Dead Space

Let's all take a moment to discuss the greatest horror game ever created.

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Maybe, for me its the greatest sc-fi action game series ever created. It all hinges on the EA understanding that this series is not suppose to cater to the wide audience.

Sure it tries, but come on now.
Still a great game.

Nice jokes OP

>the greatest horror game ever created
It's a good game, I'm not going to say otherwise, but come on user, it's not even scary

>puzzle and mysterious fog simulator

>implying the original doesnt embody horror with its claustrophobic atmosphere and tension

>Dead Space Anonymous 03/29/17(Wed)03:24:11 No.37
RE4 clone

Dead Space isn't really scary, outside of "Oh fug, dem spesh zombies are gonna get me :DDDD" sense.

>claustrophobic atmosphere
Agree, the game does a great job at that
Not really. The only sense of tension comes from wondering whether you have enough ammo/health packs, not really from the fear of enemies

Resources should have been much, much more scarce. Even on Impossible the game showers you with ammo, credits, and health. 2 has the exact same problem with Hard Core.

This game tried very hard to mix System Shock and Event Horizon, but in the end it only borrowed the worst things about them.

Best Resident Evil 4 in space game.
Dear god did I love 1 and 2.

Eurogamer made a video on what the developers wanted dead space to be verses what EA wanted it to be.

What went so right?

And how did one franchise fall so fucking far?

The turret sections ruined DS1. Otherwise it would have been an easy 9/10.

>from wondering if you have enough ammo/health packs
You need those two things to survive being attacked by enemies, so the tension comes from fear of the enemies. Think nigga

The one moment that stays in my mind is when one monster ran past a doorway in the distance and I, thinking it was gone because fake scare, went to said doorway, only to find it standing right around the corner. That was the one moment the game actually managed to surprise me, scare-wise.
The accelerated zombies were pretty creepy in their movements though.
Oh and those tall/thin men. Jesus fuck those guys creeped me out.

>crap MC
>more crappy characters
>mediocre lore
>so many jump scares
>MC can talk now
>acts like a regular a savior and still hardy have personality
>introduced new MC girl who later gets forced into becoming love interest
>horror pretty good this but still TOO MANY GOD DAMN JUMPSCARES
>forced love triangle
>way more action than the first two
>added a nice kid friendly weapon customization
>multiplayer for story felt nice even when the added character didn't fit in the plot from the beginning level

3 looked dire from the very fucking beginning. Universal ammo, crafting system, "open" world, human enemies, love triangle. What a shit fucking mess. They even somehow managed to make the plasma cutter unsatisfying to use.

>What went right?
Spooky goat carcasses on the main menu
>How did one franchise fall so fucking far?
pic related

Were there really people that got so scared the stopped playing it and never finished it?

I mean it was scary sure but not so scary.

I feel like Alien Isolation is scarier but DS is the better "game", as in there isn't a weak point of it compared to how Isolation falls off when the xeno disappears half way through the game.

Game spooked me pretty hard when I played it on release as an 11 year old. The regenerator scared me so bad I had to take breaks from playing.

DS1 > DS2 > DS3

Don't talk shit about my husbando.


I'll talk shit about him anyway even if I did enjoy all 3 of the main games

Still hate 3 more than any of the other main 2 with all my heart

What would you want to see in Dead Space 4? (never coming out)

Customizable weapons in DS3 was the fucking shit

>dead space
>not horror
why is it that in every single thread there's a retard that NEEDS to voice his contrarian opinion like anyone gives a shit


best line of the series

>tfw the original plot of DS3 was much better than the shit we got.

In terms of horror
DS1 > > DS2 > > > > DS3

In terms of the complete package
DS2 > DS1 > > > > > > DS3

I fucking came at that line

because this is the place bitter, jaded and angry manlets gather to be mad at the world together

Return of the Advanced Suit. Most beautiful set of armor ever designed.

Don't remind me.

A lot of the atmosphere reminded me of Doom 3. I'm sure they even used Doom 3 as inspiration because it is unavoidable how similar they are.

It improved the formula RE4 introduced. Dead Space is objectively the better game.

I mean, that's why I'm hear

Not DS1 but happened to me with Amnesia. See, when you are low on sanity some things in the environment change. For example, take the paintings of Alexander that are about the place which look normal at first, but when your sanity is low they turn into pic. When I saw it for the first time I alt+f4 the game and never touched it since then. Fuck that.

i do not agree with your statements, pls end life for better quality of discussion in thread

The problem is this game is too much of an action shooter. It isn't a survival horror game in the same way Silent Hill 1-4 were and RE 1-3, Code Veronica and Zero were.

You can't just simply limit that stuff in Dead Space and expect it to work. The gameplay doesn't compliment doing that.

>cloth mask over a metal helmet
Good design choice. Wouldn't have been able to tell Tau Volantis was cold if Isaac's RIG wasn't also clad in fur.

I heard somewhere the third games coop was gonna be different. Carver was supposed to be an illusion caused by Isaac's insanity. Fuck dude just picture the whole game being like the coop missions.

>dude quit lying thats a dead body
>no nigga listen it's a fucking toy soldier
>whatever bro go ahead and keep making shit up

Blew me away when I realized he was serious. We needed more dementia shit like that.

Autism Creek

The Vintage Suit was more up my alley.

Looked simplistic and practical, fitting for mining and engineering, and big enough to be something you'd want to wear for protection during an unusually shitty situation.

better than shit creek

I'm pissed I never got to experience 3's coop. I heard it's the only redeeming quality.

>>>/Reddit/ is that way friendo.

>is able to endure the cold of space
>but not the planet

That would be Cryostasis

Is it really that great? I bought it a while ago, played few hours and then dropped because it was so boring and not scary at all. Did i miss something? Does it get better? All i saw was same brown tube everywhere and same boring monster with same boring jump scare noise over and over again.

What was it?

this isnt silent hill 2

I don't get it

These are what you call EAfags, user.

My main gripe with Dead Space 2 was that it felt like it was starting to turn into a Hollywood blockbuster. I noticed this from the very first E3 gameplay/trailer they showed.

I can only play like 2 hours a month. Tops.

>Dead Space

Like what said

Isaac was meant to be way crazier than we thought. Carver would be present the whole game only to reveal he was an illusion caused by the marker. Like what one of the CoD campaigns did.

>greatest horror game ever made.

I guess if you were like 12 when it came out.

>the tension sometimes reach such levels that I need to put down the game for a while and come later when I'm refreshed

Love it
I prefer the second though

,>the greatest horror game ever created.

that game was typical jump scare garbage

>never finished it
No, not quite. But I did give it a break after the intro where you flee to the elevator.

I just put it down for a while, and then pulled myself together and started playing the game again.

But I was never very good with horror games. I get spooked easily.

>typical jump scare garbage
>there's literally only 1 jump scare in the beginning

I could tell the series was going to start switching to action and setpieces as soon as I saw the train needlessly explode after nearly crushing Isaac. Pure action garbage.

Hate to tell you but the majority on Sup Forums are teens to maybe early 20's at most. Very few people here over the age of 25.

>tfw you remember you're 26
Fuck when did that happen

Staying warm in space is relatively easy because your heat isn't wicked away by the atmosphere and wind. In space there is no medium for your body heat to transfer out of your suit.

>Dead Space is almost 9 years old
Holy fuck times flies.

IDK but I turned 28 a couple weeks ago and I think I'm going to have to remove this site from my bookmarks.

Maybe I'm just noticing it because I'm getting too old to be here but it seems Sup Forums has much more young people than any other board I go to.

yea woow jump scares and action sequences spoooky

What did he mean by this?

Maybe the Valor soldiers would have survived if they used something other than the shit-ass pulse rifle.

>Cold of space

Nigga, do you even physics?