Having this as an emblem is a bannable offense in For Honor...

Having this as an emblem is a bannable offense in For Honor. Calling someone a faggot or a nigger in League of Legends is a permanent ban. What the fuck happened? Why are online gamers such pussies who get sand in their vaginas over every little thing. Screaming "TOXIC" every chance they get. What the fuck happened to online games?

Other urls found in this thread:


Why do you need to act like a child?

Blizz started this shit back in wow

its because you are being a edgy faggot.
Not everyone wants to be bombarded by insults and look at swastikas when they try to have fun

What happened to people understanding that acting like a manchild in a public place has consequences?

>Why don't people understand my subtle nuanced sense of humor?

Who cares you unoriginal butthurt doublenigger, it's their game and they can enforce whatever rules they want.

Kill yourself.

People grew up. You didn't.

>waah why can't I be an edgy faggot outside of Sup Forums muh freedom of speech
Stop crying you bitch.

>Be a manchild
>get punished for it
>don't understand why
Shiggy diggy do.

You should be lucky a account ban is all you get

Should fucking go into your country and start shooting motherfuckers like they did back in WW2

>publicly uses symbols that are strongly associated with the Holocaust

There are better ways of triggering people. Just tell them you are conservative, is against abortion and is christian.

Usually because their mothers drank heavily while pregnant

Not even sure if some of these are bait anymore. Neo-Sup Forums gentlemen

Just go with this instead, should offend most americans just the same

>go to my job
>call my boss a fat kike-nosed niggerbaby
>get fired

Overt bigotry has always been frowned upon online. You've just spent so much time in your weird internet nazi bubble that you forgot that kind of shit isn't considered normal

>these responses
what the fuck happened?

>Neo-Sup Forums

Keep pretending you didn't just fall off the boat, stormfaggot

Gamergate happened. Everything you're mad about stems from that.

Why shitting in public is penalised? Shit is biodegradable anyway, who cares?

if you owned an intellectual property, what kind of edgy behavior would YOU allow? remember that games are products, not open forums. people associating your game with Nazism is TERRIBLE for your brand.

look up the definition of bigotry.

Nazis and fascists can suck my dick. They destroyed Europe.

The amount of SJW cuckery in this thread is off the charts.

Stop dying your hair blonde and wearing blue contacts, Stephen.

Nothing? Nazi killing is a national pastime, for the most part.
>"I don't kill men- I kill fascists"

Too edgy for me

well no, soviet communists destroyed europe, but they only did it because the nazis paved the way for them to.

if you deny this you are a vatnik

>maybe disliking nazis is just as bad as being a nazi??????????????????

It stinks too much

Imagine if there was turds all over your city, how bad it would stink

I get more and more disappointed with neo v everyday.


Sup Forums was never your board. It shared one source of common ire a few years ago. Fuck off back to Sup Forums

>act like a retard
>get banned
>cry on Sup Forums

>try to save Europe
>(((America))) and (((Britain))) chose to destroy it instead
>somehow fascists are the bad guys here

keep your sand to yourself sir.

The NAZIS almost saved Europe until the allies showed up.
The holocaust didn't happen. Jews did 9/11. Fuck off.

Shut up faggot.

Who the fuck invited over?
Please fuck off back to your containment board.

So what's the deal with Sup Forums trying to claim this board
Is it shitposting or are they actually that batfuck retarded

Yeah, look at these guys who aren't spoiled, angry white teens who worship Hitler. How edgy.


Holy shit why is everyone so mad?

Is posting a swastika really all it takes?

So basically a big French city?

Yes it's horrible having to smell shit all the time when you go outside

fuck you stupid nigger communism destroyed europe

Like London in mid 19 century.
Literally the smell of a great empire, mmmm


This board isn't even worth taking. They're wasting their time.

Also this

Money happened.

Trump is on the brink of getting arrested so Sup Forums is invading others boards in a fit of panic.

Nothing. Everyone knew that this kind of shit was edgy and could get you banned. It's why shit like the Habbo Hotel raids happened. The difference is when they were banned, they didn't fucking cry about it. They just laughed and either made a new account or did something else.

You lost.

jesus christ i didnt know I was on /r/gaming
you faggots are the exact reason why all these games are anti griefing

>is posting a symbol of racism, genocide, and torture all it takes?
Fuck off back to

communism lost too leftypol scum

You arent even making sense, newfag

Get the fuck off Sup Forums

Apparently the majority of Sup Forums has become the type of people offended by a symbol over 90 years old that's lost all meaning, and a naughty word that hurts their fee-fees

When people joke that this place has become reddit they aren't kidding. No wonder they're all Berniecucks.

I definitely don't do either of the things in the OP but I also don't get bootyblasted when I see it like people in this thread.

t. increasingly nervous man

Normies who can't take a joke happened.

game servers were required to be in the hands of the developers after the mid aughties

The conditioning is strong.

It's also why the feminist tried to rape the gaming industry

>implying he'll get arrested
He's our Emperor! He will never fail his citizens!
You're talking about the Russian thing yeah? How's that going along. Do explain what you mean, I am VERY interested.

MUH Sup Forums MUH NAZIS!!!!1 MUH WHITE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sup Forums WAS ALWAYS OUR BOARD!11!!!!

I thought the next generation wasn't going to be completely retarded.

>symbol of racism, genocide, and torture


why some something tell me that pic related would be acceptable????

It's all the same guy same-fagging because he's really triggered over a swastika haha.

why are you such an edgy faggot?

>I let a collection of pixels on a screen affect me this much

>butthurt beta-male culture hasn't taken over online games yet
Thank god every day, I don't know what I'd do if the entire server wouldnt crowd around someone who happened to pick the "Black" option and shout derogatory things at him. Political Correctness doesn't belong online.

literally samefag shill on his phone switching ips with airplane mode

kys you stick out like a sore thumb

>kill people, take their stuff
>get killed, stuff stolen back
>thinks they were in the right
i guess nazis are the real dindus

that's an entirely different issue, user. if normies understood the evil acts committed by the soviets, it would also be a symbol of hatred, but historical revisionism is powerful.

>Delusional liberal cucks actually believe this

Holy fuck lmao.

Slavs aren't people

Online games are for faggots and almost all of them are garbage.

Go full edgy playing true singleplayer games like Shin Megami Tensei, Resident Evil (the real ones, not 4-7) and Shadow the Hedgehog.

You sound like someone who would be busy typing shit than to play the videogame, so really you are the faggot here

These Nazi people are always going "boo hoo stop being so sensitive you guys can't take a joke" but then if you criticize them for bieng a Nazi they break down into serious psychological trauma and rev the shitposting up to 11

Return to leddit you faggot

the only reason people hate the swastika more than the hammer and sickle is because you know who has the most media presence and you know who invented communism

nothing wrong with re4


>pedophile thinks his opinion matters

Why are trumpalos such whinny faggots?

I thought they were genetically superior alpha males.

>fucking nigger faggot kill yourself
>get banned

Ummm desperate.

Doesn't your country just outright ban any videogames deemed "too offensive" ?

You're a island of beta cucks, lad.

I'm not going to disagree with you.

Sup Forums in 2014
>not full of sjw faggots

Sup Forums in 2017
>full of sjw faggots

what happen

dont they have enough safe spaces on reddit

Are you 12?

>be purposefully provokative
>get btfo
>go cry on your favourite messageboard
I want juveniles to go

>thought police determining what I can and can't joke about
Yah that sounds like your typical university, i'd say


The media in the west happened.

well at least we can agree

How do you fit 100 Jews into a car?

4 in the seats, 96 in the ashtray.

Lucky I don't live in Germany where telling the truth is a crime.

it was never funny to begin with
it was always cringy as fuck seeing 20-somethings do this shit.
consider this a wake up call

wow, so Sup Forumslacks really center their life around this shit. Sad!

That's our gubberment, the worst nannystate in the world, where no matter who you vote for you're still fucked. At least I can call someone a fat nigger jew and I wont be banned unless it was the admin.