Redpill me on this game. Is iw worth it? I've played a decent bit of Monster Hunter 3U and 4U and most of God Eater Resurrection. What's it like compared to them?
Redpill me on this game. Is iw worth it...
DOA on PC, and you faggots wonder why nobody makes games for you anymore lmao
>No mouse controls
>Poor resolution support
>Automatically Region locked
>No borderless window
>Looks like a late-age PS3 game
Gee, I wonder why.
better than MH and better than God Eater 1 (remaster) and 2
God Eater 2 is an amazing though (except for the story)
>playing toukiden using kb+m
found the absolute steamcûck
>good game with minor problems
And? But hey, at least you can play Overcuck and CS in 8k 420fps LOL.
It's more God Eater than Monster Hunter. But even than it's not really God Eater.
>Using a Wii U Pro Controller
>No Button Mapping
>Controller and in game buttons are completely different
>Have to go out of my way to remap buttons just for this game
It's alright I guess but I'm still getting use to having teammates that pretty much take care of everything around me without any issues.
MMO fetch side quests
Monster design is trash tier
No weight in combat
Ugly graphics
AI is better than human,AI are capable of winning any fight with you doing 0 damage, at most you will have to ressurrect them in last bosses.
>no mouse controls
playing a hunting game with mouse controls is pure mental retardation
>poor resolution support
>region lock
>no borderless window
Fair complaints but they're not deal killers by any means
>looks like a late-age PS3 game
It's made on a tight budget, not everything has to look amazing. Caring about graphics is for normies.
>muh weight
I find the game very enjoyable. they fixed a lot of what was wrong with the first game/ kiwami. being able to visit the village in online lobbies is so much nicer than having to leave lobby to upgrade your gear. I also like the open map, its fun for tooling around in in single player, gathering materials and murdering demons and whatnot. I wish i could co op the open map with friends though. They added a couple more weapon types as well as mitama types to diversify skill/weapon builds.Dual Daggers are still best weapon imo. they added permanent destruction of limbs on Oni when you do special moves, and it can completely change how the oni behaves/ attacks, which is kinda neat. AI is improved from the first game, but can still be pants on head retarded at times. Overall, if you're a fan of hunting games, id say go for it. it definitely scratches my hunting itch, especially when I co op with friends
Its DOA for online play no matter what box you're playing it on, at least outside of nipponland. This is a region-lock problem not a platform problem.
Nah fuck off
yeah this. that expression is retarded as fuck
Don't respond to cancer.
Surprisingly not for PS4/Vita since cross play
so they purplepill me on it instead user. please just pill my shit up
>Is it worth it?
sure, most MH clones are worth it.
>What's it like compared to them?
A clone, of both MH and GE, but easier.
Started and wondering if anyone can give me a quick rundown on the best way to do the mitama. I get linking it to weapons gives you skills but what about the other 2?
if you're looking for a good hunting clone, try Soul Sacrifice. its like wizard monster hunter. some good shit right there
>playing a hunting game with mouse controls is pure mental retardation
>when Bows and Rifles exist
Mouse would make ranged weapons broken at least in monhun
best way is to experiment. I love using speed mitama for my main one for the agility skill. being able to take a free hit is awesome. For your attack mitiama, just read the skills that each mitiama class gives you and try em out. I also like speed for that, the skill mirage that it gives you is amazing for filling your weapon and unity gauge real fast. for your defensive mitiama, try to get something that makes you survive longer. Speed is nice since it makes you a god at dodging shit. Defense is also good since you take less damage for a while. If you can't tell, i favor speed over anything else, but I want to experiment with some of the others at some point
Been mostly focusing on damage but I'll check out speed.
So Weapon link gives you different skills to activate. What happens with the link to armor and your clawshot?
>3rd person game ranged combat
Monsters don't give you enough time to go into first person mode either, I know I'm a gunner.
There is absolutely no reason why a M+KB setup wouldn't be effective in a hunter game. Especially one with aimed ranged weapons.
There is nothing a controller offers the genre that a keyboard doesn't
The game is sort of garbage. The combat is just not good. Button mashy, unsatisfying, attacks lack impact, monsters are bland in general. The world is complete shit. Exploration is unrewarding, large areas with nothing of interest in them, monster spawns are fixed and neutered to match your story progress. Just an excuse to make you run around for an hour or two while you finish the main missions and add to your playtime. Unlike MH it has story and characters but it's all generic anime drivel.
Can't recommend this game unless you've already played every hunting game on the market and want something new. And even then I'd recommend the previous game, Kiwami, over this one since it actually has more content, is slightly more difficult, and doesn't have a cancer open world so it's better than this game by a lot but still bad overall.
the other 2 mitama slots are for your attack and defense skills that proc under certain conditions. Well the defensive ones proc, for example, to activate the speed mitama defensive skill, you have to dodge while you're attacking. the DEF mitama skill procs when you get hit. the attack skills are manually activated. each mitama type has a different attack /defense boost that you can mix and match to suit your playstyle. the claw symbol is your attack skill and she shield is your defense skill.
Since this game is apparently shit, what are the best Monster Hunting games? I've never played a single one before.
Fuck off.
What platforms do you have?
The fuck is your problem, autist?
Mass Effect Andromeda
This is not the thread for it and that's a stale shitpost. So you fuck off too.
>what are the best Monster Hunting games
Monster Hunter
Horizon Zero Dawn
Monster Hunter
Monster Hunter
Monster Hunter
____God Eater
>asking for recommendations is shitposting
>waaah you can only talk about what I allow, this should be my safe space
Fuck off, retard.
Just try the free demo? I got bored pretty quickly.
Yea mouse support for the ranged weapons would be like dying thinking you go to hell but you end up in heaven.
Well for starters, Monster hunter mainline games, the franchise that triggered all this clone shitfest.
God eater is the best MH clone there is, for me at least.
Many people say good things about soul sacrifice, but personally I have never played it.
hope and pray to whatever being you believe in that dauntless will end up being decent
MH4U. Has online and local--not sure how active the online is now a days. I hear that the most recent Monster Hunter was worse in nearly every way.
I hope and pray but deep inside I know it will all be for nothing.
>the most recent Monster Hunter
The only one worth playing if at all. Unless you're a turboautist.
Is dead on arrival, it will flop so fucking hard that it will be funny to watch.
Well, Gen is definitely inferior to 4U in the graphical aspects (4U looks prettier).
But everything else is just fine, believe it or not, like in pokemon, we also have genwunners but is worst because those genwunners are all tribabies which are 3rd gen (we are at gen4), so they are all fucking faggots.
>inb4 mad tribabie
go show your shit taste somewhere else faggot.
I only know one person with the game, so my thoughts may be largely colored by what he has told me, but from my understanding the game lacks a lot of content. For example, there's no G-Rank among other things.
>everything else is shit!
>by the way I didn't even play it
>this cpu useage
I'm running a 6500 @4.0 why is this game maxing out. SEND HELP
>game is using resources
>there's no G-Rank
There will be in XX (upgraded version of this game)
The game have a huge amount of content you will be hitting the 100+ hours before you can get into the endgame content, my recommendation is, if you have a hacked 3DS (that you really should have by now btw) play this game, then after XX comes out of japan transfer your data and keep playing.
Someone spoil me on the ending of Kiwami. My old ps4 died before I had a chance to beat it.
r8 my slut
The only shit part of this is the dead online, even 3U on the fucking Wii U is more alive than this.
What a fucking freak show. Add more makeup.
Better than God eater by a good amount, worse than mainline MH by a small amount.
Open world is pretty well done, companions are nice(if easymode with 4) story is alright, weapons are fun to use and have good variety, Mitama allow a ton of build options, equipment design is okay.
Solid 8/10 thus far and I'm only a handful of chapters in.