What's stopping us from texting our friends to come over to play video games on the couch after work tonight?

What's stopping us from texting our friends to come over to play video games on the couch after work tonight?

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nothing, I guess

Work in the morning.

You appear to have a metal monster growing from your wall.

The fact that there's no splitscreen games anymore?

They don't want to play Halo Reach for the 10000000th time anymore...

The friends part. Growing up I could only play Mario Party games single player.

I don't need to because I room with them. All types of gamers from various skill fields. I know it won't be forever, but it's great while it's lasting!

What's stopping them from calling me? Shit sucks anons, I feel like most people I know have outgrown me and the friends that do make the effort are those who life has fucked over in some way.

fucking this. LANing consoles or computers every time you want to play is getting fucking old.


There should be a dating site thing, but it'll be for people to meet up and get new friends.

The fact that most of them are going to say no because they don't derive pleasure from anything but their cell phones and feeling connected to everything through social media.

Small groups don't feel like they're actually gaining anything of meaning, but knowing what hundreds of people are doing at any given moment tickles the social aspect of a human life much easier.

>the friends that do make the effort are those who life has fucked over in some way.

Nah. You're judging them off others. Unless their life is actually spiraling into the shitter, they're just on a different speed that'll eventually get them to their happiness in due time.

My dad didn't get his shit together until he was 30, and turned out to be just fine with a great family and two homes, etc

where do you think you are

The crushing reality of life being shit as America is destroyed by the brown hordes

I hope so user. I don't like to see my friends out of work and trying to find something but being stuck waiting tables or caretaking.

>no splitscreen games
Stop buying shitty PS4s and Xbones.

lack of local multiplayer support on anything that isnt a fighter.

I have a PC.
There's even less splitscreen games on PC.

>after work tonight?
I don't work saturdays

Oh, also I have no friends, the few people whose number I have aren't friends and they're probably busy or would lie about being busy.

Worst case scenario, they come around and I have to pretend to be happy for a few hours until they go.

There could be but you wouldn't use it anyway


>Tumbles into school
>Tumbles into church
>Tumbles into work

Weekends are awful for me I don't know how I do it.

Inb4 fedoras

Online is faster, and the salt from randos is more intense.

Because I live with my parents and inviting my adult friends over to play video games is probably one of the more embarrassing things I could come up with.

>Invite friend over
>After ten minutes you want them to leave

>uhg, it's user again
>why does your little brother always think he can compete with us in games?
>we don't need boys in gaming, it's a thing of the past
>get lost loser!

This, why the fuck does it keep happening?
It's all fun and games the first 30 minutes but then I just want them to leave ASAP.

>go sleep over at a friends hows growing up
>have fun for a couple hours
>want to go home and wish I didn't sleep over
>repeat every weekend

Having friends would help.

the only games my friends like nowadays are just competitive online multiplayer games

What do you think I'm doing? Fellas should be showing up within the next half hour, going out to grab dinner and snacks, and then getting into a good old-fashioned couch multiplayer night. Rocket League, Halo 3, Mario Party, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, whatever we're feeling.

Enjoy your Friday night, bros, with or without bros.

Yeah, that's called being an adult

Why do you think alcohol exists.

I do have beers though, actually the beers are what keeps us interested in the game, and it's basically one plays while the other watches and we talk about how shit our life is.

Does it EVER get any better?

Friends are just humans you manipulate to entertain you time to time, though most apes are too doped up on oxytocin to realize they are manipulating eachother, we call this oxytocin high "friendship".

>drinking alcohol

The reason for me is I am a morning afternoon person and want to be alone in the evening. All my friends cant leave their house until 4pm so my scheduled 'me' time is being taken up. I just want to do lunch and some afternoon gaming.

>friend invites me over for flavor of the week vidya
>pack up pc, drive it over, setup
>"oh hold up dude gotta walk my dog"
>20 min later
>"alright, lets go to the gas station and get some drinks"
>10 min later
>about to start
>spends 30 minutes arguing with his younger brothers about religion/politics
>about to finally start
>has to drive his mom to work
>30 min later
>"you hungry man? let's get some food"
>40 min later
>about to start finally fucking playing
>spends 10 minutes adjusting his video settings and benchmarking
>"my computer is a beast, why am I only getting 50 fps?"
>20 minutes googling problem before I tell him to just deal with it
>an hour into videogame
>he's obviously tired and falling asleep
>try to save game and pack up to go home
>where are you going? I'm not tired, let's keep going
>20 min later falls asleep

repeat the following week ad infinitum

fuck I wish we could get beers at the gas station in Canada

that's literally what I'm about to do in 30 minutes

play some board games, play some smash 4, shoot the shit and bet on some chink neets or 12 year olds whilst sipping the finest of brews

I don't even play video games anymore which is the best part.

You guys have been the only friends I have for the past eleven years. I have a wife, have a house, live very comfortably and happily, but I have not been able to make a friend since I was sixteen. I try, but they're all a bunch of degenerates. Nobody has any personal motivations, goals, or code of honor. Should one come along, I would happily invite them into my life as a friend, but til then, I focus on raising good children.


All of my friends are now married with children and have grown out of video games (and my company). I'm the only single one left. I'm also the only one who still lives with their mother.

I hope this is a sufficient response.

>Nobody has any personal motivations, goals, or code of honor
>You guys have been the only friends I have

I'm the kind of person that needs to have at least 2 other people in order to hang out. I don't like it being me and just one of my friends being together. I'm fucked to my friends.

I wish I could make friends, but acting humans is hard for me I just dont know how to socialize and I dont give a shit about sports so I cant have male friends, my life isnt exciting so no female friends either since they thrive on drama.

I imagine going to parties only to realize I would just be silent most of the time and try to dance with chicks but never talk to anyone at all, I guess thats what social retardation is.

>haven't had a friend in 7 years
>wake up, go to work, come home
>repeat since high school ended
Kill me senpai

>You guys have been the only friends I have for the past eleven years
>I try, but they're all a bunch of degenerates.
>Nobody has any personal motivations, goals, or code of honor.

>You guys have been the only friends I have for the past eleven years

Nothing. Already did. Theyre coming over tomorrow like they do every month, loser.

Yeah that's me. I always used to think it'll be a good time and then I'm lying on the floor trying to sleep and regretting my decisions. Being out of my comfort zone is hell.

I'm going to go play D&D instead. Or I would be, if more than 2 players would show up. Instead we're probably going to hang out because couch multiplayer doesn't exist anymore outside of previous gen consoles.

Don't be ashamed to live with your parents. It isn't easy for our generation to get out on their own. Took me eight years to finally save up enough money for my own house, and that was with bouncing to different apartments. Be smart and stay there til you save enough.

I know what I said. I appreciate the honesty of people here. No one in real life will give you that. We can joke, we can take shots at one another, and we speak a common tongue.

I don't give a shit about sports, and I speak in either short jokes or long-winded lectures. No middle. Parties are generally only full of degenerates. I've found taking music lessons once a week to be a good way to get out, and from there I'm thinking of starting a mens book club and other men-centric groups.

You're clearly a pleb who only olays AAA games. Loads of local nultiplayer indie games come out every month and a lot of them are some of the best games ive ever played. Most of them olay up to 4 people, but some can have up to 8 or 10. You dont deserve to post here.

>Don't have friends
>Don't have a couch
>Don't work
Plenty of things

Define "degenerate"

I only want to go to parties so I can create conversation potential by talking about it with normalfags. I dont hate parties its just I dont really care about them.


All my good friends live on the other side of the continent. All my other friends live in the next city over.

Well, I have hardcore fentanyl withdrawal so I can't do jack shit.

>looking down on everyone else

They all fit in and you do not.

You're the one with something wrong inside buddy, not them. Do yourself a favour and admit this already.

I remember there being one specifically for Sup Forums many years ago that integrated a map. Basically you put in your name, email and location and other anons could contsct you.

Good shit dude I hope you enjoy your night, me and my buds do basically the same thing every once in a while and its an absolute blast.

I'm guessing you're the type that also tells everyone that love is a bunch of chemical reactions whenever you're upset and lonely. Sorry to hear about your autism.

>tfw introvert and only care about having friends when you feel sad but dont give a shit when not sad

>indie games
No thanks

The only time it's comfy is if i'm too drunk/tired to give a fuck about where i'm sleeping

>it's okay because everyone does it

That's not how it works, friend.

*tips fedora*

No user I have bad social skills in conversation but I can easily recognize social topics and talking about the futility of human emotion is not one of them,

Friendship is all about setting oxytocin triggers in humans so they can become bonded to the idea of you allowing you to manipulate them, this is what most psychopathic humans realize and can do casually due to their absence of guilt in manipulating people. Its amazing how fast psychopaths can make friends.

Does anyone really need a couch anymore? I don't even have a dinner table. We just eat in my den and watch youtube.

The term is subjective nowadays, but in my use of the word, I refer to those men who don't speak what they truly mean. Those who don't take care of their bodies and mind through training. There is a lot that could go into it. It isn't simply "people I don't like". It's a toxic element of a man you can just sense. You don't want to be dragged down into that.

I don't look down on anyone. We all have our own agency, which is why I simply choose to be a loner and wait for good people to come along rather than run with those I differ greatly from. I want to raise people up, even if they are low, for what it is worth, but they have to want it.

the quality of this photo makes it look like this was taken in a sex dungeon or something

This, this so fucking much. Fuck CSGO and DOTA.

Is that mancave-food-regurgitator?

OK then you keep telling yourself that and wallow in sadness forever, believing that pretty much everyone else on the entire planet has something wrong with them.

The statistical likelihood of that alone should squash your beliefs, you might be so depressed you refuse to listen to reason but there's also a chance you're just really dumb.

>I don't look down on anyone.

>Parties are generally only full of degenerates

Yes you do, its ok to do it, but lying to yourself offers no potential for gain or growth at all.

Talk about yourself, doesn't matter if its interesting. They're just strangers and any pressure you feel is from you applying expectations from the result

how the fuck do you make friends?

Are you actually defending the old "millions of flies eat shit" saying, or what? The majority of people ARE fucking retarded assholes, this isn't up for debate.

I have no friends

if I did they would be going to school full time and working full time as well, but their job is shit so they don't want to play anything when they get home, and if they did ever get any time off they would never consider wasting it by spending it with me because they've grown increasingly unfamiliar with me because of my shrinking role in their lives due to the aformentioned schedule they're on, and they also found better friends, and they don't really play games any more, even though they still buy consoles, and I would not even think they were still my friends if they weren't nice whenever we met, especially considering they don't ever return my texts, ever, and even though I have money and loyalty I'm basically just in the friend-zone of friendship ("acquaintance zone"? it's truly pathetic) with any given one of them, and I've grown too bitter and spiteful of normalfags to try and new friendships to replace the old ones, not that anyone near my likes video games anyway.

But luckily none of that applies to me because I have no friends.

Weak ass bait. Will you be happy if I call you underage?

Find people with common interests and be nice. If you can manage those then you're going to have a tough time.


fucking kill yourself

Yes I am, if a fly didn't eat shit I would consider that fly to be abnormal, as would any rational person.

I have 3 friends, one is in law school and the other two are my roommates. One doesn't play vidya anymore and the other only plays CS:GO.

There is nothing to talk about regarding me, I see humans talk about people who arent in visual view all the time as conversation so I tried gossiping and it lead to a bunch of girls hating me for some reason.

cause I want to fucking unwind with some easy single player games and solo masturbation

I spend an hour in another person's company and it reminds me why I just want to be alone and drink while watching stupid videos and reading threads

Would you go to a party where people are taking drugs, drinking, being promiscuous, and talking about what they saw on network television?

If yes, do you think that doesn't harm you mentally, physically, and socially? Perhaps not once, but you'll continue to do it due to social pressures from those people. The muck will be all you can belong to and feel at home with. It is harder to get out once in it.


>See person who looks like they would be good to be friends with.
>Walk up to person
>Tap on shoulder from behind
>H-hullo, um so h-hey, would jhew liek to be my f-f-f-f-friend?

>Uh, I'm in a hurry man. I'll see you around.

>O-Oh, b-b-bye.

And there you have, you made a friend, user.

I dont have any freinds anymore because no one wants to game with a cute trap other than guys who want to fuck me i guess :/

This is for you. It is the Cave Allegory.


Nice parroting Sup Forums. Do you know how to think for yourself? Do you really only play games that are considered "cool" by your online peers? Keep buying your $70 AAA garbage that doesnt even work while spending 2 weeks waiting got devs to try and patch it by yourself. Ill be playing some fun games with friends. Stay gay, loser.

Are you complaining guys want to fuck you?

That's the whole point of being a trap in the first place.

nothing. friend and I stayed up last night playing the new DS3 dlc. FeelsGoodMan

Yes I go to those sorts of parties and they don't do damage to me mentally or get me stuck in some kind of pattern. If you can't discern the difference between say a rowdy back yard party full of the aforementioned promiscuous drug takers and say, a wine tasting where you can't rip your shirt off and go woo woo you're a mongoloid.

That's got less to do with who you hang out with and more to do with your level of self control and ability to assess your surroundings.

>invite friend to hang out and talk and get some dinner or whatever
>sure user, let's do this i'll call you tomorrow
>never calls and never comes
>launches some steam game later in the evening
Come on man, jsut say you don't want to hang out or something.

Maybe people don't want to play games with you because you suck at video games as much as you suck cock.

>having friends

No, I just have been burned by Indie games too many times.
How about you name 3 good indie games with splitscreen instead of being a faggot?