Imagine missing out on Super Nintendo as a kid and getting this instead.
Imagine missing out on Super Nintendo as a kid and getting this instead
>tfw grew up on sega
>still have never played a Nintendo game before I got my 3ds
Am I actually missing out on much?
Lucky bastards.
Genesis > nintendon't
>tfw went from NES to Genesis to PS1 and later on a used N64 to PS2
LOL Genesis have a lot of good games in that generation. Salty Nintendo faggots.
I mean it had a lot of fun arcade style ports and Sonic as well as sports games
But all the best platformers and RPGs were on the SNES.
So yeah I feel bad for them.
Genesis: the console of sad kids.
Imagine not being able to play Streets Of Rage 2 as a kid.
its been over 20 years dude, just let it go
I had both and preferred SNES at the time, but whenever I go back to emulate 16bit games, its almost always Genesis now. Really makes me think.
super nintendo is better than genesis, but i find 16 bit sonic more charismatic than mario
Had both, along with sega channel.
Imagine being a kid right now and instead of getting a PS4 you get a Switch.
>But all the best platformers and RPGs were on the SNES.
Phantasy Star series is vastly superior to final garbage
Sega Langrisser 1&2 are vastly superior to Der Langrisser
Shining Force 1 & 2 & Shining in the Darkness
SNES had so much more RPG's but they're all such a trash, basically only CT and Rudora no Hihou are really good
Not to mention that Beyond Oasis, Soleil, Light Crusader and Landstalker mercilessly shit all over zelda
>Contra Hard Corpse, Comix Zone, Dune, Castlevania Bloodlines, Alien Soldier, Gunstar Heroes, Gauntlet 4, Monster World 4, Rock'n'Roll Racing, best Shadowrun, Zero Tolerance, vs with friends in Bloodshot, Golden Axe, Streets of Rage, Splatterhouse, Herzog Zwei
Being a sega kid was glorious. Probably forgot like 30 more good games but fuck it
I had both consoles and Genesis bring me more fun than SNES.
I would hope that's the case. Ever since the Wii/360/PS3 gen, Nintendo systems have been the only ones with a large amount of kid friendly games that are actually good.
>Hard Corpse
I happened to play Beyond Oasis and it was an absolte poverty version of Zelda.
Yes, holy shet user
prove it
Sanic 1 2 3
Sorry, I don't happen to have personal screenshots of all the lazy enemy recolors and boring fairy bubble abilities.
I vastly preferred it to Zelda which bored me to no end.
>tfw Angry SNES Nerds can't even into Comix Zone
I bet it when I was 13. That's the type of kid that missed out on the SNES at the the time, the one that played in the arcades and didn't expect Nintendo to hold their hand during casualized experiences.
Holy shit this was amazing.
The Megadrive was actually more popular in the UK.
why is the genesis vs super nintendo the only console war that still gets talked about to this very day?
Imagine being Arnold in this scene
fuck you mang this game blows shit out of water
Far fewer multi-plats and aggressive yet mutually beneficial marketing
Sega was my second console.
Not really, they remake their shit every year anyways.
>Phantasy Star series
an OK series that has aged HORRIBLY. Go back and play Phantasy Star IV and tell me how good it is still.
>Shining Force
nigger, none of those games can side up with FF6, Chrono Trigger, Super Mario RPG, Secret of Mana, Illusion of Gaia, Earthbound, or Fire Emblem.
>Contra Hard Corpse, Comix Zone, Dune, Castlevania Bloodlines, Alien Soldier, Gunstar Heroes, Gauntlet 4, Monster World 4, Rock'n'Roll Racing, best Shadowrun, Zero Tolerance, vs with friends in Bloodshot, Golden Axe, Streets of Rage, Splatterhouse, Herzog Zwei
Once again, good arcade style games but still isn't as memorable as SNES library.
Super Metroid, SMW, Final Fight series, DKC, Yoshis Island, MMX, Kirby Superstar, F-ZERO, Mario Kart, LttP, Turtles in Time, Castlevania IV etc
Is Treasure Land Adventure any good? I know Treasure made it, but so far i've been pretty unimpressed by their games.
It was more popular everywhere except Japan.
It was much easier to be an idort back then though, current consoles sold for barely over $100 with a couple of bundled games.
SNES launch price adjusted for inflation is $370.
I don't get it. VB Wario Land was phenomenal though.
fucking nintendo fags. imagine being a poor faggot and not owning both growing up.
If you watch the Bloodlines play through Mike just put up he spends about 10 minutes fellating the Genesis, I guess he saw all those dislikes on Comix Zone
To be fair, I'm directing this more at James.
But in all honesty, I'm not even that mad. Both systems were lovely, both systems should be friends.
In fact, they're great at covering one another.
>an OK series that has aged HORRIBLY.
Yeah, unlike final shit 4 and 5
PS games were simply superior to FF, never liked 6 either so i can't be bothered to argue if that one finally surpass PS or not. For me it didn't.
>Go back and play Phantasy Star IV and tell me how good it is still.
I did recently and it is awesome.
>that music
>those battles with detailed enemies with unique animations for every attack
>comic style "cutscenes"
Beats the shit out of anything snes, except maybe CT. I hold them equals
>ff6, bing bong wahoo, illusion of gaia
All shit. SoM was meh. Earthbound and FE were cool, somewhere on the level of SF maybe
>SMW, Final Fight series, DKC, Yoshis Island, MMX, F-ZERO, Mario Kart, LttP, Turtles in Time, Castlevania IV etc
>Super Metroid, Kirby Superstar
Those are good, yes.
Final Fight was ____ than Streets of Rage.
good job, toejam and earl is one of my favorite games, and one of the best co-op games ever made! The genesis also had the best oldschool gauntlet, sonic, shining force and a few other cool games.
But the SNES had lttp, mario world, super metroid, uniracers, star fox, street fighter, mario rpg, mario kart, megaman x, final fantasy 5 and 6, final fight, secret of mana and evermore and chrono trigger
It would be interesting for someone like you to poke through the highest recommended ~5 games from the nes and snes without having nostalgia goggles to wear, assuming you're level headed enough to remember the context in which they were released.
>pic tangentially related
Did the Super Nintendo get Rocket Knight Adventures?
Checkmate, Nintendorks.
I'm a Sega man, but holy shit. I envy you, you've got so much great shit to play. Don't hesitate, emulate.
I had both though and they both had great games
Actraiser & Thunder Force 3 being some of my favorites
Went from the NES directly to Genesis and I never regretted it. I later got a SNES in 1994 but the genesis will forever be one of the best consoles in my opinion. GOLDEN AXE, STREETS OF RAGE, VECTOR MAN, MKII, SONIC 3 and Knuckles, DUNE II and many more. Sega had an edgy feel while the SNES was kid friendly. The only RPG's I ever needed where Shining Force and Phantasy Star. SO GENESIS DOES WHAT NINTENDONT. :D
Games from that time are extremely easy to get into though. Especially NES, no bullshit cutscenes or tutorials, just simple action games with a dpad and two buttons. You don't need historical context to have fun with Contra or Megaman.
rocket knight was also one of my favorite genesis games
ecco sucked. it was an interesting premise, but who really enjoys mazes enough to go through mazes for an entire game?
my nigga, blows my mind that people here actually think wind waker is good
There was genuinely nothing wrong with having a Genesis. It had the superior versions of Earthworm Jim and Mortal Kombat anyhow.
t. Super Nintendo fanboy
Final Fantasy 5 still holds up, and Phantasy Star was always the inferior series. 2 was great, though.
But your taste in games fucking sucks.
They got Sparkster which is a great game, but not as good as the original.
I'm one of those weirdos who likes Sparkster: Rocket Knight Adventures 2 on the MD/Genesis the most
Its a shame today that kids will never know the 16bit era
When it was a true console war and the only winners were gamers
>streets of rage instead of final fight
>sonic instead of stupid Mario
>phantasy star
>better versions of alladin and Robocop vs terminator
>and mk1 and 2 imo
>sega cd
yeah, fuck my childhood, wish I got the literal JRPG nerdbox instead
>implying it isn't
>implying implications
snes port of Final Fight 1 blows
this was better
I've owned every Nintendo console except the Switch (too poor to get one yet, also no games) and Super Nintendo. I had a Genesis during 4th gen and loved it.
Back then, console wars weren't as prioritized. If you had one console, and your friend had the rival console, you'd invite them over to play your console, and they'd invite you to play theirs.
And for the single player stuff, I found emulation. Never saw the need to own the SNES.
>Sparkster which is a great game
>likes Sparkster: Rocket Knight Adventures 2 on the MD/Genesis the most
You got brain problems.
not an argument!
>sonic instead of stupid Mario
Hey now, nothing wrong with 20th century Mario, some of the finest and most important games of the era, though I might agree with the 16-bit Marios being underwhelming and pretty boring in comparison to Sonic, but Nintendo more than redeemed itself with Mario 64
>Final Fantasy 5 still holds up
>Phantasy Star was always the inferior series
>2 was great, though.
You have no taste to speak of, get lost
Hell, even the "multi-plats" were still two different games most of the time.
Sega consoles always seemed like kings of arcade ports. Noncommittal high adrenaline action good to pick up anytime, but not really anything to suck your teeth into for a longer time.
This RK fans keep telling me, and I love that game. Yet I cant change the fact that I had the most fun with S:RKA2, both back in the day and now. I like its mechanics and design more, even though graphically it looks like a step down.
Sega was fucking rad.
Don't feel alone. I like all of the Rocket Knight games, even the 7th gen reboot. Which I acknowledge is worse than the 4th gen games
oh shit i should have read the thread before posting.
>golden axe
fuck yes!!
>imagine having a SNES and not being able to play Herzog Zwei, Star Control, and Dune
I grew up with sega and to this day i have yet to touch a mario game besides 1 or a metroid/zelda game. I should play metroid tho, i love metroidvania games but i kind of have this hate relationship with nintendo because of its fanbase.
Well, you'll have to feel alone with the 7th gen reboot as far as I'm concerned. One of the many things that got off of Konami even before the MGS controversy, what a shit company that lucked out constantly over the years.
looking at this cover makes me tear up a ltitle because it reminds me of being a little kid and my mom renting me this game at the supermarket (they also sold comics) over and over and over agian. i loved getting home and playing this for hours even though i sucked at it.
its so fucking nuts that the cover of a video game can bring you to a place in your life and is a key to opening up so many memories outside of the game.
did anyone else a grocery store back in the day that rented games?
Riddle me this faggots, can your genesis do BLAZE PROCESSING?
That's what I thought.
I mean, it's not the absolute worst game in the world, and the IP got some attention after like 15 years. If it had a few better design/mechanical choices, it'd be great.
Also, it's not like they poured heavy resources into it, being a cheap digital-only release. For what it is, it's okay.
I actually had both but completely missed out on the sega master system. I didn't even know sega had an 8bit console and for a while I thought that the master system was what they called the genesis overseas.
I liked how the rocket was a lot less restricted, and I liked the character design better, but beyond that I think the original still has RKA 2 beat.
I didn't like the SNES game. The only thing that had going over the Genesis game was level variety.
The reboot was okay. Way too fucking short though. I get that it's supposed to be "old-school" and all, but I beat that shit in just two hours. Luckily I only paid $4 for it.
Booty, booty, booty, booty, rockin' everywhere
I had both but liked the more arcade-y games on the Genesis more. My Super Nintendo was a dust collector.
Your supermarket had game rentals?
I actually had a japanese cartridge with this game, and i really have no idea how it ended up in a small Russian town but anyway
I was so fucking obsessed with it at the time.
It looked like a confusing Zero Tolerance like shooter at first but then i've actually managed to bumble my way out of that starting station and get to flying in open world 3D space shooting shit with lasers, visiting stations and planets and my mind was blown the fuck out. Didn't wanted to return it but couldn't understand jackshit in moonrunes either so i've finally exchanged it for some other game one day.
Remembering it to this day fills me with sadness and bitterness that i did it.