This dude is a perv

This dude is a perv

he is a robert

show me your scars, no, your butt scar!

No, that's just the nature of Link. Everyone wants him.

He is the sexual spirit of Hyrule released once in 100 years.

theres also that Zora that says taht you are the most beautiful person that he has ever seen

Link has high CON and CHAR

*puts on gimpsuit*

Link is cute!

*whips out trout*
I'm the bull now and you are the gay fish

Dang dude he sure is

>We must have been married in our past lives!
>no "Wanna give it another go?" option

There's tons of people in the game who straight up ask you out and it makes me said that you can only say "no".

>tfw no rubber suit rule 34

Why don't more characters react to the Gerudo getup? I tried the Zora king and Sidon, Impa, Bolson, and the Goron leader. None of them said anything different. I wanted to see a bit of awkwardness... Kinda disappointed.

>Everyone wants to fuck Link
Including me

It should have been like with the Dark Link outfit, only everyone stares and takes an akward pose

Literally everyone on this board does.

no-show socks are so sexual.

What about wanting Link to fuck me?

I want to fuck Purah.


quit projecting your fucking homosexuality on other people you degenerate, this is a LOLICON board

Imagine this scene if we actually got female Link, kotaku´s, destructoid´s and polygon´s bitching would be endless.

Same with the fairies essentialy molesting Link.

Disgusting. Take that filth elsewhere, please.

because beedle is groce

What are you a fag?

He is CUTE.

>Will never spend the rest of my days with my brother-in-law soon to be husband
Kill me

I want to fuck myself

I guarantee you that the next chronological game in the series will be a multiplayer LoZ, due to link having many heirs.

>he is so slippery that it's like he is in latex suit 24/7

Nice overcompensation fagtard.


Best outfit until you get the ancient armor.

>confusing sidon's ultra-platonic bropreciation for lust

fucking degenerate


what are all the reactions you get with the gerudo outfit? I need to know, for scientific reasons

Sidon is a bro, stop misinterpreting what he says.

The guy who's playing Link in his shorts is the pervert