This is your date tonight
This is your date tonight
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Why the 'piece?
This is my wife. Say something nice about her.
hope she likes anal
Clownpiece a shit! A slut! I want to bully clownpiece!
It's a drawing, I suppose fapping to R34 of Kim Possible makes you a pedophile as well.
Fucking normalfags need to leave.
She's cute but it's on a leash, she belongs to someone else.
Youre waifu is cute user, do you sleep together and have warm cuddles?
Do you sniff her hair while stroking it?
Your wife caused me much anger back in the day
Excuse me sir, that's my wife. She even plays video games with me.
She's a cum guzzling whore.
She's not real and you are enjoying somebody's leftover thoughts.
Have you played her game?
I have 1CC'd it. It's also the only 2hu game I've played to completion and the latest game I've played.
God I wish my waifu was real.
I was talking about a fangame, sir, but I'm glad to know you enjoyed The Best Touhou Game.
Remidoki is a metroidvania fangame starring your wife.
Thats nice user, make sure she feels loved and desired a lot
Lucid dreaming is a thing user, you should try it so you can actually have cuddles and exchange body heat with your waifu
I don't believe lucid dreaming is real. And waking up after spending the night with my waifu and realizing she's not next to me I would probably kill myself.
>Lucid dreaming
That is just a delusion
>implying that your entire life isn't an illusion due to the limitations of human perception
What's with the AMERICA colour scheme?
You wouldn't jerk it to a picture of a tree or a fat ugly old girl. It is the likeness of a child. I don't even care that you're into that but stop the denial.
The only thing that matters to me is learning and I sure as fuck don't get any new information from dreams. It's like sniffing your own farts in thought form.
It pisses the moon people off.
>You wouldn't jerk it to a picture of a tree or a fat ugly old girl
what are you even trying to say lmao
That it is a depiction of a child and that depiction turns you on, doesn't matter if it's real.
You learn about yourself, user. You understand where your emotions lie, and what your true desires are.
It's good to take in knowledge from the outside world, but unless you have self-awareness, you will become nothing more than a computer archive.