Flies up into the air

>flies up into the air
>at this point, only a handful of characters can damage her
>even less can deal with her effectively
Pharah is over powered because of her safty, she is the only hero in the game who can become untouchable with the press of a button, anyone else with can still be tracked down and dealt with.

Pharah flies up into the air, what does Lucio do? Run and hide
What does Mei do? Throw ice shards and pray she can hit her
What does Roadhog do? Pray she comes close enough for a hook.

McCree, Soldier, Ana, and Widow are the only heroes able to effectively deal with Pharah, everyone else either doesn't have the range or their projectiles are too slow to reach her in time.
And Soldier can only pressure her most of the time, because most of the time she just floats out of his field of view and heals, then comes back and resumes her rampage.

Every other hero doesn't require a counter in order to be dealt with, good old fashion teamwork will suffice, but not Pharah.
If Pharah is picked/swapped into, the other team is guaranteed to lose unless they too pick to counter her.

Pharah does not need a nerf, she needs a rework, her current kit is incredibly over powered.

lol the point of ow is that you can freely switch team comp whenever you want, if she's giving you trouble get something to shut her down

>be OP
>be a little babby
>be retarded

She is a very high priority target, and if she is not dealt with she will cause a lot of havoc.

However causing her to land constantly is still suppressing her.

Pharahs great until you get into higher ranks where people can aim properly, then even if you dont get a kill sometimes, you can at least force her to play more safe, limiting her effectiveness.

>McCree, Soldier, Ana, and Widow are the only heroes able to effectively deal with Pharah

Then switch to one of them, unless you're a retard who has a "main" in a game where changing characters is vital to winning.

>t. shitter maining Hog, crying that he cant oneshoot phara
lrn2counters. Also good Mei can snipe pharah because she's fucking slow in air


That's technically 3 dps, 1 snipers and 1 healer. The chances are you're going to have one of these 5 characters on your team, therefore you have a way to deal with her. Problem sorted, and your rant was for nothing.

>because she's fucking slow in air


You obviously only main Junkrat.
Fuck off, Pharah isn't overpowered you little turd-bag.

Yes, compared to other heroes and projectile speed, she's slow and her only two options to run away is to land somewhere or use "E" blast to push her away. And 0 defensive cooldowns

Considering people whoc an aim:
healers: Ana, Zen
defensive: Hanzo, Widow, Mei, Bastion in recon mode,
Offensive: soldier, mcree, unretarded genji

Not sure about Orisa, but Dva, Harambe, sombra and tracer can spam attack/jump on her and force her to run away

>Pharah gets decent usage at first
>McCree gets buffed (then nerfed)
>Soldier gets buffed
>Widow players get better aim
>Ana comes out
>people condemn Pharah to shit tier
>Pharah players get better and don't kill themselves by throwing their slow moving bodies into open air
>she starts getting more reliable damage out in this way
>suddenly she's OP
Sounds to me like no one wants to let the meta evolve naturally. And Blizzard will hold their hands and change it for them.

Hi there.

You also have to factor in decision making, if you don't guess her path right you'll miss

There are fewer things in life as satisfying as taking out a Pharah with Mei.

"Placing a turret h- MY BABY!"

Clearly op is a console shitter and, unfortunately, torb was nerfed into oblivion on console.

Shes not even used in team games. rofl.

Phara is one of those characters that just shit on bad players, fucking casual game

You're the most casual fucker in the world, and you also left off Zen. Discording a pharah fucks her so hard. She's so huge in the air and moves so slow you'd have to be retarded to miss her. If she's out of range, that means her rockets are fucking far away too and you can dodge them.

tracer, hanzo, and sombra can do damage to her.

I'm not OP, and have no problem with Phara. But it seems when I use her, Torbs turret melts me in seconds, quicker than my rockets can take down the turret. Yet when I'm using Torb. the enemy Phara takes it down instantly even when it is locked onto her.

Same for Pharah and her rockets

>the DPS of your team changes to Soldier
>cucks enemy Pharah out of existence

Problem fucking solved.

That's not a factor in this conversation

pharah is more broken than OP, its retarded only hitscan heroes can kill her and she does need a nerf, but just ask your team to all focus on her

shouldnt have to be like that, she should have to land. that buff that keeps her in the air forever is retarded and should be undone. for now, shes just broken

People tell me this is an Overwatch character, but I've never seen him before, despite having ~40 hours clocked. Who is he?

Not only that, but she's not always a mile up in the sky all the time. She has to come down at some points, and that means getting close to the action where 90% of the roster can fight her.

>OW gets released
>everyone is against maining because it's all about counter picking, every hero has pros and cons

>OW today
>muh main has a weakness, blizzard needs to fix that

The #1 tank killer that bad players hiss as spit at saying he's shit because they were told so

>McCree, Soldier, Ana, and Widow are the only heroes able to effectively deal with Pharah


Only in gold though, most good players learn to play 4 or 5 characters to have a good leeway if they need to counter something.

>Jump into the air
>Die because someone with hitscan looks at you

Her gun does not stop working when she lands on the ground.

Any good Pharah will fly around close to cover and corners and keep herself up and alive long enough to concussive blast away from danger.

The only thing that kills me when I play Pharah is shithog lobbing a hook through half his team a mile away.

>your team stands and stares at the glowing flying woman while she is frozen in one place
>can shoot her her, but nobody does
>even if you have a Reinhardt he doesn't put up his shield
>Kid on mic raging: "OMG KILL DA PHARA REEEE!"

Gee, she sure needs a nerf huh? It's not just everyone being retarded

Welcome to fucking any movement based shooter ever

>I Can't Aim and Neither Can My Team: The Post

>Mcree, Soldier, Ana
It's a good thing that you almost always see one or two of those characters on a team
Pharah is easy as fuck to fight, the only time she's a possible threat is when she has a Mercy up her ass, and if that's the case, just get some of your teammates to help focus them down.

As a Pharah, Dva, Junkrat nigga, you need to git gud. I get locked down by bomb egyptian all the time as junklad and you don't hear me bitching.

Just switch and kill her, or get creative with your current hero.
>not empowering yourself with the stain of the warp
>not playing junkrat and mine jumping in her fucking face and hitting her point blank



Three heroes have hitscan and one of them has been nerfed into the ground

You seriously cant have trouble with Pharah. You are the worst Overwatch player OP. You just admited you can't aim

what do you play in ? silver ?

Hitting Q is like asking for death about 50% of the time, even If you instantly melt 3 people there's always someone who somehow can stop everything they're doing and just stand still killing you.

It blows my mind too, like my team is here, I just killed fucking 4 people, how did you all let me get killed by the one person that isnt dead, in the one moment I'm vulnerable.


>just go soldier
>his gun spread and long cd rocket actually blow ass at killing her

ayy lmao

LMAO only a console babby would think Pharah is overpowered.

>all these shitters crying PHARAH OP :*((

Get out of platinum you scrubs holy shit. Sometimes I wish I could see the SR of everyone posting in these types of threads.

When she lands for 90% of the time he sees Rein/Dva/Orisa with shield up, eating your rockets and shielding healers who will heal any damage you have done to them, charging ults for free

If someone want to paly good pharah, read this

holy shit are you bronze? because not even silvers are that retarded

>gun spread sucks

what are you, retarded ?

I've seen Soldiers hold M1 down and kill me from fucking 100 feet away. Thanks to his damage buff, the spread is just right to hit people multiple times and also get headshots without even aiming for them.

I agree that she is overpowered, especially with a mercy.

Two very hard to hit targets.
Only some hitscans characters can kill her, but she can kill all of them just as well from ANY distance.

Soldiers and mcrees damage drop off is too big to reliable kill a pharah that positions herself well.

Some low ranked shitters will disagree but competitive stats, where she is the third most picked hero, right after the mandatory picks like reinhardt prove me right.

If the set her air mobility back to how it was before she would be perfectly balanced.

dunno what high rating is, i play ow casually at just shy of 3k

when pharah becomes a problem no one in my games plays soldier

>soldier gun spread
>first few shoots hit like sewing machine
You know, you can shoot in short burst instead of full auto, right?

I'm in diamond and people still complain about pharah being op.
I hate this game sometimes.

>flies up into the air
>at this point, only a handful of characters can damage her
>even less can deal with her effectively
Are you fucking retarded?

11 heroes either hard or soft counter Pharah. That's 11 out of 24 characters. Almost half the cast rekts Pharah.

>I can't get past Platinum
lmao OP
you sad sorry fuck

>long cd rocket

Here's our problem folks. People are trying to use solider fucking rocket to kill Phara instead of just use the hit scan button.

No offense but you must not be all that good. An average Pharah can get easily countered by any hitscan character. If you are referring to those gold/diamond pharah's I would understand. However it seems like you referring to the character itself which in that case all I have to say is get gud

The irony is that she is the most picked dps in competitive matches, but i guess you need to get out of bronze.

I'm master and most people have a main. If not a character a category ie. "dps main", "healer main". Then there are the OTPs that absolutely refuse to ever switch.

Finally, someone who atcually knows what they're talking about

If you take away my new jetpack I will fucking cut your face.

Has any modern game had the chance to evolve its metagame naturally? It feels like no one wants to put in the work to find their own counters like how it used to be in competitive games before patching was a thing.

>pocket mercy

Except that shit only works in Platinum and below.


Fuck's sake, people, stop tunnel-visioning and watch the sky and sides.

only if you are good and if you are here trying to meta lets face reality:
you are not good at video games

>Pharah is overpowered
She's underpowered as fuck because every hit scan in the game automatically shits on here, and most of them are the top meme meta

Except that it does work in actual competitive games right now.

Seems like you didnt play the game since half a year ago


Yes, and you're aware that ~90% of competitive matches are lower than Masters? And people know how to deal with her at higher tiers. She's not very common in Masters, don't know where your pulling that shit from---probably from outta your ass.

>3 heroes with hitscan

>widow is generally a pretty bad pick except if the player is a demi-god of aiming and good luck hitting a high mobility target like pharah reliably

>soldier can roughly win a 1on1 vs pharah and his damage drop off at the high ranges she approaches at is huge

>mcree even worse dmg droppoff than soldier at long ranges

Pharah gets melted by
Stop whining.


I've played it since launch

>She's not very common in Masters,

The same where you are pulling this from?
Gibbe source

Only if he can aim, but that's all he's good for
A support has to switch to him
Absolutely not
Get out
Only a little
Rightly so

>McCree, Soldier, Ana, and Widow are the only heroes able to effectively deal with Pharah

Bastion can as well.

"mcskillet" like I said, has been nerfed into the ground, he is shit for anything other than killing Pharah

S76 doesn't have hitscan

>he is shit for anything other than killing Pharah
if you've got shit aim I guess

>S76 doesn't have hitscan

>Soldier: No
So you're a fucking retarded? Okay. But don't try to force your retarded thoughts on everyone else. Not even reading the rest of your shitpost.



If you don't play the game, then don't post

>S76 doesn't have hitscan
This is the literal intelligence of morons complaining about Pharah.

Soldier pressures Pharah, he does not melt her

>widow is generally a pretty bad pick except if the player is a demi-god of aiming and good luck hitting a high mobility target like pharah reliably
14 year-old ex Cod players are able to do this, and you should be too

>S76 doesn't have hitscan
Oh dear lord

>ITT: Shitters who need to git gud
Please, learn how to play the fucking game.
Or don't, so I never have to get matched with you.

It's pretty obvious from his responses like
>soldier isn't hitscan
>widow has a hard time shooting pharah
that OP is just really, really shit at the game and has no business discussing balance or character ranking or basically anything at all.

She handles like a brick with wings once in the air. Anyone with just decent aim can take her down with most heroes.

i've noticed in my quick play games that no one wants to deal with her then complain about no one dealing with her.

I wish you could have a "reverse" jump jet, that would send you straight down when used before the jump jet cooldown refreshes.
I't wouldn't break her kit, and she might actually see some use outside of diamond and below.

Play in masters. Also, masteroverwatch. Alternatively, any meta report within this year, and a good deal from last.

Iv'e seen plenty of hanzos snipe pharah out of the air.

Just shoot her xD

>assuming that everyone smarter than you is just one person

Have you tried airblasting the rockets?

>making that response in defense of statements that are factually wrong.
This is how fucking stupid you are. Let that sink in.

>this entire thread
>and all I had to do was make one post

Im a console shitter and think shes op on console because the aimings pretty bad

or everyone who plays console is just retarded

tfw you can't switch b/c you're the only tank/healer and your teammates dgaf

>at this point, only a handful of characters can damage her

Characters that really can't deal with her when she is midair are reaper, reinhardt. junkrat, hanzo and most supports (mercy symmetra lucio)

>Phara is weak in upper ranks
bullshit, only people from plat believe that, its not like picking sold/mc cree lets you instantly kill phara whenever you want. She is quite fucking popular in masters

Pharah by herself isn't too bad. A competent Soldier can take her out, or at least scare her off. Pharah with a pocket Mercy though? Just uninstall the game, it isn't worth it.

I'm diamond and I see it every game and it works almost every time