Alright Sup Forums. Which of these was the biggest pile of shit?
Alright Sup Forums. Which of these was the biggest pile of shit?
Millions of dollars spent to make it.
Nobody bought it.
Tons of people fell for One Man's Lie.
and honestly Andromeda didn't actually get as much shit as you think it would have. People still bought it.
After last update, NMS is breddy gud desu
Still not remotely what was promised and Lied about.
At least it was financially successful.
I honestly have no idea how they can ever recover from Blunderborn. That was the most pathetic waste of effort I've seen in a long time.
NMS is the biggest pile of dumbster trash shit
At least the other 2 had some parts of "video game" in them.
NMS has no game, at all.
mass effect
simply because atleast the devs of battleborn and no mans sky tried
Don't care and don't know what that hipster-monkey promised, I'm leaving raging posts\comments for nu-Sup Forums kids. Bought game for 15€ and I'm having a blast,
>Battleborn isn't even the #1 failure
Bobandy can't do anything right
What changed?
Wether people fell for it or not does not change the fact nms is much worse of a game then battleborn.
Sales say other wise.
At least NMS is getting better.
Can't say the same for Battleborn.
Poor Randy
>base building
>More in-depth weapon and ship rankings
>can buy freighters now
>inprovements on more minor stuff
Still a long way to go
racist and sexist much?
No Man's Sky because it disappoint everyone and blatantly lied. Battleborn has its fans and can only blame itself for picking a fight with the bigger stronger dog, and Andromeda still has a pretty sizable amount of people who like it, myself included
I would play ME:A if I was absolutely out of games or if it was the only game I could play.
Battleborn and No Man's Lie are absolute trash that I wouldn't play if it was all I had to do with myself.
No Man's Sky. Battleborn could've been really good if it wasn't made by Gearbox and at least Andromeda was technically finished. NMS was a broken train wreck that didn't deliver even half of its promises.
I went for Andromeda.
Because as much as NMS might be considered "disappointing", at least it wasn't full of SJW propaganda. SJW propaganda cannot be excused.
Fuck BioWare, fuck SJW cunts in this fucking industry, fuck Battlefield 1 and its distortion of history, fuck all these SJW wankers.
I looked at it today, it looks quite cool.
They introduced base building a while ago, and now you can have cars as well (and hover bikes, and big storage trucks).
I think you can do races in the vehicles as well.
It's quite cool, but progress is very slow. I'm still not going to pick it up, for the simple reason that it doesn't have an engaging story / career mode. It's just fucking repetitive. If it was engaging and involving and varied then I'd consider it.
Battleborn: actually good, in some ways superior to overwatch. Failed because it was release on the same day as overwatch. Seriously, it's like releasing a open world, sandbox game alongside with a new GTA
Andromeda: shit game, still everything what they promised and what you expect from a mass effect game for the most part.
No Man's Sky: boring, shallow garbage fueled by lies. A early access, beta version sold at full price. Even after the update the game is still pure garbage.
From the 3, NMS is definitely the biggest blunder. Sadly, it sold like hot korean virgins thanks to the hype and lack of information about the final product.
No Man's Sky was such a well-documented trainwreck on every level that it managed the impossible and redpilled a ton of casuals on preordering games.
>No Man's Sky devs
>actually good
>superior to overwatch
At least Mass Effect and NMS sold copies and made money for their producers.
Battleborn accomplished literally nothing.
They had a launch party in Dallas and invited a bunch of people. Open bar. I got trashed, still didn't buy the game. Get fucked, Randy.
It does have more depth, but so does every other online shooter including Chinese bootlegs.
many things; they released two big expansions, rehauled base game and added survival mode. First expansion basically is minecraft in the space (buildings and housing on a home planet of your choice, planting and a new vendors system) and last one added class fighters, moon rover, photo mode and a fuckton things.
>Players can now find and claim empty bases, dotted across each planet
>Players can build up their bases in exchange for resources gathered while exploring
>Introducing the concept of farming, allowing players to grow their own crops
>10 types of plants have been introduced, which can be grown in your base
>30 new resources added to the game, a number of which come from plants
>A range of new non-playable characters (NPCs) has been aded to the game
>Players can hire NPCs from space stations, and build work stations in their bases which their recruits will work at
>Hireable NPCs are: Builder, Farmer, Scientist, Engineer
I don't know if I would call No Man's Sky a blunder, it just felt like money making scheme luring in clueless casuals with "YOUU CAN DOO EVEERYTHING!!!", taking the pre-order money and farting in their face before getting the fudge out.
Stillborn and Andromeda are projects of love that ended up being laughable trash. I'm going to say Andromeda because Bioware has somewhat of a legacy.
>people think Andromeda is the biggest blunder
Bioware made bank and the game isn't nearly as shit as people believe it is. animations and writing are shitty.
Battleborn of the other hand was a colossal financial failure since nobody bought it and they continue to shovel out DLC as a pale hope to get people to play the game. Characters looks fucking awful, Playing the game is impossible due to the HUD being a cluster fuck and the acting and writing is some of the cringiest bullshit imaginable that it would put Chris chan to shame.
But somehow you limp dicks think some bad animations make Andromeda the worst thing.
People actually bought that game with all it's defects.
Nobody touched Stillborn with it's everything.
Did they ever fix the shitty hyperspeed shit in NMS? I can't even comprehend waiting a minute to get to somewhere in a game. Like honestly what made them think that was a good idea?
Still no multiplayer.
Still just scanning shit until the end of time. Or until you realize that is all you will being doing anymore.
Still fucking boring.
Game has to load somehow.
>I can't even comprehend waiting a minute to get to somewhere in a game.
But yet you have done it countless times in other games. You know. Loading screens.
A blunder doesn't necessarily mean profits. It's merely a fuck-up or mistake.
Bioware is a AAA company, they had a colossal budget and many years to produce this thing and the end result looks like some intro to animation with a script written by the darkest depths of tumblr. Not to mention all of the bugs the game shipped with, puts Bethesda games to shame.
Some people will look at all the bold faced lying from Sean Murray and the game that actually came out and say "Wow this is a gigantic pile of shit and so is the dev team for telling me different."
And others, like yourself, look at the objective failure of Battleborn and the desperate flailing by Gearbox and Randy to get it above water when it's already on the ocean floor.
There's no right answer, it's subjective.
Yes but they're loading screens and they're never an entire fucking minute. This tries to pass itself off as actual gameplay by not taking you out at all. It's retarded. Doesn't even give you anything to do while you wait.
This garbage
At the very least, NMS is still getting updates. It may very well be finished some day.
I'm gonna say Andromeda. A game so bad, even biodrones can't defend it.
No mans buy is the biggest blunder.
Nobody plays battleborn so that is out of the question and andromeda was just fun to watch at least.
battleborn devs tried too hard
>simply because at least the devs of battleborn and no mans sky tried
So your saying Andromeda is a better game even if they weren't trying?
Because will all the little nitpicks and animations issues it is more of a game than NMS and less of a colossal financial fuck up as Battleborn.
Battleborn - Tried really fucking hard to make a game and failed really fucking hard.
NMS - Tried to make a game, Got bought and got shit on for lies.
ME:A - Didn't try in the least. Got bought and just gets people bitching about animations.
Seem's to me Andromeda isn't nearly as bad as everyone wants it to be.
the difference is nms and battleborn are two new ips while mass effect has a fanbase who still bought the game eventhough it's just as bad as battleborn or nms
NO Man's Sky looks like a complete, masterpiece and 10/10 game compared to those two.
Hi Sean
NMS easily, no matter how much they fix it now, the damage is done
No Man's Sky, I was at least waiting something mildly entertaining, didin't even delivered that. I was expecting the other to be total shit though.
And my point is Mass effect Andromeda isn't a bad game. Just has shitty animations. It's not a good game either. Just mediocre.
While Battleborn is irredeemable shit and NMS is a fucking meme that's just as mediocre as Mass effect.
ME:A being voted biggest pile of shit is kind or retarded seeing as Battleborn is on the list and has failed both financially and critically when ME:A was just kind of critically panned like NMS.
ME:A is only voted the worst because it is the new thing to shit on right now. not because it is actually the worst.
Yet It still made bank and it is just a mediocre game otherwise.
People just writing it up as the worst being they fell for the lie.
Game was financially successful while just being hated due to people's incompetence.
Oh wow neat
>5 minutes into reinstalling
>try to mine one of those retarded looking giant gold nugs
>fall through world
>land in invisible underground ocean
>surface of ocean is several hundred yards below ground level
>swim to shore of actual ocean, hoping to clip through where it meets land at sea level
>now stuck under ocean floor
>lose everything in suit inventory
>Forgot I stacked all my Atlas Stones in my suit inventory since I was so thrilled to be able to stack them at all
>swim to ocean floor, can't clip through ground again
>no way to recover them
>uninstall game
10/10 so glad they finally introduced base building, everything else was obviously fine
>All these people saying NMS
Seriously? It's indeed shit, but battleborn is on another level. All that money and time spent on that shit is something rarely seen. The general drama surrounding it was also impressive.
People shat on NMS the first month and then it was quickly forgotten, and despite everything it sold. Battleborn on the other hand hasn't been forgotten and it probably won't end here. There is a reason it's the most mocked game of this gen