Who would win in a fight? Venomu Snakeu or Geraltowicz?
Who would win in a fight? Venomu Snakeu or Geraltowicz?
Jonathan White
John Baker
Snek could snek up to him and get him with his robut arms
Eli Torres
Big Bossu is at the peak of human capability. But Geralt is a mutant who has above human agility and reactions. So Geralt I guess.
Alexander Rivera
Does Quen block bullets?
Caleb Gomez
humans always beat mutants
Tyler King
With their equipment - Big Boss
In a fist fight - Geralt
Adrian Jenkins
>posting E3 Trailer Geralt
t. Gary of Nivea
Evan Morgan
Venom automatically wins for having more aesthetic scars
Matthew Morales
You forget that Venomu can CQC Quiet.
Jeremiah Martin
>who would win, the guy with good reflexes and a sword or the guy with a fucking gun
really makes you think huh