>first PS1 game
>first PS1 demo disc
>first game you picked up because of a demo disc
First PS1 game
one bump
>one that had soul reaver and medieval on it im pretty sure
>none because i was poor and a dumb kid, so buying games was rare and sporadic.
really wanted medieval though, played it on the demo disc all the time and tried to see how far i could get in the time limit, im gonna download it now
and its actually spelled medievil
Metal Slug or Crash Bandicoot, dunno. They were too good, I got spoiled.
I honestly can't remember. I think it was:
>Metal Gear Solid
>1997 disc. Or one of the Pizza Hut ones.
>Tomb Raider?
oh and
>Theme Park
>forget the name but it had Bloody Roar and Hot Shots Golf
>Tony Hawks Pro Skater (Pizza Hut demo disc had Chicago level)
>Crash Bandicoot 2
>Pic related
>Abe's Oddysee
Battle arena toshinden
Whatever came with the system
Don't remember but I do have fond memories of the ff vii demo disk
> First PS1 game
We got a collection of 4 games with the console. Olympic Soccer, Tunnel B1, Alien Resurrection and Tekken 2. We also got Tomb Raider extra also.
> First demo
Will have been an Official UK Playstation Magazine demo disc. Can't recall what was on it.
> First game bought because of demo
Tony Hawks Pro Skater, I made it into the top scorer list in the PS Magazine for the demo. I took pictures of the screen and posted them to the mag.
As a bonus extra:
I bought FF7 Platinum version so I could get the FF8 demo.
What could you play in the FF7 demo? I never came across one in the UK
>>first PS1 game
The PS1 bundle of Rayman and Battle Arena Tonshinden
>>first PS1 demo disc
Funny enough, the demo that has Battle Arena Toshinden, Crash Bandicoot, and some sport game
>>first game you picked up because of a demo disc
Crash Bandicoot
Yugioh forbidden memories/spyro 1/crash 1
I remember 2, one had destrega and monkey hero, and the other had parappa and fighting force
>Crash 1
>Demo 1
>first PS1 game
Tomb Raider 2, Spyro the Dragon or Rayman.
>first PS1 demo disc
Winter something something, it came with Medievil, Ghost in the Shell, Kula World, Tomba, Spyro the Dragon and a few more things.
>first game you picked up because of a demo disc
None of them, although I did play them years later.
1st game was probably Spyro. 1st one I bought was V-Really 2, shit was cash.
The demo I'm not sure, some guy running on cubes or that one where you controlled a pirate ship from a top down view.
Civ2 I guess?
>Yugioh forbidden memories
That game was actually really dope. I remember my friend was stuck on a fight. I think it was Pegasus. While we were playing man-hunt outside one night with a bunch of friends, I hid inside. When I wasn't caught after, like, 20 minutes I started it up and beat it for him. He walked into the room on the final turn before I beat him. First try. Was kinda funny.
My first ps1 game was either Rayman, Gex, or Pandemonium! I'm not entirely sure.
I'm going to go with Pandemonium!, I remember it being one of the first 3d games I've ever played.
Only owned a snes before that.
I had maybe 2 or 3 demo discs, but I can only remember Medievil out of all them.
Can't recall ever buying a game because of the demo disc.
>Rugrats Search for Reptar
>Legend of Legaia
>Legend of Legaia
>Lost World
>one that came with the console
>FFVII or Bushido Blade, I forget which one I bought first
Intro up until the scorpion if I remember correctly.
>first PS1 game
Ridge Racer
>first PS1 demo disc
Pizza hut demo disc
>first game you picked up because of a demo disc
Tonto Hawk
The one with Croc, Parappa the rappa, and Raystorm on it.
I actually found the Raystorm jewel case before my birthday which it was for. My mom told me she got it at a garage sale but it only had the manual in it. She gave me the manual to read (I miss those things) and I was so stoked I started saving money for the game. Then she gave me the disc on my birthday. Sorry for blogshit gonna go call my mom.
Tonto Hawk sounds pretty rad.