas, that she used to be a man called Dave.
That is ALL the trans-content in the entire game. Just in case you were wondering.
The problem for trans people is: She tells you the name she was originally born with out of nowhere. Apparently this is something trans people don't like to do - therefore the trans-hate.

They are breaking down crying and acting like children you communist faggot shill

>I wouldn't even know wtf a sjw is if it wasnt for you Sup Forums cunts

Translator's note:
It means
>I wish I was still ignorant
It shows the Sup Forums poster's lack of understanding that not knowing about a problem does not make it go away.

But what if I want my character to be a girl today and a guy tomorrow? Why is Bioware so transphobic that they won't let me play my genderfluid character?

You're trying too hard.

Pick one and fucking stay there.

not like there's a difference 2bh

#MAGA with us, narcissa!

318,9 million usa citizens
0.1% are trannies
that means 318 900 trannies

That's enough to replace the entire population of Malta!

You didnt try hard enough

the fuck do you think you are, a T-1000?

And then all the other students stood up and started clapping

>tfw no ambiguously sexed partner

Did any of you actually read the article? The author is complaining about how the trans character in the game is forced and poorly written, being characterized almost solely by her gender identity when that aspect should be a secondary consideration based on her role as research director.

Oh man top kek, I fucking love that frog meme! You sure showed those cucks with your epic memeing!

No one cares about transfreaks. Literally no one. These are people so dumb they actually think loading themselves up with hormones and having a doctor castrate/mutilate them will make them happy.

What's wrong with open carry?

>bioware montreal panders to SJW as their Leaf culture demands them to
>SJW attack them anyway

They're raking themselves.

>MFW 8 years of harvesting leftard tears


>Don't include trans characters
Why aren't there any trans characters??

>Include a trans character, but make no mention of the fact that they're trans
Why aren't there any trans characters??

>Include a trans character and call attention to the fact that they're trans
That's not how it works!!

The only faggots with an increasing powerful amount of influence are brain dead hard-right conservatives running the nation into the fucking ground.

literally pic related: the post