Webm thread. Post webms

Webm thread. Post webms.






if you wanted to make a ps4 thread and samefag it you shouldve just made that the op

What is wrong with dumping a few webms at the start of your own thread? Should I just post the thread and never post in it again so I'm not "samefagging"?





Here's one I found earlier for you cutie.

He made a webm thread and is posting webms from games.

You've somehow, fucking somehow, found issue with this.

You're probably too far gone, but please realise you don't need to be antagonistic about fucking everything to be here.



Please buy my game :3

what do you mean.



fucking japan





this is a fucking video

gross, he kind of looked like boogie


Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/? bros?

he has always been /ourguy/
he just wants to make fun games

Why is there a viking in Japan?



Should I buy this game? I feel like it would be better if I rented it instead.

GR2 is somewhat lengthy with 30-40 hours, GR1 was like 10 for the story and 15 for the plat. I'd say rent the first one and buy the second one on sale or something.


Noice, thanks

It's fun if you like superhero games.
My main gripe with it was the camera got annoying in small areas, the side quests interrupt the game quite a lot, and the story makes zero fucking sense.


Whoa, I need to get into Dark Souls.....


wut dis


Rain World



No it's shit like anything that Sup Forums recommends


What am I looking at? It's beautiful


that actually looks fun

What bothers me about it is you get fucking wood out of them, not food/water.

What is this?

Need to know so I can avoid buying it.

>lemme just grab this cactus and rub it on my face

I am still on the first level, trying to get the coin under the bridge. Does the bird holding your tail allow you to pretty much float or what? I forgot all about that function.

disc jam

conan exiles

>look at all the webms
>boring, boring shit
>all modern console games
>finally a fun looking game
>it's old

what happened to video games or is this consolefag just bad at making webms


The majority of this thread is literally not console webms.


what game is this?



cactus water is super fucking alkaline and not good for you in any way whatsoever

Though I GUESS you could say cactus fruit counts as food/water though, so you win

why not show us how its done then


Senran Kagura Estival Versus.

what game

so qtes are ok when japan does it?

Sup Forums is so fucking retarded fucking weebcucks


Sup Forums is probably the biggest or second biggest board on Sup Forums. Do you think every poster on Sup Forums is the same person?

Fuck your western shit


I know it's not really fair to do a 1:1 comparison since it's not in engine and hand drawn, but fucking hell. This is basically a fucking Vita game with maybe a year of dev time. It's also a spin off title with a tiny budget.

What is Bioware's fucking problem?

At the time of posting it was.

I suck too.


is this good?


Yeah, it's fun. Has some flaws though.

>Lethal League but with magic instead of balls


that's just lethal league on easy mode

>At the time of posting it was.
This is incorrect.

You are wrong.

wat gam


wat dis

>the cat rotating and phasing through the windmill
Kusoge is as kusoge does.


Already did.



nier automata

Blade Severance

Epic, simply epic :D

Gravity Daze

Is that 0 or 6 ? I want to try a yakuza game but I hear the new one western got is shit compared to the latest one in jp


Is this ori and the blind forest

fucks this?

snek pass


it wishes it was


Maybe someone will.


What game?