PS4 has no ga-

>PS4 has no ga-

Other urls found in this thread:

>Senran Kagura
>Gal gun
Really reaching out for games aren't ya, OP?
Hey, at least it's not the order 1886 or knack.

I bought the LE PS4 for MGSV then complained for a year while it gathered dust. FFXV was shit, made me lose hope. But this year I can't even keep up. Finished Nier, preordered P5. Haven't even gotten round to Gravity Rush, Nioh or Yakuza.

But really OP you have some shit games there.

>All that garbage and it still doesn't have the highest rated game, breath of the wild



can't help but notice that zelda oot is still the highest rated game on metacritic.

Multiplats don't count.

Is this loss?

Paid reviews faggot

yeah the one that is not made by nutendo

You're right OP, the PS4 does have a lot of weeb shit.

I'm gonna have to say that you should have got ROOTLetter for vita. Just saying.


This only illustrates the lack of western developers or the preference for eastern games.

Why would I buy a 540p version instead of 1080p? Are you retarded?

Let me guess, you got Steins gate on vita and 0 on vita as well instead of ps3/ps4?

all those good games and then
>gravity rush

PS4 thread?

Pic related is my collection. Currently enjoying FF 15.

Really loved Ratchet and Clank, as I'd never played the originals. I thought it was a platformer so it was a nice surprise.

>Root Letter
>Senran Kagura
>Fairy Fencer F ADF
>Dungeon Travelers 2
>Megadimension Neptunia VII
>Hyperdevotion Noire
Pretty fucking good desu.

You should try the original three games. I for one loved the 3rd one, but was kind of disappointed in the ps4 game, since it seems to be lacking in some ways and the "museum" was pretty bad.
Insomniac museum was awesome in the earlier games.

I own SG and SG0 on Vita, what you gonna do about it?


> 2nd coming of the PS2

Was the PS2 really this bad? Was it just nostalgia all along...did PS2 really have no games?

I mean, let's be real...they are just visual novels. And they look great on the Vita. For the cheaper price I was still able to get the editions with the little artbook and such.

I bought Digimon Cyber Story on PS4 because I can agree with you on that.

How many did you actually finish?

Almost all of those are on pc. Lol

Agreed. I got the root letter limited edition on Vita for 18, while the standard ps4 version was 30. Not to mention its comfy as fuck playing VN's anywhere you want.

Not an argument

>has a PS4
>Doesn't own Bloodborne

>unironically enjoying souls games

>Hey I have some of thes-
>Star Ocean 5
I'm sorry user. Who threatened you to buy that piece of shit?

>Tony Hawk is on Nintendo systems also

I think you forgot about that falseflag redditor memefag

Not him but I bought it for Fiore's ass. Too bad the game was shit

That's why I have not bought Nier Automata yet

You should have listened to the weebs that imported first. At least you didn't buy the LE, right?

Also Nier Automata is at least a better game than Star Ocean I assure you

> no Yakuza Zero
get out

nioh alright... the rest is mediocre crap

I only visit Sup Forums for vidya and I avoid every thread for a game I'm interested in because somebody always posts spoilers

Exactly, same reason I got the new Dangonronpa pre-ordered for Vita, cheaper, plus I have all the others on Vita, so it just makes sense.

Wow, 14 games in 3 years. That's like the Wii U!
Oh wait, Guilty Gear, Gal Gun, Senran Kagura, Atelier Sophie, Atelier Firis, Nep VII, FFF and Nier are played better on PC. So that's, uhm, 4 games, a remaster that is unneeded for PC and a fapbait simulator

You say that like exclusives don't matter. Wai-

We posting our collections?

>he buys vita games


Honestly, how do you guys afford to buy so many games? You all upper-class, single, have a lot of disposable income?

Tell me your secret!

Yes, we get it. The PS4 finally has games now after a few years of being around. That's why I bought mine in December. Stop with your shitty console war threads and talk about video games already, you fucking memelord, (You) hungry attention whore.

have a job, have no responsibilities, have no idea how else to spend it on something more productive

That's it

Work, go home, sleep, look for pricedrops, order online, go to work. It eventually piles up.

>3 copies of battleborn
For what purpose?

Good observation, please explain this

>it's a "buy everything below a certain price threshold, irrespective of quality" episode

I mean I do buy a few games, but I make sure it's exclusive (otherwise get it on PC), and it's something I actually want to play.

Collectors who just buy everything on the system, I just don't get it.

Any one have a fix for unrecognized disc my ps4 stop taking disc but my dvds work fine

Extra cases. Best Buy was selling them for cheap as a daily deal during the VISA Checkout promotion, so it reduced the price even more.

get a better console

Pedophilic shit and visual novels? That's just half of your "games" out. Gee, OP.

From left to right:

>*also on PC
>*also on PC
>Never heard of
>>*also on PC
>*also on PC
>coming to PC (
>*also on PC
>*also on PC
>*also on PC
>*also on PC
>*also on PC

Wow, TWO (2) games

>waiting for releases, then waiting for someone to fix it when it releases.

Not an argument

on PC
on PC
on PC
>gal gun
on PC
>atelier sophie
on PC
>dead or alive
on PC
>atelier firis
on PC
on PC
>fairy fencer
on PC
>valkyira chronicles
on Pc
>Nier Automata
on PC


>getting a PC over the best console this gen with access to japanese exclusives

full plen