Atmosphere > Story > Gameplay

>Atmosphere > Story > Gameplay

You have 10 seconds to explain why this is wrong
you cannot

I'm playing a game, not watching a movie


Boa foto.

it's VIDEO game not GAME video

Gone Home was terrible yet stuck to your tier list

what the fuck happened to kang alberto barbosa's face?



This fucking monkey.

The way it's written more focus is put on the second word than the first.

Video is more like an adjective or qualifier.

Is that Dick Masterson

Atmosphere, story and gameplay all are linked

>That goddamn statue

Guy behind it must have been one master con man to pull it off.

You kind of get used to its expression. It's almost serene.

A game video would just be a video that features a game. Like a cooking video, or a fight video, are videos that feature cooking or fighting. A video game on the other hand is an actual game.

Story and gameplay can be interchangeable depending on what you look for in a game, but I'm curious how you can have "atmosphere" above both of those.

A game can't carry itself on just having a good atmosphere and no substance. On the other hand a game can be fantastic in the absence of good story and atmosphere. Not to mention that the atmosphere itself is often a result of the story and gameplay, so you can't have one without the other.

Gameplay > Atmosphere > Story

This seems like one of those entirely subjective opinions.

Personally, I like to have atmospheric gameplay, I do not really care for story, although it is a nice touch.

I play video games to play games, not to read a digital book or watch a movie

Spot on my man, spot on

it was donated for free

>anything over gameplay

fodaxe pah

Oh, well, there's nothing to complain about either.

Unless Ronaldo begs the dude to make it more 'handsome' due to its er, extremely masculine face being a offense to yours truly.

I honestly can't enjoy a game without good atmosphere or just some flair to it anymore, no matter how good the gameplay itself is it just seems super dry if the game has no style.

Goddamn this meme is spreading fast

Why not all 3 OP?

Gameplay > Music > Sound Design > Atmosphere > Story > Graphics

Ronaldo should be glad Sergio Ramos di Maria bale and eder carried his ass