Why are people excited for this again? It's being made by a fucking shovelware developer...

Why are people excited for this again? It's being made by a fucking shovelware developer, it looks ugly as shit and the gameplay is worse than the original game. What exactly is there to look forward to? Is it literally just because it has the Crash Bandicoot name on the box?

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it's a good way of getting your kids into crash

There's no way the first game plays better than this remake, the original had some shitty control delay built in. The graphics look pretty shit though, looks like a Unity fan game (which it basically is).

pretty much yeah

Because it'll never be on PC

>Is it literally just because it has the Crash Bandicoot name on the box?

Mostly something for the Nintenbros who were smart enough to desert Nintendo for Sony, but still want Nintendo-esque games.

People want it to be good so Crash gets a new game that isn't fucking shit in the future.

Supposedly all 3 games now feel as bad to play as Crash 1, if not worse.

Developed by who exactly? What Western developer has the expertise to make a good 3D platformer?

Crash fans must have the least self respect of any people in this world.


>FUCK you who want a new game we just rehash what you already played

Seems like the devs are actually listening to complaints and fixing shit with every build, so there's that.

I'm optimistic. If it's at all close to a 1:1 remaster it'll be great. It looks and sounds decent enough, just need to feel if it plays at all like the classics.

According to whom? Gameplay footage does not look remotely like that.

This. Literally 10/10.

It's cool to revisit old games with a new coat of paint instead of having to squint your eyes and train your brain to think like a child from another era to appreciate it.

They're actually making an effort and listening to what people want to fixing the aesthetics. This combined with the new features is nice.

The Crash trilogy is more fun than pretty much every game that's come out in at least the last five years.

sorry about your bad taste

>Coco sfm model

Crash was boring even in its own era

Do you think Vicarious Visions will screw up the complex melody and time signature of the Arabian music? They have done it before.


N. Ntranced:

They legit just turned it into a 4/4 signature and replaced the whole melody after the intro.

> T. WaitsForEveryPlatform al-Autismal bin NintendoShill

>Crash AND Wipeout collections in summer

Can't fucking wait, it's going to be sweet!
I'll be sure to remember your butthurt while I play them and revel in it

I was sort of excited, but then I remembered I can just play the originals.

Don't drag Wipeout into this you utter faggot.

t. f-zero shitter

I am more like, I highly appreciate the remake, but I demand a confirmation that Crash Bandicoot gets new platform games afterwards

My comment clearly implied that I enjoy Wipeout, retard.

You really don't have to for Crash, it really aged that well. Compared to other games from the 90's, Crash 2 especially holds up both graphics and gameplay-wise.

That said, they really need to overhaul the remake graphics so that it looks more like Crash and less like a sterile Pixar production.

Well, then you're a dumb nigger who shit talks Crash Bandicoot. Even worse.

But this game isn't exclusive to the PS4, so there might be a PC release.


yes nice that color change was needed very much. resembles the old game a lot more now. i hope the controls will feel like crash 2 or 3. would be perfect then

I want Tawna too, but I have no idea what they look like, though

t. autist who owns every single Activision "Crash" game

Crash 1 had the best level, enemy, sound and music design


>But this isn't
Right there in the title
Only your stupidity here is triggering me here
There's no doubt it may eventually go multi plat, but it's not there yet
Think of it like Dragon's Dogma

This is the mentality of the average PS fan, it is the only reason they gobble up shit games such as horizon. Truly retarded.

Crash 2 and 3 play fine, crash 1 had binary inputs so it was horrible to do precise platforming

All those belong to Crash 2.

Atmosphere, however, goes to Crash 1.

It wad perfectly fine to me. No horrible lack of friction like Mario and Sonic, and no micro adjustments like Rayman and some other 2D platformers. If you released the d pad, Crash would smoothly decelerate in mid-air. It works just fine.

Why do people give Crash such a hard time? Do people really hate the kind of 3D platformer it is so much?

We do have Tawna footage.

I dunno. I mean, i could literally play the originals right now in my computer, yet i want to buy the remaster. Maybe i want to try them in current gen graphics and gain some cheevos, i'm not really sure.

They were excellent games, that for sure. Fuck off Nintendbros, if you disagree.