A game that was supposed to be about the good old days of platforming

>A game that was supposed to be about the good old days of platforming
>E celeb trash followers once again have to ruin a perfectly good game

People that backed for Jontron ONLY, are not the core audience and should be ignored. Prove me wrong.

Other urls found in this thread:


People that backed because of Jontron are retarded because they never promised Jontron

>actually letting retard drama that has no effect on the gameplay get to you

Who needs a core audience when you can have almost no audience am i right?

Who would only back a game for one person just to hear their voice come out of a dog riding a motorcycle?

Because the answer is no one.

>the good old days of platforming
collect-a-thons were cancer
>People that backed for Jontron ONLY, are not the core audience and should be ignored
Sounds about right, but how many people actually backed it solely because Jontron lended a combined 5 seconds worth of voice acting, especially when he himself said he understands why he got dropped.

This desu

The devs are the ones who decided to make the game political.

>mfw I'm gonna fucking enjoy it and this shitshow won't stop me

Sorry for the hiatus. I just kept forgetting.


I'd rather no audience than JonTron's audience.

Proof: This whole event.

Top tier business strats right here.

>We don't want someone who preaches literal white supremacy

This is so correct i'm having trouble grasping your point.

No audience > Horrible audience

If this game succeeds and Playtonic releases a follow-up, it won't have twelvies polluting the fanbase.

Why does the lizard look gay?

How does a product succeed with no audience?

Playtonic brought the fury on themselves. They could've just removed him without making a pointless announcement. Not to mention the blue-haired faggot CM.

pic related though

You don't need to sell billions to be a success, EA.

I was going to buy it for the fun and nostalgia but now it's a day one pirate because FUCK acquiescing to faggots and kikes

Wasn't it the publisher who made this a big deal? Not Playtonic directly?

Ask adam sandler

I never liked those game at all. It's just the same platform, jump on dumb enemies while collecting random shit over and over.

The characters aren't even good. Jaq and Daxter, Banjo Kazooie, Rachet and whatever etc. It's just two nonsensical characters that anyone could make up.

>Ping-pong and BumBum
A Panda with a mallet with a Squirrel with a fat ass riding on the Panda's back

>Jojum and Tinpot
A ninja Badger with his sapient toaster friend who rids in a burlap sack

>Roger and Snifflefuck
Roger is a man-walrus with sunglasses and he has a monkey named Snifflefuck with an army helmet and bazooka with clings to his back

Except the game just doesn't look good and is in no way "going back to the good ol days"

Banjo levels were focused, tight, and cohesive. None of that rings true for any Yooka-Laylee levels I've seen, and the platforming doesn't even seem to be the main focus

Nope, it was playtonic. Poke around some of the shit articles written about it, playtonic were the ones who released the statement. They're dumb cucks, just like polygon/shitaku and anyone dumb enough to buy this shit.

Pirate it if you must.

>a Squirrel with a fat ass riding on the Panda's back

people who backed this did not ruin this game. being a shit game ruined it

So, my story is that I heard they dumped him over his current issue with his "outlandish" opinions which are pretty much the "I don't double check Sup Forums" opinions. Now hearing this made me look into the game I was already passively interested in and finding issues I didn't like. I assume many people are like that, but yes backing for a celeb is lame as fuck

This, even if the e-celeb drama around the game never existed. It still won't help that the game looks too unfinished and half-assed, like if the some of the devs don't want to work on the game at all.

>Team17 starts shit because of politics
>People don't like that they started it, because of politics
Is it that fucking hard to understand?

>perfectly good game
Not with that emptiness, floatiness, and piss poor animations and sound effects

>Ping-pong and BumBum
>A Panda with a mallet with a Squirrel with a fat ass riding on the Panda's back
I would legit play this game

>A Panda with a mallet with a Squirrel with a fat ass riding on the Panda's back

I like it.
I like it in a bad way.

Its almost as if its a 3D platformer

>>Ping-pong and BumBum
Whether or not I will fund this depends on if Ping pong can use the mallet to knock bumbum into enemies or up ledges

Here's some truth.

Nobody backed for Jontron. They backed because they wanted a game that would be about the good old days of platforming. And I'm sure it's a pretty fun game.

By removing Jontron from the game, Yooka Laylee made a political statement. And they failed at keeping out of e-celeb drama. I personally couldn't give less of a fuck about Jontron. But if they want to turn their game into a political statement, I'm not buying or playing it. If they want to make an attack against a certain political view, then they should be prepared for people who share that view to retaliate and tell them "Hey dude, that's not really cool, I didn't do anything to you, why you gotta treat me like that?"




What if the sole reason they took him out was to avoid any kind of political affiliation

>Whether or not I will fund this depends on if Ping pong can use the mallet to knock bumbum into enemies or up ledges

BumBum would also be able to bounce while falling fro heights.

That was the idea in theory, but it was a lose/lose situation with way more people being outraged since this situation ended up in the bigger loss

>lets remove Jontron from our game to avoid political drama
>gets the game in a fuckton of political drama because retarded devs thought gamers would care or even knew Jontron was in the game.
Its like if you knew a someone for a long time and became there friends, and them one day you saw them getting rid of Cheese Pizza, and there like "WHY ARE YOU CALLING THE POLICE? IM GETTING RID OF THE CHEESE PIZZA, NOT KEEPING IT. GOD, WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH, ITS NOT LIKE YOU WERE MY FRIEND BECAUSE OF THE CHEESE PIZZA, YOU DID NOT EVEN KNOW ABOUT THE CHEESE PIZZA BEFORE NOW!"

But they never promised Jontron, Jon merely congratulated them on the kickstarter and they offered to give him a minor role making monster grunts.

This entire thing could have been avoided very easily.

1. Release a statement saying Jon's views are not shared by Polytron, spice it up with how much they respect diversity and shit.

2. Let whatever fallback happens blow itself out, people would have gotten over it and moved on.

Instead they did the opposite, they made it political and went full SHUT IT DOWN mode on their forums and did the worst possible thing you could do, insult your customers, once you cross that line its over.

They basically handled it in the worst way possible.

Make BumBum a female with cute eyelashes and constant bedroom eyes for PingPong.

>food analogies
every time
>They basically handled it in the worst way possible.
They could've released a statement saying that they stand by him and are getting sick of niggers shooting and robbing people.


No the gameplay from videos shown have multiple problems thus leading to a poor reception.

God you're just like some whiny twitter SJW who tries to blame everything on misogyny

If the devs hadn't acted like retards couldn't they have just said "We don't adhere to or affiliate with Jontron's political views and it will in no way affect the game in it's entirety." and call it a day?

prove me wrong autist

1.) It's LITERALLY a ripoff of banjo kazooie.

2.) The devs poked conservatives, and got bit

Why do so many devs feel the NEED to infest their shit with politics? Why can't videogames be about the videogames?

more like couldnt they have said nothing at all? nobody gives a shit

What if they did it on purpose because they predicted the shitstorm it would cause and get them more publicity?

What if they're playing 4d chess with us and we're just not even able to comprehend how many circles they're running around us?


>Game promises to be more banjo kazooie level shit

>Game looks worse and worse as time goes on
>Devs get weirdly political in a desparate move
>Yeah, no. I no longer think this is a good use of my money. Is a refund possible?

Rayman 2, now shut up bitch

Fuck you thats cheating

NeoGAF could've thrown a bigger shitfit if Playtonic had said nothing. The only winning move could've been to make somekind of statement that JonTron doesn't represent their views or anything but they'd still keep his voice in the game.

Jon did literally nothing wrong, Playtonic were the one's who sperged out.
Besides Banjo fags can burn in hell, the absolute worst nostalgia fags of them all, worse than earthbound fags.

>more like couldnt they have said nothing at all
That was my second thought, but somehow I think some people would make just as big of a stick about the silence and accuse Playtonic of being White Supremacists/Racists/Transphobs/etc. Thought who knows if that situation would be as blown out of proportion as what's been going on now.

>Make the claim that they don't want to trigger people who are offended by Jon Tron's opinions and then hear his voice in game
>Then turn around and mock everyone who's against the removal on Twitter by saying "who cares, the speech is just gibberish. Boo fucking who"

If it doesnt matter, then why remove it?

It's funny, you usually expect publishers to fuck things up by forcing the devs to make a bad game but this time they didn't even have to do that.

Who the fuck cares, Neogaf is an irrelevant circle jerking fuck pit off assholes, let them bitch.

Metal Gear fags and Sonic fags are even worse

>visit Sup Forums for the first time in months
>see there a new 3D plateformer cool
>add to wishlist
>who is jontron
>see jontron drama
>read into how jontron drama
>jontron did nothing wrong
>who the fuck is destiny?
>read into destiny
>some faggot who twists debates
>read into devs
>remove from game wishlist
The only thing I learn today was not to talk to SWJs in public because even being near them when they speak puts you into shit.

Pretty much but they could've gotten the typical people to write articles about how Playtonic are bunch of neo-nazis and fascist racists.

I am of the opinion a game dev can hire and fire who ever the fuck they want. If it plays like Banjo I'll play the fuck out of it.

Even though I disagree strongly with what he said Jon Tron will gain new alt right followers to replace the left leaning ones he lost. That guy will be fine he doesnt need autistic people white knighting for him.

He was never a selling point of the game. I dont see the issue.

>he doesn't know what Cheese Pizza is

So what? Liberals toss the word racist around all the time. It hardly means anything anymore at this point.

What did metal gear fags do?

Kinda glad they axed jontron
means the edgy youtube teens and shit wont fucking go near this game and the community will probably be good as a result of it

Anyone who likes jontron is a kid, dudes just a fucking shill, I mean did you see his farcry primal video? His starcade? Dude wont make a video unless it's for money.

Not all platformers are floaty. Mario 64, Sunshine, Sonic Adventure (2), and Crash are far less floaty than this mess.

They're also far less empty, have better animations and the sound effects aren't nearly as grating.

Try again

It's weird that one single e-celeb's fanbase basically guaranteed that no game studio will ever attempt to work with anyone who is not part of an agency or union ever again (too risky for no real gain). Basically all new media youtubers/etc.

I guess that might be a good thing in some ways, but it closes a possible revenue path for people trying to break in from non-traditional means.

Nothing just a nob wanting to hate on those games.

I'm gonna pirate it because fuck anyone that bends over for SJWs

>Sonic Adventure (2)

Odyssey is gonna shit all over this game.


>Playtonic Games has said that it hopes to attract a broad marketing with its upcoming platformer, Yooka-Laylee, including young gamers and those who don’t necessarily have a lot of time to pour into video games. In an interview with MCV, managing director and creative lead Gavin Price said that the studio’s main goal was to cater to its core audience who backed the game while also making it accessible to others.

This doesn't work at all, you can't make everyone happy.

Words like that make my skin crawl.

>make the game political.
>the game is not political at all

fucking kids these days

>jewka hymie

>Retards on the net can't grasp this and are literally trying to destroy platonic over what is just the right move for any company these days.

You need to remember this is a company selling video games, they're not in it for the politics man, it doesn't take a left wing SJW to be against that kind of white supremacy, this isn't a company being over sensitive, he didn't just make some daft joke, he literally sat and argued for white supremacy.
They did the only thing they could do.

>Sonic Adventure
>not floaty
Holding jump makes Sonic go up like a balloon, for fuck's sake user.

Just because it's bad doesn't mean it's not a platformer.

What. It was nothing to do with SJWs. Have you seen the old "Rare" guys they are a bunch of ageing hippes. Thats all there is to it.

SJWs do dumb shit like saying Tetris is sexist and breakfast is racist.

I am sure you had legit fun coming up with those silly names and characters for the post. Congratulations; you found the entire point of silly characters. Specifically in ratchet and clank case, where everything its a intended dirty joke


Yeah but that's just a cop out, they're mad because the politics they did start doesn't fall within their own agenda.

So do people still think Jon actually said anything actually racist or have we passed that?

>So do people still think Jon actually said anything actually racist or have we passed that?

They do. see

Member rareware
Member good old plataforms
Yeah i member

yes he did, but alt-right white supremacists on Sup Forums will never say he did

Every race argues for their own to be supreme, but it's only bad if whites argue for supremacy right? Pull your head out of your ass and realize that you can be friends with minorities, but shouldn't have to believe the dumb guilt trips they try to get white people to believe

>Rare is dead forever
>There will never be a conker sequel

>We don't support white supremacy is them making a controversial political statment and having their game become a political game

No, you tards, they did what they had to do, being even remotely next to those kinds of views is suicide for anyone shifting a product.
ANY company would do this, not just a "sjw left-wing" company.


He did say some racist shit.

It's a free country, he can say what he wants. He didn't cause any actual harm.

It's a free country, the studio can choose to not use his voice work.

It's all a bunch of drama over pretty much nothing.

>Sonic Adventure (2)
>not floaty
u r dum

you might be right. That still doesn't change the shitty stance Playtonic decided to take.

Found the ameriburguer

Tell me the racist things he said. Both of them. I know what you think they are, but go ahead and tell me so we can play this game again.

The conker dev became a literal sjw

>Not being for white supremacy means I suffer from white guilt
Nah senpai, I get you, I'm not guilty, I just don't think I'm better than anyone based on my race.