When and why did you quit?
Go on, we all know your bought it.
When and why did you quit?
Go on, we all know your bought it.
I didn't quit.
I quit about a month ago.
Just got bored of it I guess. Might check out 7.2 though I doubt it.
quit in december
it was a good expansion - leveling, demon hunter, the new dungeons were all good. suramar was amazing.
i just didnt want to join a raid group or do the challenge mode dungeons. so i quit.
i'll return before the next expansion comes out in fall '18 to see what i missed.
I wish I could just play once in a while without being behind because I don't devote a bunch of time every week to the grind. Fun game but it would be a lot better if gear and grinding wasn't so in the way.
I haven't.
Fight me.
I bought collectors edition. Logged in, played for 20 minutes and left.
I think I grew out of WOW.
I would probably play more if going through the class campaign on alts wasn't mandatory for the third relic slot.
The #1 thing I hated about MoP and WoD were the legendaries.
Legion made it the problem several times worse.
Quit about 2 months ago, all i did was queue random bgs and skirmishes because rated pvp went to complete shit and was unbearable. For some reason the queues became incredibly long out of nowhere, bg would be like 10min and skirmish somewhere around 1-5min. Did abit of world quests/follower missions and herbalism for token money as well
in conclusion - game is shit and deserves to die
burned out after 2 months of 12hr/day grinding
I bought it late Nov. I of course made a memehunter. I quit in Jan after I cleared everything but mythic raiding and had 890 ilvl and BiS legendaries. Before NH was released. I can't do progression raiding since I'm on satellite and I wouldn't even bother if I had a good connection. You really get burned out running the same shit over and over, regardless of difficulty. Running the same shit on Mythic after clearing it 2-3 times on lower difficulty isn't going to make the game more fun.
I bought it a few days after launch and quit in early October. Got busier with school and was getting bored
Last month. Fuck the AP grind and fuck RNG legendaries, I can feel accomplished with both by playing D3.
>ran out of gold
>didn't feel like farming
>got bored
My guild drove me out of the game for utter incompetence.
They systematically ruined every bit of effort. Half of them could not DPS to save their fucking life. I am talking sub 200k at 850+ ILevel.
By the time i got my Xavius hc kill it was on fucking farm by every fucking guild on the server for weeks. Fucking never mind them trying to do Trial. They fucking could not even do normal Oydin right.
mythic guilds falling apart left and right. heroic is to casual. mythic guilds are way to try hard.
got 54 traits finish some mythic
work and college getting in the way.. can't keep up with the constant ap grind anymore.
better to just let it go finally.
I never quit, but I am currently stuck on a loading screen and need to Alt-F4 the game.
I quit at the end of WoD just because I was bored. I came back for a week and just never played again after that week for whatever reason. I really like what they did with Assassination Rogues seeing as that was my main at the time, but I just never feel like playing it anymore and I can't put my finger on why that is.
I never bought it, is it worth coming back now? Last time i played was in mid-WoD.
Haven't touched retail since WOTLK.
The MMO RPG in the game is long gone. After Diablo 3 why would I ever be hyped for a Blizzard game ever again?
I quit when legion launched fell into the FFXiv meme
I quit way before legion, right at the moment they removed single minded fury and forced le epic two hander dual wielding on fury warriors.
You want to try playing an MMO when you have 2000 ping all the time?
Still playing. Never touched mythic dungeons or anything past LFR. Don't care either.
The game time for gold thing is literally the perfect way to get people to quit.
>Oh I'll just buy all my gametime with gold
>Whoops the price got raised, guess I'll go play something else, this game isn't really fun anyways.