> (((speed running community)))
(((speed running community)))
in his defense she's hot as fug
shes got nice tits
she knows
that's a completely normal reaction tho
Not so much irl I heard
the webm does her a lot of favors
The only penis i'll be touching is mine when I smother myself to death in those amazing melons.
Yeah, the way they dress is embarrassing.
Otherwise they seem fairly normal.
I don't see anything strange about this.
he's going to grab his bag or something that's beneath his chair. he waited on purpose because he didn't want to make an awkward scene.
was it time to pray? what is he doing
This is literally the most unfair meme of all time, he didn't even smell the chair, he was just picking up his water bottle. Stop making fun of him OK. Youre making a big deal out of nothing. GROW UP
I still smile at this
I hope the guy in the webmaster realizes how funny it is and we're not actually making fun of him
Notice that other guy gets up to follow her
He's actually reaching under his seat to grab a second bottle of coke, if you see the full context vid.
OP knows this, however. Shitpost threads are fun though right? So here we are.
I love chairsniffer-kun!
What's with this triple brackets meme? Why are you all anti Semitic?
i can smell the doritos from here
whats her name ?
Why is there always some slimy shit going on at these gatherings?
I miss the explosion on Sup Forums from, "I would really prefer if you'd be quite."
It still makes me cringe from this day.
If it's anything like Dreamhack, it's an actual fuckfest.
ah, the infamous seatsniffer
I like how the guy on the right gets up from his chair and boogey his way off
yeah it was the coke
oh ok cool thanks, ill just google sarah and....
You don't understand user, we have to cut out context or we can't make him look creepy and laugh at him!
Gotta push that narrative!
Doing the same thing over and over again to become maximally efficient at something totally pointless attracts a lot of real autists.
Post the full video then
i would really prefer if you stop dancing
Did it smell good?
Somebody post a god damn name or pics ffs.
I don't know what I'm supposed to think about this webm. What is he doing? Did he steal something from under her chair?
fish n chips
Only one with the modicum of self-awareness and dignity to not make a fool of himself on camera. Caveman wins again.
i still dont get why people are autisming over the seat-sniffer
i accepted it as fact back then, when the memes struck. im guesing the beta autists don't want to stain the speedrunning name
That girl is hot.
No shame in his game
he smells her seat
Really? Holy shit. Is there another angle?
For your consideration for the next filename thread
two questions I have
1) why would a girl like that go to a video games con
2) why would a girl like that go to a video games con dress up in sexy clothing, hair all done and in makeup like she's trying to get hit on
I mean, the reality is that video gamers are ugly. I'm more attractive than any guy in the frame and I am still an ugly man. She's about 5 points out of my league.
shes not that hot from up close
Is this guy schizophrenic? Those pauses and the backing up make it seem so.
Speedrunning attracts the biggest autists I have ever seen.
It's the intersection of losers who care way too much about very minuscule things about a video game, and people with such a low self-esteem that they need to achieve "world records" for completing a game or a level in a game that nobody cares about - just to make themselves feel like they've done something extraordinary that no one else has.
To feel like a god
1) For the attention of men
2) For the attention of men
Attention, and exploiting speedrunning nerds to get a Twitch following started so she can segue into variety streaming.
Fucking degenerate
He's trying to avoid the projector + suddenly becoming way too consciously aware of his own body language
but they're ugly nerd virgins
being the object of desire to people like that is like being the king of Sealand
Probably a cosplayer or making money out of these nerds somehow
So why doesn't Sup Forums KNOW WHO SHE FUCKING IS
kys w/ shuttle
He's picking up a bottle.
i want lebbit to leave
Daily reminder that caveman is in the wrong
This is a fucking charity event and it's supposed to be fun, and caveman acts like it's some super serious fucking olympic sport
Sometimes it's fun to play on easy mode.
Hey you aint funny
Are you implying women can't have autism and genuinely enjoy speed running?
"women" maybe
Maybe his idea of fun isn't uncoordinated faggoty "dancing" on camera
Still waiting for that video
oh so it's autism
She was looking for this man