What are some games that heavily feature claustrophobia?

What are some games that heavily feature claustrophobia?

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Wow, that really sucks for him.

Imagine being this retarded.

How did this even happen? Did they crush him before putting him in or did the rocks close in on the skeleton witht time


probably fell in and couldn't get out


spine ribs etc would fall into the crevice


how long do you think it took for that poor bastard to die?

I imagine VR could give a good claustrophobic experience.

Not as long as you'd think. Although they can go a long time without food, they really need water to survive. They can't maintain many metabolic functions without it, even properly regulating body temperature. He probably died within a day or two, but that's still very sad.


...so why didn't they just fill him up with morphine and break his legs?

It would take a little more time for that to happen, I think. There's still some tissue on its head, so it probably died relatively recently.

Why didn't they just dig?

because the shock could've proved fatal since he had been upside down for so long. Before they knew it he was dead and they hadn't tried anything like breaking his legs or digging ( )

>natural selection.jpg

why the fuck is it called nutty putty

did he died?

The part that stings is that the cave is called Nutty Putty. Imagine getting killed by something with a goofy name like that. It should be named Cavern of Death or something.

his skeleton is literally still wedged in that exact spot, and the cave was closed off

Devil's Appendix.

Yeah, they were able to start pulling him out after some time, but something happened and he was dropped back down headfirst.

Once your nuts deep you're squished like putty

Didn't he have a wife? What sort of person hooks up with an idiot like this

When it comes out that they like to do potentially suicidal shit like crawling into tiny holes in caves, it's time to end the relationship






nah, they couldn't lift him because his legs. I'm pretty sure he died from complications of being upside down for 24 hours or however long it was

It got stuck and died of dehydration in that crevasse. Then the soft tissues rotted away.

Or time to buy some life insurance

Dead Space?

Someone post that thing about some kids getting lost in the french catacombs

Holy fuck. Poor bastard.


it doesn't suppose to be funny

Where's the "sick treasure here" image

>24 hours
I wonder if he shit himself before the end

Is it a true story? I thought it was just a movie.



Why do I feel bad about the deer but couldn't care less about this dumb fuck?


is he okay?

They successfully got him free enough to start pulling him up but then one of the cable anchors came loose dropping him even farther down

Thank you bud

There's probably some epic loot inside though.

Maybe I'm wrong and it was in those famous ukranian catacombs, but a couple of kids went there to drink in New Year's eve and one of them died, I remember a especially disturbing photo of it

Who hides epic loot underwater in a cave? Only a sadist who wants you to die retrieving it, that's who

Don't fall into their trap

Or pirates who have so much fat loot they had to hide it.

This what you are talking about?

Because the deer is an innocent animal that isn't very smart, or fell in there in accident. A person should know better than to get into that sort of situation.

>There is nothing in here worth dying for

That sounds exactly like what someone would say if there was something in there worth dying for! Check mate Reaper!

Because the deer doesn't know any better and probably slipped in that rock. This fucker was crawling in the cave because he wanted to explore it and died being a retard.

>rotted away
his back was almost definitely eaten by vultures/other predators
possibly before it actually died.

>DO go beyond this point

>Yamcha's here!

Fuck I keked

The deer accidentally got trapped.

Nutty McPuttyson knew the risks and still went crawling through a fucking deathtrap.

Here you go
He was still alive when the pic was taken
He had a wife and a kid. The wife found another idiot just a few months later
poor guy

>came here to discuss vidya
>end in a nightmarefuel /x/ thread

Shit`s paranormal.

>someone sees a little hole like that
>better go inside
not poor guy
just guy

Pirates bury their treasure numpty

>The wife found another idiot just a few months later
how do you know?

No, that picture is from some other guy who was messing around with lads somewhere else. The guy in that picture is fine last I checked.

Tried to google it. I smell a trap.

animals are like dumb innocent children who dont meddle with human affairs

people aint in any danger and we got plenty of these useless fucks sharing this same air, so we couldnt realistically give a fuck about anyone's death. It would have to be personal, or you could start crying about how someone died on this gay earth every 5 seconds.

People call it edgy, but that is reality. We dont got time to mourn every fuck, only those we care about close to us.

but animals are all innocent cause you dont expect better of them.

It was his hole

It was made for him

Rate my rescue plan:
>lay a thick sheet of metal over the hole to prevent shit falling in
>use jackhammer to pick out a cavity above his feet
>winch him up

he just wanted to find a new section of the cave so he could name it "John's Push"

Darwin would be proud

>Tiny ass narrow hole in the floor


there's no room to bring any of that kind of equipment to where he was stuck

Rate mine
>get a bunch of cement
>pour it in


You have never used a jackhammer

Why the FUCK would he go into that tiny ass hole, before that point it looks like there's some space to maneuver.. FUCK.

>Someone fucking died in a cave called Nutty Putty
>And it was entirely because of his own stupidity
Holy fucking shit

are these signs underwater or what


thats the feet of the rescuer nearest him iirc

Do you think he thought it at some point?
I want to believe he said "Swooce Swooce" as he got stuck

Yeah, So fish can also read the signs to avoid the treasure


its for diving into underwater caves

probably lots of dead bodies to loot

you look like you are subtlety trying to google if you can find kids alone in the french catacombs.

>Filename says it's underwater
>Signs are discussing underwater caves
>Signs show dead people in scuba gear

are these underwater?


really makes u think

well duh



You would deafen him and it would be too awkward/take too long to break the ground in such a way that he could be removed

Would you try jacking off just one last time if you were stuck and knew you'd die?

What took a bite out of the corner?

>That account picture

Are you that guy who reviews fast food with a suit?

>I will just keep crawling deeper and deeper into this narrowing hole.

He earned it.

I don't think that dude can even reach his dick

Can't we just fucking put a camera on a long tube down there to make sure we don't die before trying to fit our bodies into the tiny ass hole?

No just one of his thousands of fans

>he uses a real account photo


the skin on his head is still intact... he got eaten by vultures while still alive god damn it

>that mysterious dot in the background