So what's the consensus?
Who's P5's best girl?
So what's the consensus?
Who's P5's best girl?
Other urls found in this thread:
White is right.
>85% of the Anne doujins involve the fuckin PE teacher or mind breaking her
10 bucks it's because she's a filthy haffu
Superior white
Superior hair
The one and only.
The richest
The nicest
The cutest
The fluffiest
Annefriends, Makotofriends and Squidfriends are good people with good waifus, but Haru is the only one for me
The one and only
>ladies of persona 5
Alright, let's get this shit over with
_ ____ __ ____ ____ ___
It's because that's what happens in the actual game
she's a chuuni?
wtf man that's sick
A what?
the fuck is wrong with best girl's breast in that photo?
She's super hot and that's the only thing that matters.
should I get P5 if I saw that spoiler image of the main guy with (Spoiler):his head blown out and a gun in his hand
that is a bad ending
is there only a good ending and a bad ending?
shortstacked lewds of morgana when?
Tired teacher who moonlights as a sex maid
I think there are two bad endings, plus a bunch of elaborate game overs if you fail a deadline.
some guy said that there are four endings in Persona 5.
1 is the standard "you didn't beat the dungeon by this time" game over
1 the bad ending in your spoiler
1 an ending that is connected to a series of decisions (like the one with Natame in P4)
the normal ending
is it true she gets fat in game
Anne and Tae.
Harufags are the new Fuukafags confirmed
>Literally picking nerd Yukiko
Shit user I don't know their names. The teacher.
More like less autistic and slow yukiko. Makoto looks like a mix of Chie and Yukiko, while she looks like what Yukiko should have been like personality wise...without the random laughing fits and weird anime tropes.
Is there a new game+ in this one?
no, but she does wear like, five hundred shirts
>Tae that low
>Futaba above Tae
Forgot this is Sup Forums for a sec...
You can take your edgelord and leave
Being able to fuck the teacher is way more novel in this one and we already got to possibly fuck the medical person in 4.
I like Haru and her fluffy hair but I heard she shows up so fucking late in the game and then is barely a presence for main story scenes. I don't know if I can hold out for her. I really like the teacher but I heard that's yet another fucking blueballing in the end because MC is too young. So I guess I might go straight for Ann.
Says neetfags going on about "smelly neet pussy"
>we already got to possibly fuck the medical person in 4
For the first 3 SL ranks...then she avoids us for all the others and leaves us in the end.
Is there dual audio?
>Being able to fuck the teacher
user, I...
Yes, it's free day one dlc.
Why hasn't this game been released yet? The wait is killing me senpaitachi.
"When you're older" and having a Valentine's day event is enough for me.
The English dub sounds good though
>For the first 3 SL ranks...then she avoids us for all the others and leaves us in the end.
nobody asked for your useless opinion
Not him but she just teases you a lot in the beginning before going into her problems with her life and then eventually leaving Japan to help in another country in the end I think. I was so pissed. Just like the temperance slink with the boy and his mom. I thought I would be getting some milf action but was denied that as well. Fuck those links so hard.
first 3 or 5...I don't remember. The nurse in P4 starts off her S.links being extremely lewd and molestation before the screen fades to black for the first couple of levels. After about 3 or so levels in or she starts getting super depressed and begins avoiding you for all the other levels. Her time relationships ends up being you looking for her in the hospital, bumping into her, and she either being too busy to talk or gets angry at you and leaves. After all that is done she just quits the hospital at her max level leaves.
It's noted among Persona fans to be be one of the most disappointing S.links because it starts off on such a high note and immediately ends up being the worst in both P3 and P4.
the only correct answer
Ya dropped this
>ends up being the worst in both P3 and P4
Wrong. Nothing can be worse than P3's Moon S. Link. Come on man.
Cake-sensei obviously. Makoto or whatever her name is would've been my choice if this game didn't have delicious cake as an option.
Depends. Who is the oldest grill you can romance?
Does the game favor party member romances at all? Like are there any dialogue changes?
My heart says Futaba, but I can't help but feel off that I don't go for Makoto since the Priestess girls were my favorite in 3 and 4.
Shit thread
I want Protag to have pure consentual sex with makoto!!!!!!
spergy edgelord
Shit g..
Oh wait. Nope. Everything's right.
Nurse was the biggest waste of potential though. It felt like a bait and switch too.
>An Amerislut willing to sell her body for profits
>Some Stuck-up goody-two-shoes of a School President who gets what she want by licking the Principal's shoes
>Filthy Fujo
>A slightly better Mitsuru
>girl who wants to help her friend
>girl who doesn't want to trouble her sister
What's the problem?
>A slightly better Mitsuru
>implying Mitsuru can be improved
Anne is a Lovers girl. They're all whores. it's why they're the best
This is why people hate Persona and Personafags. These aren't games and you aren't gamers.
They're waifu dating sims.
>You can't date the shota
Shit game desu
They're waifu dating ROLE PLAYING games.
t. PC
Games can have waifus and still be games, user. just because you're uncomfortable with the idea of attractive women doesn't mean the rest of us are
>better Mitsuru
Wait, who's supposed to be better Mitsuru?
>christmas cake
You have great taste
got a name for that artist?
Nope, sorry.
>tfw you can date all the older women
>except the one you actually want to
Unfortunate. But I guess they were limited by the format of her Confidant thing.
More like fucking her wouldn't exactly work since her social link progresses with the plot.
That's probably what user was referring to, user.
I need to get some sleep.
M A K O T O for first playthrough.
S A D A Y O - S E N S E I for second.
God damn
I found them actually
Man of taste.
Morgana is the cutest "girl".
Morgana is my wingman. He's not for lewd.
But Morgana is my wife.
Maybe we can date her... In Persona 5:Crimson/Ruby/Whatever they call it
Haven't got the game yet but Makoto feels like Yukari for me, which I find her boring.
Am I right?