Would it be better for fans if Nintendo stopped making hardware...

Would it be better for fans if Nintendo stopped making hardware? I'm a hardcore Nintendofag but the thought of playing a non-crippled BotW on my gaming PC is orgasmic

For a multitude of reasons that have been covered in hundreds of threads before, the answer is no.

No. Keep dreaming, and quit asking.

why do nintendofags get so mad when this subject is raised? too poor to buy non-nintendo hardware?

Nintendo are the ONLY company still making interesting hardware.

Everyone else has long since given up.

>B-but muh graficks!

Stagnation or Innovation? What would you rather have?

Funny because everyone on /v seems to cry that Nintendo products are too expensive. Ho hum.

Reminder that the hardware is shit to compensate for the devs, not the other way around

Not mad. We just don't need yet another duplicate thread wasting space in the catalog.

Interesting hardware is a gimmick, but the PC can use all sorts of input devices anyway. The only actually "interesting" hardware out now is VR stuff with no games.

Personally I'd prefer it since I mostly play on my PC anyway, but I do think the switch is an interesting console that I'll probably get if it ever has games that I want