Japanese game suck, I'm sorry but you guys need to get with the times, better interfaces and like update your technology, we're totally kicking your ass. Back then you guys were the king of the world but your time has passed.
Japanese game suck, I'm sorry but you guys need to get with the times...
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reminder that this is the reason he is hated, weebs got their fragile feelings hurt
He is not wrong, you know.
He was right, and obviously the nips listened.
Faggot weebs.
How to destroy your career, one weird trick, hipsters hate it
b-but it's a-also because he told some trolls to fuck off and die
Oh yeah this guy exists. I haven't heard from him since he cried like a baby and cancelled that one game he was working on, can't even remember the name.
His game is forgotten now though
Who is that?
Do you think he regrets saying that now? Especially now that the Western game industry is in such a sad state?
>Hey what inspired you about recent japanese games?
only thing he was right about
I'm surprised he actually followed through on his "I'm leaving and taking the ball no one wants with me" announcement. He always seemed like such an attention whore, I just assumed he'd be back stirring up shit again within a year.
damn I remember that video
>that other fat neckbeard laughing hysterically
he was right, but he was acting like a fucking faggot for the sake of it
It's not though.
>meanwhile in mass effect andromeda
Don't you worry. He will come back and singlehandedly save the western game industry with his new game.
that was Edmund McMillen and despite what it looks like, he was actually laughing at Phil Fish for being such a brazen douche, because Edmund hates him.
Who is this retarded faggot? And why is OP such a fucking retard?
Explain Mass Effect: Androgynous
Explain how the west can only make First Person Shooters
Fuck off westcucks.
how many (You)'s do you need to fuck off
>update your technology
i thought saying this shit was pointless and fucking retarded back then and now its hilarious they actually get stagnated by it. give western devs more money. they will produce the new andromeda games all you want.
I miss you, Phil. :(
He was right, Japan absolutely floundered last gen.
>In complete denial of Mass Effect: Androgynous
Fuck off outta here.
why does the west brings nothing but blunders tho?
It's funny because Westerners have not made a better game engine than Fox Engine.
Nothing can beat Fox Engine, it's hands down the best gaming engine to ever be created, made by nips.
>Floundered last gen
What were even the great non disputed games of last gen? I think everyone floundered last gen.
Funny how a japanese game that came out the same year as his game does exactly what he was trying to achieve but much better in every aspect.
They rack disiprine.
too be fair western games were also really shit at the time too.
>Greatest Engine
>Never to be used again
Yeah that kinda sucks.
japs have been kicking ass this year though. Nioh, GR2, Nier:A, and BotW. Western studios have only shat out MA:A and Horizon.
zero would mean I have no one to reply to but since you are so generous I'll say that you are probably a buttblasted weeb
At least the Japanese game industry is picking up steam again.
>one game fucked up so western devs are bad.
no, you fuck off.
you don't even know what the fuck are you talking about, do you.
What do you guys mean by "west" anyway? USA? Europe? Does Russia count as western?
Russia does not make games.
Literally the western Kamiya.
Just look at these guys. SJW tier faggots. Every single one of them. Indie games were a mistake.
yeah. update your technology! west is totally kicking your ass in that aspect
this is the faggot from FEZ right?
game was pretty but really boring lmo
>USA? Europe?
Yes that is essentially the West.
what the fuck is with the shilling for this generic ass piece of shit looking eyesore of a game that should have been released in 1994 and only has 1k reviews on steam?
id rather continuing fez than even try that game for the 3d gimmick and aesthetics alone
>Ubisoft bullshit
>EA bullshit
>XBox literally a dead console
>Yooka fucking Laylee SJW-tier trash
>Star Citizen money sucking machine that will never come out
>Kickstarter indie dev BULLSHIT games
Keep being in denial, fucking RETARD.
It's one of those games that requires you to git gud to progress to the next area. You needn't worry though, just stick to your babby games.
What a douche. The guy struggled to ask a question and he gave him a rude and non serious answer. I'm not even weeb but fuck this guy.
>designer capabilities correlate with engine capabilities.
Nice entry level buzzwords.
Westerners don't like using their brain to figure out Video Games, user. They need to be handheld and also spoonfed story points, or it will fly way over their balding heads.
then what did fish mean by "west" or "we". "we" as the usual "japan vs the rest of the world"? like, the rest of the world have super high tech shit to develop super advanced games, only you nips are loser! or what?
>What do you guys mean by "west" anyway? USA? Europe? Does Russia count as western?
North America and western Europe, usually.
He meant massive faggots like himself.
Fish was a fucking retard, so i don't care what he thinks really.
damage control engaged
We as in USA.
It's so weird to think there are people who completely adopt another culture that they have no ties to.
Is it like the Irish American thing? Are weebs just transasian?
>lets just keep reposting a game that came years after he said anything at all when all japanese games out at the time for the past ten respective years were all shit with exception of the very average dark souls series which was pretty fucking western in design to begin with
to be fair with star citizen they seem to finally get their shit together and started fixing the netcode
i really want to believe 3.0 will come this year
Space games are the fucking best thing. and they are taking a revival it seems.
They think Japan is this mystical place where they are liked and all the girls are super hot or some shit.
reminder that this is the faggot op is quoting
>Nice entry level buzzwords.
Accusing me of having no argument, because I'm simply using "Buzzwords" (Yet you can't refute that all those companies are making garbage titles, can you)
>Do you think he regrets saying that now? Especially now that the Western game industry is in such a sad state?
>"B-But... it's not though!!!" (Only argument)
This is how demented your brain is.
Idk man I hate BASED JAP DEV fags as much as the next guy.
But the west is in no way "Kicking the easts ass" when it comes to game development. The jap devs are doing just fine for themselves and they make very good videogames.
>Sup Forums retards and literal who's
That kinda makes sense. Most Japanese people seem extremely awkward. Maybe they feel like their awkwardness would be more acceptable over there.
Because I live in North America, I therefore have to believe your ideals and enjoy the forms of entertainment that the continent I'm living on spews out?
How brainwashed are you, seriously?
maybe you are too old to enjoy their games
>m-mug graphics
Not at all. I enjoy things from all over the world but I don't pick one country and obsess over everything from that country. That seems pretty close minded.
are you crying Vash the stampede?
Dyring that year Japan was producing flops or games only for Japan. Remember this was when Neptunia and Compile Shit in its full disgraceful horror was the only games that were getting localized. Meanwhile FFXIII got the lowest score average of all FF games and shit only got worse
And lets not forgot how most companies in glorious nippon went mobile
because thats where the games come from. what are you talking about.
the only western company worth half a tit is Rockstar, the rest only make boring movies that revolve around predictable SJW friendly plots.
>used to think all the women were sexy as fuck
>look at some high school class pictures
>don't want to go to japan any longer
no wonder birthrates are dropping, i fell for the magazine dream. this is how euros feel about american women unless they specifically associate murrika with FAT
It's always Japan vs every other country and I assumed it was because of the love for Japanese culture on Sup Forums. Am I mistaken? Do games only come from Japan and the rest of the world works together to make every other game?
Serious question: Has western game design ever done anything worthwile?
I mean, basically everything we like about mechanics is either in Japanese games or was invented by Japanese. Japanese games are simply way ahead of western games in terms of design and mechanics detail.
Just take a look at western examples of Japanese games like Ninja Gaiden and DmC: You get God of War and (totally not Jap)DmC.
Strategy rpgs like Tactics Ogre or FFT are still not done right by western devs as well.
Basically all western devs "add" to the scene, is so called immersion. Meaning: empty space through which you walk endlessly while being immersed. But mechanically and design wise, the west is bankrupt no?
Okay this reads less like a question but more like a weeaboo manifest. But I'm actually wondering about this. Everytime I think or hear about well designed mechanics, its hardly about western games. Unless its stuff like "this crafting system is good aye"
Remember how at Sony's E3 conference one year they proudly stated that they had "the new game from Phil Fish" coming to PS4?
no this website is very much western at least now, its no longer a haven for weeaboos and thats a shame. there is a big cultural divide and westerners won't see most anime or japanese games as worth anything so weebs counterculture into making japan seem superior in every single aspect. for example, you make a japanese game thread here and it dies in 30 posts, even if its absolutely amazing like umihara kawase. do you see Sup Forums? none of it is japanese news and it is the biggest piece of the website. /r9k/, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums all the biggest boards other than Sup Forums are not japanese related at all other than the abbreviation their board
Aren't FPS basically born unto the world by john romero and john carmack?
He said anything worthwhile.
>literally create the ''''jrpg"" with wizardry and master of magic and ultima
>literally create the strategy game genre with civilizations, caesar, master of magic, etc
>literally created every single genre of videogame
>literally created videogames
Isn't the new doom worthwhile?
>Serious question: Has western game design ever done anything worthwile?
You're going to have to do better than that user.
just fucking stop.
>you make a japanese game thread here and it dies in 30 posts
>Nier Automata thread directly below this
>Shadowverse thread directly below that
>for example, you make a japanese game thread here and it dies in 30 posts
What? There's like 10 nier and persona threads at any time, constantly getting replies.
he just BTFO people left and right
>literally be retarded
I see most threads about specific Japanese games stay alive all day.
>at all when all japanese games out at the time for the past ten respective years were all shit
Are you fucking retarded? 2002-2012 were some of the best years of Nip gaming. You're writing off the libraries of the PS2, Gamecube, GBA, DS, and PSP just so you can agree with a numale cuck in order to justify you're hate of weebs.
>2 threads in a board with 150 threads at any time
same situation with /vg/ too, face it all nip games survive in /jp/ where they die in the wall of touhou
Out of the first 28 threads on catalog, 9 were about a japanese game, 4 western, rest not specific to a single game.
That's a funny way of abbreviating "getting cucked by".
There's weebshit everywhere dude, /r9k/ has a shit ton of anime images everyday, Sup Forums also has its share, though its basically a containment board and Sup Forums and Sup Forums are really specifically into western shit but even they have their own weebs. Just because boards with other subject talk more about their subject, it doesn't mean they are anti-weeb.
Assuming this isn't bait, do you not know what Wizardry and Ultima are?
Name the good Western games of 2017 Sup Forums
You're asking me to do the impossible, user.
japan wuz kangz and now is like a quality special snowflake. its simply unique special and a stick-out compared to any other country. you cant distinguish each ass creed game or some ubisoft on the basis of where it was made, canada or france. arr look the same. but if japan made it even people like you who dont play japanese ones easily would. some will hate it because it looks special snowflake-made but some will get into it. coz, again, its unique and special.
>if you aren't with us you are against us
Look, all you need to do is replace "western" with "American" and suddenly it makes more sense. Maybe thrown in Canada considering how many studios in Montreal churn out shovelware and AAA mediocrity in equal amounts.
sonic mania, quake champions, and thats 100 percent of the games i am looking forward to this year
Does Sonic count when it's a Japanese franchise?