Is this thing worth $15?

Is this thing worth $15?

On sale but I know literally nothing about it. Reviews are the typical mix of 10/10 god's gift to man and 1/10 dogshit console port, so no help there.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's a pretty fun game. The port is way better than the console version.

its literally one of the best games this decade

>Play with a controller if you can
>Get the mod that adds Into Free
>Get the mod that adds the guitar version of Imminent Triumph
And it's basically perfect. It was rushed, so the main quest itself is very short, but the game is packed full of so much content that there's not much room to complain.

goat game, dlc is god tier as well.

combat is pretty slow in the beginning but it does get better.

>Into Free


It's good. Sup Forums fucking overhypes it to hell because they're retards but it's decent. It's really fucking short. There's a huge lack of enemy variety and a few of the classes are worthless to play.

If you enjoy RPG's, then you're most likely going to get your money's worth.

The game's a bit rough around the edges and feels unfinished and empty sometimes, but its still a good game all around.

its the same as the console version except there is no guts armor

Yeah, absolutely.

someone here said it best

it puts the FUN into FUNdamentally flawed

He's talking about this song

>runs at higher than 2 frames per second
>supports resolutions higher than 720p
>no letterboxing


>Great party-based combat. Boss fights are pretty intense with a MonHun-feel to it
>Lots of customization in combat and appearance
>DLC is fun

>VERY SLOW start. The first 1-2 hours can be a chore
>Repetitive open world

Pretty good. It'll be like a dog in front of your house that isn't yours. You'll pet it and give him food. You are gonna have a good time 15 minutes a day. Couple of days the dog will take a shit right on the porch. You'll be slightly disgruntled but will quickly forget.


>mods for days
>uncapped FPS
>uncapped resolution

The console version was atrocious.

PC version is the definitive version since it runs extremely well as opposed to running like hot ass on a console.
It's a lot of fun and well worth the price at 15 bucks, even though it does have plenty of flaws.

>he uses more pawns than his main

what are you, gay


be sure to pick best girl

Yep, not without flaws, but it's still great. As a pc fag it was my 2016 goty.

You mean everyone except the Princess? 'Cause that's correct, you are a wise man.

Very good game but, at best, an 8/10. If you like magic, knights and a decent action-based combat system, it's worth it.

For $15? Hell yeah. It's the passion project, that ultimately that to be rushed, from the guy that brought you Devil May Cry 3. Great combat/shitty story. Lot of flaws but a lot of fun.
DLC area is a great dungeon crawler.

It's okay. The main thing it has going for it is the combat. The classes are very distinct and fun to experiment with. It does become a tedious slog in the dlc though since youre required to grind if you want to do any damage. Otherwise the quest design is uninspired, the story sucks dick and theres a big lack of optional content to reward your exploration and enemy variety.

It's one of the best games ever made.

Another user put it better than I could.
>It's the best 7/10 game you'll ever play


>that feel when you hear the music when you fight daimon for the first time

>dogshit console port

Excuse me? As a console port it's the best there ever was, it runs like a dream compared to the console version, very stable and optimized. If you're seeing any reviews saying that it's a bad port, then they just haven't played both versions.

And the game IS great, one of the best ARPGs of all time.

>but the game is packed full of so much content that there's not much room to complain.
Literally what? If there's anything DD is missing it's MORE content.

>Practically no dungeon besides BB, which is the size of a big Dark Souls area
>Quests are mostly hollows and for most of them you basically only look at what you need to kill to get it over with
>Basically no side plot thread besides a couple quest to choose your waifu (and if you wait too much Grigori might choose THEY'RE MASTERWORKS ALL CAN'T GO WRONG to be your beloved
>Everfall is just a serie of rooms which is unintuitive as fuck to navigate for no reason with cools bosses

The best part about the game is Bitterblack Isle but even then you're mostly staying for the gameplay, which is good, but when you see how much content has been cut it just make you feel sad.

Shit makes me tear up.

This terrible unfunny analogy gave me cancer, don't ever post again please

>guitar version of Imminent Triumph
That's so good, but where's Imminent Triumph play anyway?

Also, does anyone know what two tracks play in the city area just before Daimon? Both when fighting through the Ghost Knights and the Dragon horde.
Please help me find them.

That song was easily worth buying the game a second time for.

>make loli mage pawn
>accidentally make her inclination so she rushes everything
>constantly getting into fights with avoidable enemies
>have to literally pick her up and carry her away

Pretty dang good, combat is some of the most satisfying I've played.

Valkyria Chronicles was a better port for starters. DD was okay but not perfect.

>where's Imminent Triumph play anyway?
Whenever you gain the upper hand in a fight

Do you work for Game Informer? I mean, holy shit, that analogy. Take my (You).

This is the song in the abandoned city area before fighting Daimon

The guitar version isn't present in the game, it went unused. It's only included on the OSTs

I have seen the scattering of countless myriad souls... they gather and flow to become as the river of time, expanding to fill the firmament.

What a base and trifling creature is man... yet at once he is the master of this empyreal flow, grand as all the heavens.

I bid you, hone your spirit. Refine it. I shall await you in the crucible of souls.

You'll hear this a million times as you the stupid faggot for gear over and over and over and over.

>Better port
>Pre-rendered cutscenes in 720p

The painty effect makes it look not so bad, but its still fucking terrible, not to mention the game engine not being compatable with high framerates, which more than doubles overwatch opportunities and damage.

>just let me charge this huge ass sp
>let's try again
>almost th
>nope, fuck you
>aaand got it
>what do you mean it's resistant to this spell and takes almost no damage, what is this
Everyone praises DD's magic but it's just too slow for me. Really cool but damn slow. Considering switching to MA for Hard Mode BBI.


>Pawn vocation
>Wolves hunt in ____

I think people mostly praise the visual elements of DD's magic, since you summon fuckhuge tornados and such. It definitely does a lot of damage, but yeah, the charging can be frustrating.

As for BBI, well, if you aren't playing a yellow vocation there you're just deliberately weakening yourself.

Who fucking cares
Open areas of the overworld map.

The port is good. The game ran like shit on PS3, sub par resolution, horrible framerate issues. Def worth 15 bucks.
Mercedes best girl

She Goat

Yes, it's worth 15 dollars. I bought it back on the PC port launch last January(?) at full price, and I've sunk over 130 hours into the game. Beware though, it may be a slow burn for you. It really is one of those games that takes 20 hours to get good imo.

Wait, really? I never noticed it had dynamic music. I'll have to crank the volume up when I start playing it again today.

That one's amazing too, but I meant the battle themes when fighting those enemies there.
Think this might be it.

That's a shame.

Uh yeah, same FMVs. Just like Dragons Dogma.

Valkyria Chronicles is an amazing port that runs at least 3 times better than Dragons Dogma. You're talking about a bug that was fixed years ago. DD had bugs on release too and still has a bug exclusive to the PC release. And don't forget the cut Berserk content.

>>VERY SLOW start. The first 1-2 hours can be a chore
Sorry hoss but two hours of bad game makes for a refund. The first two hours of DMC3 and DMC4 are fun and so should the first two hours of Dragon's Dogma.

>t. someone who has never played it on the console

stop shitposting you fag

when he says "slow start" all that means is that one of the early quests is escorting a fairly slow cart through the mountains. The game opens up immensely immediately after that

Post favorite track

Both are equally fucking great. Although, the actual Daimon bossfight plays a remix of coils of light, and I can't find it.

Dragon's Dogma pre-rendered cut-scenes are in 1080.

The bugs in it are nowhere near as gamebreaking as the ones in VC.

Also VC is just a shitty game. Once you figure out how to exploit Alicia, there's no reason to play the game legit anymore.

There's really no comparable exploitative bullshit in DD

I thought he was referring to the bad fight with the ogre thing and the awful sewer dungeon with the lizards.

How are there still people that have not played Dragon's Dogma yet?

Which is just as shit tier for a PC game. Why not 4k? Why not 8k?

VC has no remaining bugs, DD does.

VC is also a better game especially on PC with mods.

And VC runs better with more PC features.

Better port. was Top tier game from me right from the "tutorial"

1080 is universally accepted as the standard definition now.

Don't move the goalposts because your argument is falling apart.

It's fun to play but it feels unfinished like MGS5. The main campaign ends pretty abruptly and the world map design is a bit lacking (too many corridors and not enough variety). It's still good 50 hours of gameplay and some boss fights are intense. I haven't fisnihed the expansion yet, I'm really not digging the tiered gear stuff.

Be sure to get the dinput mod.

MK/MA hybrid for days.

Maybe 5 years ago bub.

It’s one of those flawed masterpiece games, like Dark Souls 1, VTMB, and STALKER: SOC. Port is actually pretty good. Play it with a controller if possible. Definitely worth $15, but only you can decided if it is ultimately worth it.
Also, I’d check out some of the mods for it on the nexus.


>Fighter, no special stuff just a regular sword and shield build.
>Mage, obligatory healer..
>I think I ended up with the Duchess the first time and was really disappointed nothing led anywhere even after that whole saving her escapade. (I wanted the cousin or the cute witch girl though.)

Based as hell, thats one of the biggest disappointments for me last year

Because it's only five years old. There are much older games that are far better than Dragon's Dogma that people haven't played. People who claim to be knowledgeable about vidya. That's the real crime. And no I'm not talking about Doom or Ocarina of Time.

>Is this thing worth $15?

It's worth a lot more than that. Fantastic fucking game.

There's a lot early that can feel tedious:
>cart escort
>the ogre in the Everfall
>many of the early bandits can fuck things up, especially the Warriot gooks who are basically Guts incarnate

>Wait, really? I never noticed it had dynamic music. I'll have to crank the volume up when I start playing it again today
Yup. It has the standard version of Imminent Triumph though, not the sick guitar version.

it's an overrated piece of shit
still better than the souls serie

its worth 60 easily

short answer yes.

but dont try to play it with mouse/kleyboard

so its like zelda botw?

It's full of flawed mechanics and it's designed to make you miss a lot of things with a bad save system, a lot of point of no return where a lot of things changes in the world and an absurd amount of things you wouldn't know without reading a guide.
You can for example easily remove merchants from the world until new game +, miss entire quests or alternative way to resolve them.

But somehow it's still a good game, fun to play.


Yeah it's design for that but new game + is something I'm not used to as a PC gamer and I find it very gamey.

I like spending time in the Bitterblack Island and general post-game but I don't see me ever replaying all those quests I've already done. Not directly in any case.


I know, I'm half-asleep. They are understandable words though.

Absolutely not. Do not listen to Sup Forums.

Sup Forums goes apeshit over this game because you can make lolis in it. It is unbelievably mediocre but it's hip to like this game now.

Get a sorcerer going. Learn maelstrom. Cast it on a bunch of goblins. Thank me later.

Mystic Knight is best class.

recomand a class to me I have this sitting in my steam account for a while now cause it was like 2 bucks in some sale on mmoga or g2a and I picked it up.

you can switch whenever, just try whatever you want.

This Mystic Knight is fun. Also the easiest to level with.

>Dragon's Dogma
>One of the best games of the last 10 years

You are actually fucking retarded, please remove yourself from the genepool asap.

Post snu snu waifus!

That's not how you spell Magick Archer.

>Mystic Knight
>I always accidentally get the Masterworks guy
>The duke could stand to commission some new roads.

its better than nier and botw

Wow, you didn't set that bar high.

yet everybody seems to think these are the best games ever in Sup Forums so dragons dogma must be pretty much god tier

But Sup Forums generally has shit taste in games

true. but dragons dogma is actually a good game.

they're all good you niggers

But it's not. It's objectively garbage.

I spent a lot of time defending it, but in this case I'm going to say that it's an all around 7/10 game, but regardless of rating, you're either going to love it, or hate it for it's diversities from other games. It's punishing and repetitive, but the combat's great, the movement feels good (except fucking stamina), there's plenty of hard fights that will keep you engaged until you fight an ogre for the 10000th time and just immediately implode it

the best 7/10 games you can find