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What does Sup Forums think of reddit's new tier list

Is this fake? It certainly looks fake.


... it's not.

Two weeks?
It says 3/30, which is two days from now.

If you think this is weird, i must remind you that theres plans for a christmas costume version of tharja and robin too...

>Let's tease these Christmas costumes... in fucking February!

What were they thinking??

How will costumes work?

The game came out in January, it's more likely the game was intended to be released earlier but was delayed.

That the game was gonna launch in December before Mario Run took its spot.

If the christmas outfits were any indication, it looks like they'll be completely different units with maybe even different weapon types. And they'll have different titles which means they can't even be merged with the normal versions, so they'll likely be a pure novelty unit.

Maybe its just leftover data, we werent supposed to be able to see it after all.

And then again, who knows if we are gonna actually see them.

Its probable they are gonna be alternate versions of the characters with unique titles.

>Draug in A
All I need to see to know it's shit

>tfw when you fell for the brave lance effie meme
fuck all of you i could have promoted my cherche

I dunno, brave lance seems pretty cool on a deathblow character with wary fighter. What's the issue?

I promoted my awful odin (-atk +res) for the sole purpose of passing blarblade+. I think I'll give it to Ursula

It looks like Chrom and Azura. Hopefully Azura? will be in playboy bunny outfit or something.

Either Azura or Camilla seems likely. I'd say guy is probably Chrom or Marth.

I just assumed it was going to be lucina. I mean, she's always the first for this shit.

she does absolutely no damage to high greens as opposed to her silver lance. Shes vulnerable during the enemy phase with a weaker attack. Dont try to make a great defensive unit by combining with a offensive weapon

Why is there a general on Sup Forums when there's literally a board made so you don't post generals on Sup Forums?

is summer starting in march this year?


Nice to see Ryoma is finally in S+ where he belongs. Nowi absolutely should not be up there, though.

They didn't tease them, though. Those images were never released or discussed in any official capacity.

Is it possible these are "Choose Your Legend' characters? I could see those being Lucina and Roy.

Also, holy fuck they'd better hurry up and release Ike, since they also have to release a Choose Your Legend version of him.

>olivia considered s-tier
this is a meme right?

all dancers are S tier

That would involve acknowledging characters who are more popular than Lucina, so no. They're not doing that yet.

No. Those are just the characters in order of heroes outfits.

Dancers are OP desu. Right up there with mages. If BST weren't a factor they'd be the only things worth using.

>Only use dancers
>They can't use dance on each other
Good job

You did beat the michalis map on lunatic right Sup Forums? Mobile games couldn't possibly be too difficult for hardcore gamers such as yourself.

>150 orbs later
>still no nowi

Hair seems too long

As one of the 2(?) Setsunafags in these threads, I'm happy with it.

fucken whales

>Friend banned
>Score isn't ranked anymore
>Won't be able to participate in voting gaunlets
>Don't get any defense scores


>Hair seems too pretty


Is there a list for the best inheritance skill for every characters?

jesus christ who actually put this train wreck together, they need to find another game to try to understand

>great defensive unit
>worst defence of all the armoured characters
>Highest attack of all the armoured characters
>"Why does Effie do poorly against the thing she's weak against"
Effie shouldn't be going after greens dumbass. He job is to obliterate lances and swords. If you want a defence blue use Gwen

But /vg/ is scary.

So we're apparently getting an alien in the next banner?

I'm a little disappointed that they're opening up the game to characters outside of the franchise when we don't even have Ike yet, but I'm excited to see where this goes. What kind of unit do you think it'll be?

>the meme list still shits on Subaki

They really need a separate list for non-arena play. His defense so useful on those maps where you can't lose a single unit and has to bait the AI out.

>lucina and marth is next banner

Fucking hell ISIS. Stop jacking off Lucina. She just had a banner and is too flat for a bunny suit

She's holding an egg

I wonder what Lucina's eggs smell like haha

It's almost April.

Why haven't you rolled Hector?

I don't see it. I guess an egg could be implemented as a signature tome, though.

What makes you think it's a "she," btw?

I did
But he was -atk+res so I fed his Distant Counter to Effie

Long hair is a very femenine stuff as well as commonly asociated with royalty on women

What are the chances it's the literal bunny girl

>Tharja and Nino uses the same Tomes
>Tharja belongs to a better colour at the moment
>If you run both of them through the calculator, Tharja scores more wins, both with or without buffs
>The only important kill Nino has over Tharja is Effie, but if you run a Dancer with Tharja, Tharja gets the kill as well.
>Meanwhile Nino loses to many common Red Swords (Eirika, Lucina, Ryouma, etc.)
>Nino in S while Tharja in A

none but I wish

okay, so why is Setsuna better than Takumi and Klein now?

Will healers ever be fixed?

Is this similar to what you meant?


They'll maybe be useful for the Defense / Enemy Reinforcement missions they have planned.

Survive 5 turns locked in with the Black Knight

Nino has better synergy with Eirika, but that's not really enough to make her better.

>Every single staff user in C tier.



I like Setsuna, but don't play Heroes.

Tharja just needs a Green to assist her because she's weak to Blues. Nino needs a Red and a Blue to assist her because she's weak to Reds (the most common group of units) and had iffy matchups against the most common Greens (Hector and Julia).

Nino is higher on the list to reflect there are less good greens than reds.

This is why a lot of good red units are artificially demoted to A tier, when they are leagues better than an A tier green (Raven, really?).

But yes it is weird why Tharja is in the same tier as Lilina/Snacki. Sh'es better than both.

Speaking of nino I have a ++atk/-hp-def nino and a +spd/- res nino. Which do I invest in?

Nowi has more right than ryoma to be there.

That's retarded. They should be ranked based on their performance against other units. Snacki has a different niche with Raudraven and TA though.

What I meant is that, thanks to SI, Nino + Eirika covers more situations than Tharja + Eirika.
>Tharja can nuke reds, greens, and colorless
>Eirika can beat greens and most reds (with TA and Swordbreaker)

>Nino nukes blues, colorless
>Eirika can defeat any greens that Nino has trouble with and also beat red swords
Tharja is the better unit, but Nino gives you slightly more utility.

well considering the first one doesn't exist, I guess the second is good.

>her job is to obliterate lance and swords
she already does this with silver lance so whats the point of brave lance?

What should I use my Odin for? I assume I can't give away both moonbow and blade+ tome right?

Charging skills faster? Doing more damage overall?

>New Moon + Moonblade
>Blarblade + Blarblade+
No. If you have any Pallas or extra Odins, you can give a unit New Moon and transfer Moonblade over later seperately.

Oh good, now we get Sanaki with a shaved head.

Let the true power of the tenhead reign supreme.

>OC Donut lancer S
>Cherche S
>Autismo Archer S
>Taco A
>Klein B
>Camilla B
What the fuck?

Shareena is actually a great unit
Cherche is a better Camilla, she was just held back by her skills and weapons. Not S tier though.
I'm a Setsunafag, but she doesn't deserve that honestly. Maybe because of her high speed letting her do Brave Bow 4x memes.
I don't know enough about Klein to judge.
Yeah, she should be C tier.

I doubled checked and you're right she is +atk/- def but I could have sworn double boon/ double bane was a thing. Anyways I guess I should ask if +atk or +and is better.

>improve an enemy phase unit by giving her a shit enemy phase

I always thought it sounded fucking dumb, myself

yeah, it's obviously azura

I have +Atk. With Eirika (with a rally) buffing her, she frequently gets OHKOs on opponents that would have otherwise counterattacked and done damage, that she wouldn't have gotten with +Spd. She already doubles almost everything anyway, with Hone speed.

>+Spd -Res Camilla
Lads, s-she's good right

fuck off

>a bane in the only category seperating her from Cherche or Minerva

dude just sacrifice all your 5 stars he'll be decent I swear

I Williams feel you bro, I have all the dragons except for nowi.

Klein is actually pretty fucking legit. He has some of the best skills and stat spread a Brave user could ask for. Brave Bow+Death Blow mean he has very good odds of annihilating anything he initiates against with no retaliation, and Quick Reposte eliminates to bigger downside to using a Brave Bow, and paired with his high Res, he can bait and counter-kill most mages. His special is also the one that scales off his Res too, so once that can go off, he can even eat through armor units completely, or at least bring them from full to low enough that someone else can finish the job. The only unit I've suffered problems against with him has been Hector and Raven tome users.

Both +atk and +spd is viable for Nino. But in the case here, -def is preferred to -res/hp as you may have to duel a Julia if you aren't running a red tome as well. You can more easily survive her counter and finish her on your double.

I'm sorry. But the Camilla S-tier meme is truly over. She's like dog turd tier now...

Tharja can work with other buffers too. Sure Eirika is the best one but there's also Sharena and every other ally unit can get a good buff skill. Also Eirika is a pretty weak attacker and more of a support unit. Her Def is mediocre so she'll take a quite a bit of damage against common Lucina and Lobster.

So its Lucina and Chrom?

I have all the dragons except ninian and I spent over 100 orbs on her banner. At least I got linde and Reinhardt so it's not all bad

rip tacos

It was originally planned as a fall release last year dumbass

And now back to the original point. Is that enough to have Tharja ranked at A and Nino ranked as S

Looks like it, look at the shoulder

True, but Eirika is the only one who can buff 3 stats at once, and +Atk and +Spd are especially important to -blade users.
I've personally found my Eirika can 1v1 most Lucinas without an issue, I imagine it'll be even better once I give her Swordbreaker. She's no tank, but her fighting skills are passable.

forgot the pic

>Only one

I already said no, Tharja is the better unit overall. But it's a niche that Nino has where she might be preferred thanks to having more utility in choosing the remaining two units on your team.

Forgot about him desu
Eirika has advantage in the Cute stat though.