Who would win in a fight? Venomu Snakeu or Geraltowicz?

Who would win in a fight? Venomu Snakeu or Geraltowicz?

Snek could snek up to him and get him with his robut arms

Big Bossu is at the peak of human capability. But Geralt is a mutant who has above human agility and reactions. So Geralt I guess.

Does Quen block bullets?

humans always beat mutants

With their equipment - Big Boss

In a fist fight - Geralt

>posting E3 Trailer Geralt
t. Gary of Nivea

Venom automatically wins for having more aesthetic scars

You forget that Venomu can CQC Quiet.

>who would win, the guy with good reflexes and a sword or the guy with a fucking gun

really makes you think huh