Right now the general consensus is that BotW takes place either in the Adult Link future (basically they unflooded Hyrule and Ganon) or Downfall Timeline (even if after Zelda II Ganon is gone for good)
What do you think?
Also why is Ganondorf pictured as a champion in the tapestry...was he a good guy?
Zelda Timeline
It's in every timeline dummkoff.
time convergence is lame
but it's true, in the first memory Zelda literally mentions SS, Oot, TP, WW and Alttp
This. It doesn't fit in any one timeline. It references all of them.
tp quote is the interloper war
Alttp quote is the war happened 10000 before botw
your mother
Most of the stuff in botw are eastern eggs and have no real weight in the timeline discussion
but your opinions do?
BotW literally cannot take place in any of the timelines and I have been saying the release of the map.
Just from the geographical locations of certain key points such as Death Mountain, Lake Hylia and Zora's Domain there's no way that this is the same Hyrule as the one that we've been seeing. Almost every single geological keypoint in BotW's Hyrule is almost exactly opposite where it should be.
Death Mountain is just north of Zora's Domain when even in OOT Zora's Domain was almost on the opposite side of Hyrule.
Lost Woods and Farron Woods are in two completely different locations with no connections whatsoever even though that's impossible due to the geography of OOT and TP.
Lost Woods is also completely isolated by a moat now so there's literally no way Majora's Mask could have ever taken place.
Gueredo is much further North than it's depicted in here.
And that's not even going into the Rito and Gueredo existing in at the same time with the Zora. Which makes it impossible for it to be the WW's timeline.
That only leaves the possibility that this takes place before OOT but that's directly stated as false by Urbosa who says verbatim "I heard that Ganon once manifested as a male Gueredo once."
BotW isn't part of the canon timeline. It's simply not possible. Everything about BotW contradicts almost everything that has been consistent through Hyrule since it's inception in ALttP.
BotW is an alternate universe. There's simply no other explanation.
those are facts. Evidence!
Geography in hyrule has always been a gameplay factor...it's not important
show me your facts
it takes place more than 10000 years after OoT, so a lot of things could have happened
Okay then explain how the Rito and Zora living together and if Lost Woods and Farron Woods aren't connected and that Lost Woods is now isolated completely and somehow ended up a dick's length away from Hyrule castle on an isolated island then how in the literal fuck did Majora's Mask ever happen?
Oh while you're at it, please tell me which timeline allows for a 10,000 year timeskip that has the Sheikah have anywhere near as much power as it is implied in BotW.
At best you could MAYBE, POSSIBLY say that BotW could take place after TP because the Sheikah are still around and referenced as opposed to WW and the failure timelines where they are just outright gone.
Akkala is basically the real old Kakariko
Lineback island
Rock salt and amber everywhere
Because somebody during the production of TP fucked up the location of the MS by placing it at south.
Termina is a parallel world. No fixed access.
Sheiks are rats. The probably lived underground and now they dominate hyrule thanks to the skyloftian technology
still could be a convergence timeline, like Zelda mentions in the first memory
timelines cannot converge for the Schrödinger Theory
it's fiction user
>Because somebody during the production of TP fucked up the location of the MS by placing it at south.
It was placed South East which would be in line with almost everytime the Master Sword ISN'T in the Temple of Time.
ALttP also placed the MS to the SE of Hyrule Castle.
>Termina is a parallel world. No fixed access.
The beginning of Majora's Mask literally says that Link stumbles upon Termina by getting lost in Lost Woods so it's impossible for Lost Woods to be a separate entity like it is in BotW
>Sheiks are rats. The probably lived underground and now they dominate hyrule thanks to the skyloftian technology.
Skyloft by the time of OOT was all but completely gone until somewhere along the line in TP where those chick things pretty much uncovered the entire continent but those weren't the Sheikah. Also idk what you're implying with saying that Sheiks are rats because if you think that the Sheikah came from Sheiks and not from the original Sheikah clan in OOT then you are doing so serious mental gymnastics and reaching there buddy.
Again, at best this takes place along TP's timeline but even still a lot of things don't add up or make sense.
My best bet is that it takes place a long time after WW, only really because leviathon bones which consist of what appears to be mainly aquatic looking animals. Also those gate looking ruins that suspend the plateau, theres tons of dirt and rock that covers it us, id imagine a sea mightve moved that sediment over it somehow; and obligatory rock salt up the ass everywhere.
There was a video that stated that it just be adult timeline since many places on the BotW map are misspelled except for one island naned after this geographer character in Spirit Tracks (or Phantom Hourglass, can't remember) but it was this map charter dude?
for the timelines to converge it is necessary to
1.to know about the existence of different timeline
2.to wish the triforce can merge those
But how can somebody even think about a timeline split?
MS is at north in AlttP. It had sense that the temple got destroyed and replaced by a forest during alttp...
Termina isnt really connected to hyrule it is a different dimension that probably the skullkid opened
Could there be a possibility of it being a completely new timeline? I haven't seen shiekah tech in any other game mentioned before botw, maybe its adult link timeline but with shiekah rising to power, two closesly related timelines but with that differation.
holy shit, Zelda literally mentions ALL three timelines, there is now way do deny that
She mentions stuff that could have happened in the past of a single timeline
The twili realm is not exclusive to the child timeline
>There is only one way for the timelines to converge, and it's the way I say it is, despite having NO (Zero (0)) evidence for this.
I could just as easily say that the Goddess of Time from Majora's Mask merged the timelines. I have exactly as much evidence as you to support my proposition. Arguably more, since the multiple timelines merge at the end of Majora's Mask.
But I'm not about to say that it's canon or the only possible option, because I'm not a moron.
>goddess of another timespace dimension merges the time of another timespace dimension
Zelda mentions the Goddess of Time in the Majora's Mask flashback that teaches you the song of time, which takes place in Hyrule. She's omnipresent (or at least present in both Hyrule and Termina).
>Zelda mentions the Goddess of Time in the Majora's Mask flashback that teaches you the song of time, which takes place in Hyrule. She's omnipresent (or at least present in both Hyrule and Termina).
This might be a good theory considering what the ocarina is but there are no evidence of this... Plus for what we know Lorule is basically in the same universe of Termina where the Triforce is destroyed (see Ikana Valley for reference)
Yeah, I know. but that's my point, the other user pretty much stated outright that the only way for a merged timeline would be a Triforce wish, which he had no evidence for.
My stance has always been that the kind of cancerous, angry speculation that Sup Forums gets up to is just going to continue on infinitely until there's an official answer (which there probably won't be for a while) or until DLC explains it.
No new information is going to come out of the game post-release until then, and nobody's going to change their opinion without further evidence that doesn't exist.
The Triforce is the Utimate God of Hyrule. You cant merge timelines without merging the dimensional spaces. And still nobody knew different timelines existed... Dont you think that would be a big deal.that would have passed as a legend?
>The Triforce is the Ultimate God of Hyrule
Accepted despite your arguable phrasing. Seems more like a force of nature created by gods than a God in its own right.
Doesn't mean that merging timelines can only be accomplished by the Triforce. I'm sure it COULD be accomplished by it, but saying that it's the only way is unfounded conjecture.
Especially since it has been proven already in the series that it can be done without the Triforce.
>You can't merge timelines without merging the dimensional spaces.
When has that been brought up in-universe? If it hasn't, please stop making up rules for how time travel works.
>And still nobody knew different timelines existed...
Impossible to prove. I imagine it would have been known in both the Adult and Child timelines, at least for a time, since Link was sent back in time in the former and arrived with news from the other timeline in the latter. Not to mention that he saw timeline merging in person in the Child timeline.
Again, though, I don't know why I'm arguing this. Nobody can possibly know for sure. I think the debate is pointless, I'm just trying to convince you that you shouldn't make rules up and present them as fact.