Casual Filter?

How the fuck do i beat this asshole?I've tried everything.Playing ranged againts it, casting spells, going glass canon, bleed&poison; none of them worked out for me.If i get too close the fucker breaks the pots around the arena and summons naked hollows that gank on me.Like holy shit it is so hard.When i try to summon people his defences/hp gets tripled and you encounter x4 more pots.I am stucked any tips?

Walk around him and hit his ass.

He is literally the easiest boss in the fucking game, just do what the other user said and fuck his ass raw.

Turns out it doesnt have an ass?

Protip, this works for 90% of DS2 bosses

How does it poop then

git gud

>playing ranged
Nigger just shoot the corpses hanging from the ceiling, the fight is free without them and even more so when you do that.

>i cant believe people are taking this obvious bait like gigantic retarded faggots
this is neo-Sup Forums everyone

You mean, casual filler, am I right?

There's no way this is real. It can't be. Please be bait. Please.

holy fuck you reddit piece of shit


reverse trolled

XDDDD OP nice troll dude you fucking got me

Fuck off with your reddit boogeyman you fucking dick licking faggot.

>This boss exists.
You were saying?

Some animals use the same hole to eat and poop

>people used to argue what DaS boss was hardest
>but for DaS2 we can't come togheter on which is easiest

I think it's dragonrider


delete this

You are cancer.

Two hand your weapon back your shield is useless
Hit his sides, he has a tail attack if I recall the sides are the safe bet. He'll try to do a roll every now and then but he telegraphs the fuck out of it.
Don't stand in front of the mouth? I dunno what else to say its a really easy boss.

I didn't imply that.
And ironic shitposting is still shitposting.