Doing to replay Neverwinter nights 2, what's a fun class that doesn't rely on prebuffing too much but also do more than auto attacking?
Last time I played a Swashbuckler/rogue/duelist
Neverwinter Nights
Rogue and Paladin, I'd say.
Don't go rogue if you want to play the OC, most enemies you fight are sneak attack immune.
If you like magic and cool abilities, try out Warlock. He does have some buffs, but they usually last for as long as you want. And he can use spells as many times as he wants too.
Aren't warlock pretty buggy? Also is your class relevant during the game (unique side quest or dialogue)
Frenzied berserker
I think there were pretty much no ingame interactions related to your class except for this one monk quest, or a different sentence here and there. And there are mods for those bugs. I don't remember anything gamebreaking about Warlock though.
I would say bow fighter or ranger. You will auto attack a lot, but you will also need to use abilites/spells that make it harder for enemies to reach you.
Ranger also gets an animal companion, a few druid spells, tons of skills considering he's a fighting class and favoured enemies.
It's always fun to cast Grease, Web and Entagle and watch all the enemies stuck while you use them as target practice.
Paladin pre-buffs a lot later on.
Rogues are really not that bad in the OC. The game starts being full of crit imune enemies only later in the game, but at this point you should have +5 weapons with elemental damage so it's not much of a big deal.
Not to mention there always will be some living enemies too, like the shadow priests.
>Also is your class relevant during the game (unique side quest or dialogue)
Very rarely.
I remember that rangers can understand that big friendly spider in the caves under Ember if you don't have Elanee in your party.
I also remember you can understand it if you choose Lolth as your deity, I think it's the only case where your deity even matters.
How are bards?
I've played SoU and HotU as Paladin and I barely buffed.
OP asked about NWN2 though, paladins get more buffs there.
They are basically weaker sorcerers with party buffs and lots of skills.
Well I have barely played NWN2.
I started playing as a drow and saw that everyone was cuddly and loveydovey with me and that turned me the fuck off.
Middle of the road in comparison to every other class. They do a fuckton of prebuffing though, if you're OP. There's some people that say bards in NWN2 are really good so there's that.
inb4 monk autist
Do they still hold up in MotB?
>I started playing as a drow and saw that everyone was cuddly and loveydovey with me and that turned me the fuck off.
There is a few NPCs who mention that you are a drow, like those three brothers at the beginning who give you shit, they give you even more shit if you are a drow.
It's mostly flavour though.
>tfw trying to play a 4 wizard party in the IWD1 module
>having trouble with it
>not because wizards aren't massively overpowered
>but because NWN2's interface is so fucking shitty it constantly makes me do things I don't want to and makes micromanaging that would've been a cinch in actual IWD1 a gigantic pain in the ass
Yeah, that's the problem, it's only flavour. I should be treated like shit or with fear everywhere I go
What's the point of a RPG if I can't roleplay?
Maybe I should start again as aasimar paladin or some shit
Can't say but they should. The game is not overly difficult, you don't need to munchkin to beat it.
SoZ can be pretty difficult though.
Bro, it's a Bioware game what did you expect?
How is Spirit Shaman?
There are very few RPGs where you actually get radically different responses from the majority of NPCs depending on your choices during character creation.
I think only F1/2 did it properly with low INT.
ToB mod gives you 3 classes that are pretty much exactly what you want
they're melee classes but with pseudo-spell like maneuvers that can be used each battle and can easily be recovered. All of them "do" something rather than just buff.
Yes, but if you build poorly you might have a little trouble against the final boss. Outside of that they're smooth sailing - huge buffs and debuffs, decent spells that give them lots of survivability, good Bard-unique feats, and they can do just fine in combat on their own if you do it right.
They're no CoDzilla or Wizard but they're perfectly fine.
NWN2 was made by Obsidian, not Bioware.
And the first NWN was made by Bioware when it used to be good.
Dragon Age Origins does it fairly well.
like druid but worse
DA O had only 3 class and race though
They also break for no reason regularly. Nothing is shittier than being incredibly happy with your Swordsage and then suddenly you're no longer capable of using maneuvers or stances ever again, or saving/reloading and the game doesn't remember your maneuvers for no fucking reason.
why make like 10 races with 3 subraces each if the game will be exactly the same for all of them
It's to druid what sorcerer is to a wizard.
You are oging to learn less spells, but you will get more casts/day and won't need to prepare them in advance.
because D&D. People would throw a bitchfit if they couldn't play as a half celestial kobold samurai/psion.
yeah but in the tabletop game the DM takes control and reactivity is the whole point of the game
in a videogame you need to sacrifice some things
>tfw always play a human
>tfw no face
Am I a special snowflake for not trying to be a special snowflake?
I took a warblade through the OC and MOTB without problems, though some of the modded campaigns did break
was hella fun though, unlike with a fighter I actually felt like I was becoming an inhuman badass warrior throughout the game
It's more like what Favored Soul is because you need two different stats to cast.
humans are pretty much (aside from some really cheesy choices that games never offer) the best race in D&D games
I've never not had problems with it, which disappoints me because ToB is by far my favorite book.
>not playing an aasimar paladin (female)
I'll give it a try then, I checked a few guides but none of them mention the Harper agent class despite it being able to put points in the perform skill, any reason?
>not an aasimar bard, flirt worshipping sharess
its a good book sure, though the group I used to play with had someone who did dislike how "weeaboo" it was
we reached a compromise where I'd use a semi-appropriate technique name from a european fencing manual instead but mechanically everything remained the same
>+1 LA
>doesn't get that juicy extra feat
Fighter/Cleric is the only true class
Yeah, it's too good to pass on.
The extra skill points are basically like 2 free points in intelligence and extremaly useful for pretty much any class, maybe not so much for rogues since they get tons of skills already but can still be useful.
Extra feat is great for anyone as well, maybe except fighter, they run out of feats to choose very quickly with thier bonus feat everys 2nd level.
Also, the highest level class counting as the favourite one makes them more versatile for multiclassing.
Nobody uses multiclass penalties because none of the truly powerful classes have any problems when taken straight.
Lads I've finished SoU, HotU, ADwR and Tales of Arterra
what the FUCK do I play now? I'm running out of thigns to play in NWN and I'm nowhere near tired of the game
Play Cleric for best endgame spells
NWN1 Class Tier List
>God Tier:
>Top Tier:
Wizard, Sorcerer, Cleric, Shifter
>High Tier:
Champion of Torm, Black Guard, Bard, Weapon Master
>Mid Tier:
Paladin, Harper Scout, Fighter, Red Dragon Disciple, Dwarven Defender
>Low Tier:
Monk, Ranger, Rogue, Pale Master, Arcane Archer, Shadow Dancer
>Trash Tier
Barbarian, Assassin, Purple Dragon Knight
Aeilund Saga.
>oh is that a kobold I see?
>welp, guess i'm gonna have to rest and spend half an hour buffing again
Too hack-and-slashy, not enough writing.
You get your first two henchmen in the first 30 seconds of the game. Even less if you don't count loading times.
Did they realize how stupid they were when the names from fencing manuals were also ridiculous?
It picks up more on the roleplay later on, but if it's not your thing, then maybe Bastard of Kosigan.
i've heard it's buggy and you can't play a female
is NWN over for me unless I play arelith?
Do i need a rogue for the Oc/motb?
You get a party member that can do rogue stuff in both. I think you can complete both of them completely without a rogue too but you might miss some loot.
More like munchkin list and it still manages to be wrong.
>rangers in first NWN
>not absolute dogshit tier
Being one of the best of low tier doesn't mean you're not shit and they're way better than Barbarians because their features aren't useless because of game mechanics.
Sorry but that list is correct.
Let me guess, your one of those monk shitters?
No, not really.
You get rogue party member in the OC (two in MotB actually). Most chests can be simply broken, this will result in one non-magic item getting destroyed but who gives a fuck about non-magic loot.
Traps are hardly a problem.
>ranger in the same tier as rogue or shadow dancer
Choose one.
Both of those are incredibly bad the second their gimmick is nullified.
Meanwhile ranger is bad regardless.
only one guy actually cared about it and as long as it didn't sound japanese it didn't matter to him
none of us spoke italian and between the 5 of us we had about enough shared german knowledge to ask for a train station
Animal companion alone is enough to stop it being bottom tier, its not a great class but its better than shit like barbarian and fucking purple dragon knight
that's one of the things I like about NWN2: barbarians are pretty darn great thanks to the frenzied beserker PrC
Favored Enemy and spells, even bad spells > bullshit that gets turned off the second an enemy is crit immune
FB doesn't need you to be a Barbarian, though. A Clericzilla can get into it just fine.
Mask of the Betrayer is still the best game Obsidian have made in the past decade (also holy shit it came out ten years ago)
WOTC pussying out and not letting you tear down the Wall of the Faithless was stupid, it's the single greatest morally wrong system in the entire multiverse, Myrkul inventing it is unbelievably cruel and shows how much of a dick that skeleton fucker is.
Okku>Kaelyn>Safiyah>Gann>>>>>>>>One of Many
I'm still mad we'll never get a NWN3 because of the mediocre MMO. Pillars of eternity was an okay-ish Baldur''s Gate rehash, IDK why they had to make several steps backwards from where they've been.
I want another isometric RPG more similar to DA:O or NWN2 versus cribbing shit from Baldur''s Gate until the end of time
PoE was shit.
How can someone say so many right things in a single post.
warlock barely has any prebuffs and most of its attacking is spell spamming, since attacking with it is useless
spamming tentacles gets LOUD though
Tell it to me straight.
Should I skip NWN2 OC and everything else and just jump straight into MotB?
I never take tentacles as warlock. Sure, it's a damn good spells, but holy shit it's just a fucking pain to cast it. They're SO loud and they last SO much, you'll still have the game muted 5 minutes after the fight has ended.
>I'm still mad we'll never get a NWN3 because of the mediocre MMO.
Actually that was because of Atari fucking deadlocking the D&D license for 5 years so no game could actually use D&D mechanics or use the names they had the licenses to.
Not him but it's not that bad.
It's pretty much a generic "from zero to hero" fantasy adventure. This doesn't mean it's necessarily bad, not everything needs to be 3deep5u epic adventure where you kill gods and destroy worlds with your +10 dildo of destruction with +6d6 elemental damage.
It has some cool moments, like the trial and the whole Crossroads Keep, the companions were likeable and the influence system done nicely.
If you odn't like that type of campaigns then feel free to skip it.
>tfw Eldritch Glaive from Kaedrin's
It's sad that they had to break its implementation to make it not overpowered in NWN.
fyi: dispel magic cancels the tentacles
But the first part is just ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
I never got past the whole city guard vs thieves thing
Holy shit that never ocurred to me.
The thing that sucks about Warlock is that it only gets half caster level to checks against spell resistance and dispel checks.
Like I said, it's pretty much preference. I like more down to earth campaigns where you start out as an average joe doing average joe shit.
It's true the first act has a little too many trash encounters with copy-pasted enemies, especially the whole orc questline, but I didn't mind. I've enjoyed worse.
It's pretty cliche and vanilla, with it's highs and downs. I would say play it if you want a mediocre/goodish campaign and some context for MotB. And like said, the first part is pretty damn boring, it doesn't pick up until at least you've beaten the Neverwinter section.
fun fact as a warlock: the staff of wizardry can be recharged with your eldritch blast so you can spam all the spells on it
also in vanilla the hellfire warlock class is bugged as wearing an amulet of health protects you from the con drain but lets you cast the spells which shouldn't happen
kaedrin's fixes this but you can easily alleviate it by having a cleric character craft a wand of lesser restoration, its 50 uses and your use magic skill should be through the roof
the acid blast and tentacle spells bypass spell resistance
and in kaedrin's they get full level instead which helps a lot
If you don't enjoy that kind of generic D&D low level campaign then just skip it altogether, it doesn't start getting trascendental until much later and even then it's still cliché.
I mean, I like starting out as an average joe but it's been like 5 hours in and I'm still an average joe
Sure, but those aren't the only useful mechanics the Warlock has.
I know but this is one of those cases where it does more good than harm
>wooooow, you're using mods for a game that was moddable from day 1
Pretty much everything bad about it is optional, just use those few features that are actually good.
There's not that much that's bad about it when your point of comparison is NWN2. Caster supremacy is already reigning supreme, why the fuck does giving them more spells matter when the real benefit is opening up better martials and gish classes and unfucking the Warlock?
Why? This game is trash
was trying to make a dwarven defender, piled up all the fucking mountain of prerequisite feats you need and then found out you have to be a Dwarf to take the class.
Am so pissed off I don't think I'm going to bother finishing this hunk of shite. Grobnar is a faggot.
Did the dwarven part not tip you off? DD is a shit PrC anyways so you're not missing out on much.
>dwarven defender
>have to be a Dwarf
>Grobnar is a faggot
Then don't travel with him?