Other urls found in this thread:
its time
Shitty ending, post the edit
Telling everyone right now, the ending is nothing, nothing changes. You'll be disappointing. Just close the thread and come back in an hour when the whole thing is already posted if you're that curious.
>faces in first & last panel aren't swapped
there you go
why do m o d s always remove these threads?
there isn't much about vidya, but neither are a lot of threads that need more urgent purging imo, such as brap bait, e-celeb politics and "say something nice" threads.
>tfw LOL threads have trained you to see any B&W comic with portrait orientation as Junji Ito's
Because as you can see, dipshits keep posting non-vidya garbage in them. The mods are too lazy to remove the offending posts and just nuke the threads instead.
You gotta get more reports made on those threads. Mods don't do shit until there is enough bitching.
post the schmorky one
I think its the Yotsuba dumps since that's when I keep seeing them deleted.
But why?
I've seen those stay up quite a while
I'm just waiting for the inevitable Ito posts.
This one needs to be deleted because it's terrible
How do I find this once the threads been deleted?
The last one we just had got a couple of posts deleted and was doing fine until the dump started, then it was deleted.
i like those books. diary of a wimpy kid is some good people.
You don't want to find it.
It just ends with "lol I'm edgy and aloof now"
I was expecting some NotImportant edit, but no user delivered
So do they fuck, or what?
Look really far up your own anus
I've been so lucky as to avoid "open relationships" so far. If any girl ever asks me for that bullshit i'm gone.
What kind of self-respecting man would accept those terms? I just don't understand.
Why does this comic get dumped so often? It's completely mundane. Why are you wasting your time punching in those captchas? Go do something else with your time.
One who actually has self respect.
Is it ok for women to accept those terms?
atta girl you're finaly understanding
It's called slinging tail, and if you were an alpha you wouldn't care.
>American schools
I very desperate or mentally ill man.
finish the deed
Not enough people report them, the loli threads or the drawthreads.
Just finished this comic and I have no idea why you're posting it here, since it has no ending and it's shit. Literally no reason.
Better post the Donald, Mickey, and Goofy night out next time, kiddo.
01001100 01001111 01001100
That scene in the animated Pinocchio movie really fucked kids up in the head.
drawthreads a least have content, even if they suffer from people being entitled.
would greatly benefit from an ID system like Sup Forums had.