Holy shit. BOTW will go down in history while the show 17 is just a show in a series of the shows
sony wins what? another baseball game? big deal
is this a sports game or simulation?
>Console warring a fucking sports game
haha baseball :DD
Is the game actually like the commercial with cool costumes and shit. I like zany baseball games.
Could've scored a 1. Normies don't give a fuck and would buy it anyways.
haha what the fuck this reeks of paid review?
why would IGN, a bunch of america hating communists, like a game about pure american sportsmanship? you're telling my GEOFF keighley watches MLB after a long day of shilling??
Geoff Keighley's a NHL fanboy, for what it's worth.
Is this the one with the wood man?
obvs it got good reviews. it's the best horror game of the decade
>Sports games
Makes my toes tingle
Can some one explain this? I have no idea how this kind of glitch would be possible. Like how the fuck.
We did it Sonybros........
it'' over.......
Has there been a better videogame glitch in the past decade?
The Show is one of the best sports series ever desu.
Only ever played that an MH on PSP.
Anyone here ever bought or even owns a sports game? I remember my PS2 came bundled with some PES shit that i immediately sold to a soccertard friend, i don't give a shit about sports games but the console came with a 8mb memory card, multitap adapter and 2 extra controllers all for just 40 more dollars than a regular PS2.
I grew up playing hockey so for a long while I was into the NHL games, but even I didnt buy sports games on purpose, I mostly played them at a friends house
Yep. I love baseball, so I play baseball games. they're fun
nba 2k is life
>I could be climbing mountains and saving the world in a rich fantasy world
>no I want to button mash a sport game
fucking animals
I still play MVP 2005 on my Xbox. Currently going into the 2017 season.
wii sports sold the wii
when are we going to get another fucking boxing game? It's been six years since Fight Night Champion
>button mash a sport game
Are you all black or what? I've never seen normalfags touch sports games, only AAA shit and shooters.
Who the fuck buys a PS4 to play shitty sport games.
I hate sony and don't play baseball but the other Zelda games are better than botw, Botw is just another game in the zelda franchise too.
I love games of any flavor. Vidya, board, and sports.
I'm actually considering getting a PS4 just for the show, because I haven't played a baseball video game for about a decade.
I owned and played NHL 94, 95 and 96 and had Sports Talk Football for Genesis.
Sony is literally the only one that puts out baseball games.
looks like the bump maps were fucked up, and caused the textures to not know where to be placed
My cousin and I would play Ken Griffey for hours. I don't really play sports games anymore, but my sister and I were a big fan of Backyard Sports from Humongous when that series was mostly on PC.
I've actually wanted to buy The Show for hte longest time as I'm a huge baseball fan, but never had the opportunity to do so.
I'm a Mariners fan, so I almost feel obligated to buy a video game with Griffey on the cover.
Animal people from Red Dead Redemption
who the fuck cares about shitty baseball when persona 5 is out in a few days
baseball is too boring to play for real let alone as a video game
because sport games are fun multiplayer games.
I'm gonna sell my PC for a PS4 and this game
What if I like both?
Not to mention Japs loooooooove baseball
>Persona 5
Why the fuck is Japan winning so hard?
So hows the new RTTS?
You aren't a true weeb if you don't love baseball.
nba 2k11 is one of the best games ever, fucking weebs
>BOTW will go down in history
As the most overrated game ever?
Both. They have the traditional simulation modes like Career(RTTS) and Franchise mode. But they also have Diamond Dynasty with has a card game element to it not unlike NBA 2k MyTeam or Madden Ultimate Team(Less Pay 2 Win since they don't really release special edition cards though) as well as Retro Mode which makes it play more like a 90's sports game.
Only thing I wish it had was an expansion mode like All Star BAseball did way back when
Is it more fun than watching it on tv?
I remember seeing this mascot being everywhere on Sup Forums back in 2012.
I buy MLB the show every year basically on the grounds that since 2014 I've been running a real time career. Max Powers is a stud for the Padres.
Why don't they make an amnesia game with an enemy with this look? The right one makes me want to throw up
>climbing mountains is fun
Maybe in real life, in a videogame is fun about 10 seconds before you wish it was over
I believe she is still a mascot in the NPB
Who /cardinals/ here?
fucking shill
Why are the Twins so bad?
>no nightmare mode where each character is horrible deformed
Who /Natitude/ here?
MLB 17 The Show is fucking great. It has so much shit put into it.
>tfw the Astros aren't major league anymore
I like playing as shitty teams. Also they had the worst fucking jersey of all time.
Did you enjoy losing 8-1 today?
Who One-Outs here?
>why are minnesota sports so bad
they're going to be the worst team in mlb this year. scouts are ripping the team mercilessly. but hey, cheap tickets all year
who /maybenextyear/ here?
Is ths the one where drake was in it?
>why are minnesota teams so bad
Who else bought a PS4 almost exclusively for weeb shit and The Show
>there are still "people" out there who don't realize that sports games are the most complex rpgs on the market
You guys fucking ruined a 100+ year old joke
Fuck you and fuck your shit city
Reminder that sports games are often some of the best RPGs and management games out there. At least when they aren't made by fucking EA.
EA wasn't always garbage. Tiger Woods '03-'05 were fucking GOAT.
>random vidya glitch creates scariest monster since 2002
Not only that, this baseball game has better facial animations than Andromeda, and has far more characters, completed within 1 year of development time.
>make a closing pitcher in RTTS, play that a bit
>make catcher in RTTS, play that some more
haven't played since 15, everything feels so much smoother and fluid compared to 2 years ago
it's a fun game and it's the only sport game i own
Super Baseball 3.000 and Mario Sluggers. Sports games are pretty fun. Better with friends who actually know the sport
Do yourself a favor and get it. Road to the Show (game mode) is fucking great!
Im an average as fuck white dude. I love 2k, MLB is fun too. I can't really get into FIFA because I don't like soccer but I do have fun whenever I play it with friends.
Actually that may be it. No offense, but sports games are ones you can't really play by yourself. I mean you can, and with 2K i actually like playing seasons better than online but with most like Madden or Fifa, it's not as much fun unless you're playing in a room with your friends
So does baserunning still control like shit?
And a fuck-ton more strategy involved if you're playing GM mode. Trades, pitching rotations, salary negotiations, drafting, farm system, etc.
literally the scariest thing i've seen in my life
a lot of normalfags play sports games what the fuck are you talking about
whiteys love football and baseball games, wiggers play NBA and hockey l@l i dont think anyone touches that shit
What about now?
I used to go to cardinals games with my old man if that counts
I knew this was going to be posted but I still went it and looked for it. Fucking why
>posting the inferior baseball game
I used to like Madden up until 2013 or whenever they ruined it. NCAA Football game was fun too. I play NBA 2K once every other year or so.