Imagine missing out on Super Nintendo as a kid and getting this instead.
Imagine missing out on Super Nintendo as a kid and getting this instead
>tfw grew up on sega
>still have never played a Nintendo game before I got my 3ds
Am I actually missing out on much?
Lucky bastards.
Genesis > nintendon't
>tfw went from NES to Genesis to PS1 and later on a used N64 to PS2
LOL Genesis have a lot of good games in that generation. Salty Nintendo faggots.
I mean it had a lot of fun arcade style ports and Sonic as well as sports games
But all the best platformers and RPGs were on the SNES.
So yeah I feel bad for them.
Genesis: the console of sad kids.
Imagine not being able to play Streets Of Rage 2 as a kid.
its been over 20 years dude, just let it go
I had both and preferred SNES at the time, but whenever I go back to emulate 16bit games, its almost always Genesis now. Really makes me think.