Hello, my name is Red Herrington.
Hello, my name is Red Herrington
Elijah Foster
Angel Ortiz
Persona 4 was one of the worst JRPGs ever made.
Nostalgiafags get the fuck out and don't even dare to reply this
Parker Long
... So you're the killer then, right?
Benjamin Green
b-b-but muh 10/10 jrpg
atlus is the best!
Lincoln Cox
>people like something
>it must be the worstest thing ever
Nicholas Cook
>people like something
>it must be a 10/10 masterpiece
Nolan Walker
If only there was something in between those two..
Adam Turner
are you out of your fucking mind?
Connor Price
Why the fuck didn't his character get more closure? He just disappears.
Bentley Russell
he goes to jail for murder so you can't really do much