Why was he able to physically interact with the world if he's technically dead? Same goes for the king in Wind Waker.
Why was he able to physically interact with the world if he's technically dead? Same goes for the king in Wind Waker
why does link have a bulge in his pants lol :)
Why would he only give Link the warm doublet if he cooked him a certain meal? He's a ghost, he doesn't need it and calling it a test is stupid because if Link can cook cold resistant food then he doesn't need the doublet. Also, why did he write a whole diary just to get Link to make him some food he probably couldn't even eat?
He still had a lot of privileges as a "ghost."
He wrote in a diary and managed that hut. He was swinging an axe at a tree.
And he had to have physically handed Link the warm doublet.
Because the game's plot is fucking weak and death means literally nothing.
I've yelled about how shit this is but no one cares.
There's no reason to feel bad for any of the characters that die because death means effectively nothing.
Why wouldn't he be able to?
Link is in a coma and he dreams his future adventures.
Ancient Hyrule magic.
morning wood after 100 years
Ghosts can interact with the material world.
Speaking of that, what's the deal with ghosts? They can apparently fuck with shit in our world, but we just phase through them? Why can they choke us or drop tables on us when we can't punch them in their stupid ghost parts?
Basic ghost premise. Ghosts operate on nostalgia and unfulfilled duties. Being unable to let go = also being unable to give up comforts from when he was alive.
Just because he knows he is a ghost doesnt mean he doesnt still follow the same basic rules or tropes on one
You can also ignore him and it is in a chest after you finish all the shrines and just plain talk to him without a shirt and he just gives it to you (though He IS on top of the mountain)
I personally never got the "GIVE FOOD" method work, even though i made the Spicy Meat & Seafoodfry.
My conclusion is that he is materializing with ASSHOLE POWERS.
ghosts have telekinesis. they don't physically throw every loose object in a room with their bare hands when going poltergeist, they don't have enough arms
Some post the "is magic, I aint gonna explain that shit" memepic.
Ghosts don't exist in the real world.
Geez, superstitiousfags are so much worse than religious people.
If ghosts don't real who was telephon?
Checkmate newfag :^)
Why does a video game character require you to do something pointless before they'll give you an item?
That happens in basically any series with ghosts.
If there's one thing that crappy Harry Potter play did, it's explain why you can't immortalise a wizard by just painting a picture of them.
>Harry Potter play
Come again? And can you elaborate on the picture thing? Why can't they live forever?
If you don't see why your question is stupid then you literally have autism. I'm dead serious.
>I'm dead serious.
I dunno, Gunnershit Fail is kinda nice even with Ghosts because it actually has it as a major part of the PLOT, it is pretty well established that Jeanne and Mort became SPOOPY due intervention (Jones being nearby and intervening on Morts behalf due noting she caused his death and and the Magitek Arrow for Jeanne and one hell of a grudge), Ghosts are exceptions more then the rules.
The issue isn't the fact that there are Ghosts it is more that the fact the Ghosts are "shallow".
do i still have autism if i mainly just wanted to show off my screenshot of Link looking skeptical?
(you) son of a bitch.
>Why was he able to physically interact with the world if he's technically dead?
You know Poes could hurt you, right? That's physically interacting. And the King of Red Lions was just magic'd.
just beat this a few hours ago. Is it ever explained how zelda survived for 100 years? was there a second shrine of resurrection or was it just hand waived with magic?
ancient hyrule secret
I'm guessing her being in a constant state of holding a seal kept her young. What I don't get is that line where she says ganon has given up on reincarnation but then a few minutes later she says he'll be back
He had given up his reincarnation process, he wasn't giving it up for good. The Hyrule compendium says he was regenerating his physical form, but Link interrupted and he was forced to come out of his cocoon to fight you in his unfinished state.
Because he was wondering what was for dinner?
Physical form as in ganondorf or just a non malice pig form? Also wouldn't that mean the ganon that link fought 100 years ago was a lot stronger?
It just said physical form, but Calamity Ganon resembled human Ganondorf a lot more than beast Ganon. He had human looking limbs and his face was like a skeletal version of TP Ganondorf's face.
Physical form would mean flesh, since malice is just evil barf.
I don't think Calamity Ganon was anything more than evil clouds 100 years ago, that was the point he started regenerating. It wasn't Ganon himself that defeated Link 100 years ago, it was the guardians he turned against everyone.
For BOTW: Sheikah tech in the castle somehow ghosted him.
For WW: Who the fuck knows, god power?