Is this the best DLC ever made?

Is this the best DLC ever made?
This shit got me hyped more than anything
Still need to kill the fucking dragon.
Also lore discussion.




>tfw nobody wants to discuss DaS3

Just played it, i haven't yet beaten the second boss fight (the lance guy protecting the sleeping queen supposedly)
I find it amazing for the moment, much better than ashes of ariandel

i reinstalled das3 yesterday for the dlcs ( havent played ariandel yet )
currently stuck on lord of cinder with my refined +10 murakamo at level 80-something

don't remember him being this brutal, last time i killed cinder on second try with a lucerne, but at the same time it took me around 50 tries to get champ gundyr, while this time i got him on third attempt.

did they at least fix the darkmoon being summoned? that last time i quit was because that covenant was broken

Righr? I replayed the game to set-up a character for the dlc and i feel like i had my ass handed to me more often than my first playthrough
Maybe i'm rusty...

you don't need to kill lord of cinder just Friede.

>tfw she ask if Gael comes back

also, did wolnir always summon skeletons? or was it added in some patch?

No, it's pretty damn good though. But all this shit pandering to min/max faggots is out of hand.
>old monk 3.0 but it's a roll of the dice to hope you don't get some buffed faggot flipping around with those dual greatswords while the painting niggers throw endless knives at you

I didn't get any skeletons, are you playing in ng+ or more? Maybe it's because of that

How the fuck do you even get at this guy. I go to him he runs away, I let him come to me he just does death from above all the time.

I even tried summoning people but they die before a quarter of his health is gone.

So far the best way I've found is to stand somewhat a bit away and hope he does his leap forward, roll, hit his head 3 times and roll away in prep for aoe fire. I can get him to half health doing this but then all his new moves come into play and it all goes to shit.

how do i deal with these faggot angels REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

How many bosses are in the new dlc? Are they any good?

I feel ya brother. He is insane.

like every large beast boss just get under their legs. Its forward attacks/flamebreath is all easy to avoid, just watching out for that tailswipe followup on that flameblast he does after he rears up on his legs.

There are monsters on the ground that look like chained angels
Kill them and you kill the flying ones
The first one is on a ledge after the room with the two kights
The other two are hidden

It's something he does very rarely after you break the first shackle.

They don't have nearly enough HP, so most people kill him before he gets a chance.

4, yes.
hit his head
>ever summoning for first try

>Lore discussion
>Some feast is about to begin
>You get paint for a little girl
>She paints you a painting of a nice house on a hill
>You go and live there
>The end

so you give her the blood and then?
>no cutscene
>no item

it was a fetch quest for nothing.

i liked the dlc but weak ending where they can just say "hey we're making ds4"

>Vaati taking notes right now

don't forget the painting has my name on it faggot.

>best dlc
look at this retard lmao

Which one is better to you? Honest question

How does that boss work?
I imagine it's through online, but I literally killed the summons in 15 seconds so I don't even understand him.

Does Gwyn crown the lord of hollow? What timeline is this.

>>She paints you a painting of a nice house on a hill
>>You go and live there

shit that never happens.

>4 man
>backsteps 3 times to other side of arena
>super laser attack
>beam oneshots 2 summons
>host is combo'd by beam and eruption

co-op is harder than solo

I have no idea, i just tried it and he wrecked my ass
I hope it's not online tho bc i'm not paying for the season pass

The first is good
The second is Oldmonkish
The third is fucking incredible
the optional is the worst (real) dragon in the series.

There's no timeline bullshit, Gwyn just lied about and covered up history.

Humans fought the ancient dragons alongside the gods, but the gods got scared, branded them with the Dark Sign and banished them to the ringed city in the middle of nowhere.

So is it right up there with Old Hunters?

Noice, thanks



Jesus fuck Miyazaki, cut down on that REEEEEEE shit.

no it doesn't even have an ending

old hunters. i didn't really find any of the dark souls dlcs remarkable tbqh.

Yes. Just like Bloodborne. Dark Souls 3 vanilla is pretty flawed without the DLC, but Dark Souls 3 is so good now with the second and final DLC.

Definitely recommend it. It will make you fall in love with Dark Souls 1 again, and Dark Souls 2 too.

I wish I could enjoy sloppily written nonsense randomly thrown together at the last minute as much as you oblivious simpletons.

Hey, does anyone know if you can cut off midir's tail?

God damn Midir was such an amazing fight. Totally worth the wait for this DLC.

Yes and no.
It ends a bit anticlimactic, but there's apparently a whole bunch of secret shit people haven't found yet. Vaati uploaded a video about it earlier, and there's apparently at least enough stuff for another one.

How can you faggots be happy with a dlc that ends on another cliff hanger?

This is boss rehash done right desu

Can you cut off anything else's tail in Dark Souls 3?
There's your answer.

I expected that answer, old hunters is truly amazing

time is convoluted and fromsters don't have to explain shit

>DaS3 is now a story driven game


>some guy you already killed just chilling out in the middle of nowhere.

No, it was shit. They only put him in because they forgot to include his armor set in the base game.

just killed the first boss, and holy shit those stupid angel demon things were pain in the ass

hope there's not more of them


>Best DLC
>final boss is just a guy who uses a fucked up Maria/Artorias move set thats just a giant fucking slogfest even with the most powerful weapon

Nah. it's alright but it's nothing compared with Old Hunters or the original DS DLC.

Lorefags are actually anti-consumer and anti-capitalist because they want the developers and publishers to stop making the games we love so much.

One of the things that make me happy with Fromsoft and Bamco/Sony releasing DLCs is that it BTFOs the lorefags and outs the innumerable idiots who can't follow and enjoy the souls games for what they are. So this is one thing that I love about Souls DLCs.

I'm getting cucked by Midir.

Why did I decide to stick as SL55.

Ornstein's armor finally has the plume, I don't even care about anything else.


there there

at least 1 more ending and not a "oh ill paint a world" we already knew she was painting a world from ashes, useless fetch quest that had 4 boss's.

No one said the one in the base game was the only one

>all the bosses are HP sponges, except one boss which is just PvP with the "boss" invader getting help
into the trash it goes

One of the things that mae souls populare was the lore so I'm not sure what are you rambling about

better than blue smelter pretending to be something new. And his armor description is quite fun. It mentions the mc.

The same people will buy the game in definitive edition.

someone post a ds 3 key!!

It's the abyss. Which is the afterlife. All along, the opening was showing you the Lords of Cinder waking up in the abyss.

who else absolutely fell in love with this weapon
probably my new favorite in the series
>just discovered I could hold down the weapon art and go full helicopter

The item description says the armor came from the one you already killed

>le slogfest
>forgets how much dmg ludwig tanks without over power game breaking blood gems


Well, it was designed by the retard that made Das2.

Yeah, that is true. But it only applies to people like ENB, who quit while he's ahead.
Certain lorefags these days are hyping their viewers about things that are absolutely head canon. And all that false prophecy definitely negatively affects peoples expectations.

what even

At least there's finally confirmation that populated Firelink and the stuff that directly connects to it exists outside of the rest of the game's timeframe.

I got summoned so often when trying to co-op with a friend I had to take it off.

What's a good strength weapon to use when fighting Darkeater Midir?


wait what

I have a level 35 with +4 weapons character and a level 120 PvP character. Neither of them get summoned more than maybe once every other hour.

are we saying this vidya is good then ?...

That's bloodborne, retard. This is DS3.

are you on PC or ps4? cause i still have to farm those damn knights for their ears


So is the game until the final boss fight is in the past? Does that mean that dark fire-link shrine is the ultimate future?

Does that mean that everything post cinder, and painting is CURRENT YEAR?

>inb4 time is convoluted meme

Rarely lock on, only use it to position yourself then immediately unlock
Always roll towards his back legs, that way if he goes to breath fire under himself you can quickly position yourself for some hits on his tail (you can get in about 6 at most hits on it with a straight sword)
when you see him charge up his purple AoE move just book it, it will most likely oneshot you

Time is convoluted, so you see statues of things that don't even exist in the DLC.


Fuck no. I just finished it, the only thing worth a shit is the Gael fight. It has some of the most obnoxious segments in the series, an Old Monk rehash, the most generic Souls boss fight possible ("Check it out, it's TWO of them, just like Maneaters and Gargoyles and all those gank bosses you loved, not to mention it's got a second phase with another life bar, just like 75% of the bosses in DS3 you loved!") and another garbage dragon fight. The level design is overall fine but the enemy placement is fucking DS2 tier sometimes.

In Dark Souls 2 the Dark Chasm of old contains spirits from long ago. Karla says "I'll see you in the abyss" if you kill her in her cell. The Pygmy at the start of the ringed city says that Filianore is guarding the abyss. The only time you see the area you fight is after touching Filianore's shell and in the opening sequence where you see the Lords of Cinder rise from their graves.

Doesn't that swing from side to side when swung two-handed?

Just got past the stupid archer part and so far, outside of the boss fight, I'm having no fun with this DLC. Please tell me this shit gets better.

Man, I'm finally starting to understand Gael's moveset.

Holy shit this guuy is fucking brutal. The guy literally turns into fucking Dracula by the third phase.

nah like this

it doesn't

Nope. That's the last of the "hope you found the right spot to run to or you're dead" segments though.

You get to run down a long stairway where those fat faceless fucks never stop coming

I don't understand why they can't design a good 1v1 boss, so they just add more gank bosses it's not fun at all.

When you get to the Ringed City swamps, it gets more tolerable because it gives you more breathing space and explore more.

>getting past the angels and hooded giants have been the most frustrating moments I had with any Souls game
>beat Gael on my first try
If only they toned down this bullshit.

The DLC ends with a great 1v1 boss.
People are only disappointed because he's not really lore-significant.

Mechanically, he's pretty much one of the most cinematic bosses in Dark Souls, but yeah context wise , he doesnt really deserve to be the final boss.