Persona 5 should be ported to Switch

Persona 5 should be ported to Switch. I hope Atlus realizes that, because Switch sells well and they're not stupid people.

1) Atlus will make more money selling their game on 2 platforms.

2) Nintendo is the only company that cares about gamers and deserves that game.

3) Nintendo fans are true gamers who play for GAMEPLAY. This game is for us.

4) There's not much to play right now (Switch only came out, this is normal). Persona would've had huge success because of that.

5) Switch is the console with legs and Persona 5 will be selling for long time after PS4 will be dead in the water.

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I know you're baiting but the Switch is getting SMT V

>Not PC

I hope so. It's the only game I care about that's on the PS4. I just want it to be on a portable console.

Nobody cares about SMT. Persona is far more popular.

LOL. I forgot its April fools day. You almost had me user.

Normally I would just call sony false flag, but given the recent state of drones I wouldn't be surprised if this post is genuine.

it's a fact


sonybro here. I agree. while I won't be getting a switch for a long time and have no intention of buying P5 twice I would like for nintenbros to be able to enjoy this game with me

I'm not sure how posting reaction images and saying stuff like "lol got me haha xD" can change the fact that Persona sells much more than SMT games.

Were you banned from Google or something?

Monster Hunter should be ported to Vita and PS4


Fuck off sony nigger, you're not a friend of mine.

When will the Switch get the superior Atlus series?

Honestly, if its going to any 2nd platform its probably gonna be PC.
Japan seems to really eyeing up the market now.

Sony has Persona and Nintendo has SMT

It's a fair deal no matter how you try to word it.

It should actually get a Vita port.

But only when they add in a femc with yuri social links.


I wonder why Atlus decided that SMT should be Nintendo-exclusive and Persona Sony-exclusive. Can't they just give both to both of them?

Nobody cares about it.

>persona 5
>on switch

Yeah sure if you want blurred and dumbed down graphics and fps.

Keep dreaming, toddlers. You get leftovers. Sonybros get the real deal.


>the main series is the leftover while the spinoff is the real deal
In terms of popularity, yeah, I guess.

Sure, sure.

Delicious nintenbro tears

>Winter 2014
Damn, I hope SMT V isn't delayed to hell and back and actually comes out next year.

The PS4 version suffers regular drops into the mid 20s, and it spends most of the game at 30 fps.

The PS3 version runs even worse and takes even longer to load.

Switch P5 would be a miserable experience. The native res would likely be similar to Snake Pass.


Sony gets the big budget production. SMT is just lazy man's scraps on a 400x240 resolution machine.

>play it in 540p 20 fps and censored by NoA SJWs
Not in a million years, Nintendo cuckold.

Jesus christ, Nintendo fanboys really are the worst shitters on Sup Forums.

>400x240 resolution machine.
The Vita is dead, user. It's not getting any games ;)

Nah, it's nice to see someone not being allowed certain games because they hate certain consoles.

It's well deserved, and you have no sympathy from me.

Ohhh, he tries to hit back, but is still left with the scraps, while PS4 owners gets the big deal.

Face it idiot, the money they earn on your cheap ass SMT games are going to pay for the big production Persona games.

You are literally financing your own tears when you buy SMT.

Anyone who would buy a console for 1 game is a fucking retard

That's right boy. You don't deserve the game, because you are so blinded with hate, you can't see any other good games on the platform.

Atlus should port it to every platform then
Wii u, x360, switch, xbone and pc can all run it since it runs on a ps3

Like what? Any time you ask sony faggots what games they play they talk about Horizon Zero Fun or games that won't be released for years. I'll be able to play Persona 5 soon thanks to PS3 emulation.

I don't work for Sony, so I don't care about convincing you. I'm just basking in schadenfreude when I see you lose out because you deserve to be.

Nocturne was the last real SMT game. Ever since then Persona has been the face of the SMT franchise.

can I fuck makoto?

>when I see you lose out because you deserve to be.
Sony ponies are pathetic. I've emulated every Persona game so far and Persona 5 won't be any different. If Atlus doesn't want my money it's not my fault.




Sup Forums in one post.
You are carcinogenic.

You won't be getting that chance anytime soon. The PS3 is tanking all of your friends' efforts. So the PS4 will be safe for decades to come.

It doesn't matter if From and Sony Japan Studio make another Bloodborne; as long as it is on the ShitStation 4, I won't buy it.

Sony needs to make the PlayStation 5 already that can provide the following:

Bloodborne The Old Hunter Edition REMASTERED
4K(1440p is "fine'' as long as it has 144fps option) 60fps MAX SETTINGS.
- no frame pacing issues - no chromatic abberation
- option to disable motion blur and depth of field - hairworks enabled by default
- reduced loading times to 5-10 sec (my SSD loads DS3 in 3sec).

THEN and ONLY THEN, will I buy a Sony product.

As long as ShitStation 4 is their main device I won't buy their games. Period.

*Not available for PC

Persona is too dark for Nintendo. It features people swearing and being mean and junk.

If they could port it to the switch with decent performance I would absolutely buy it on that since playing P4G in bed was comfy as all hell. Obviously though a Persona game on a non-Sony platform is pretty unlikely anyway so I think I'm gonna be having a reason to boot my PS4 up again soon.

Feels good not being console war fag.

>Nocturne was the last real SMT game
Strange Journey was about as good. Has nothing to do with dumbfuck console wars either, pretty much everyone here played it on their PCs anyway.

What is Shin Megami Tensei on DS and 3DS

Not to mention some girls get down to their bikinis. Nintendo couldn't possibly allow that kind of filth on their system

>The PS3 is tanking all of your friends' efforts.
Keep telling yourself that.

It's shame really.

At least it's on PS3 so I can play it.

>People think it's not at least somewhat probable
Switch is definitely not getting 5, but we might end up with something like Persona 4 Golden later down the line.
I still need to start and finish P4, fuck

Yes, please enjoy that angry bird emulator.

It's doing as perfect as I argued, tanking all their efforts head on.

>doesn't know how emulation works
It's not like I expected anything different from a Sony pony but still

loc is already done and I doubt Nintendo would mandate changes to allow it on the system

I know enough to know the maths.

All developers on PS3 emulation = 0 developers on PS4 emulation.

PS4 emulation won't take off for a few more years but PS3 is already there. Games like Persona 5 will be on the top of the list, too.

>Games like Angry Bird is on the top of the list
Fixed that for you.

>Switch is the console with legs and Persona 5 will be selling for long time after PS4 will be dead in the water.
I bet you were one of the morons who said same thing about the Wii U.

I have a question about this actually. Are the games on this website that are listed as being in a playable state actually playable or """playable"""?

I really want to play Catherine.

Check the youtube videos, it varies from game to game.

No, the Switch is too weak. If they were to port the game it'd be on PC or xbone. Stop begging, fucktard.


>not having a pc for multiplats, ps4 and switch

neck yourselves all of you

The truth is they are just shitposting to hurt each others feelings.

People who don't own a PS4 don't want any of the PS4 games.
And people who don't own a Switch don't want any of the switch games either.

And it's completely legitimate to not want one of these platforms.

Objectivly best

I hope the switch fails. I don't want to have to buy yet another fucking console for exclusives.

Its already on track for Wii type sales.

Too early to tell. If Nintendo announces Pokemon and or Switch Sports it will dominate and outsell everything else.

>still no eo
>still no mh5
>still no skyrim or fallout if the bethesda shit becomes real
Then sprinkle some indie darlings then it will blow the fuck out the 3ds if they were lucky

Switch powerful enough to run a PS3 game?

Appreciated, thanks SonyBro


Does indie shit actually sell? Game reviewers get the stuff for free.

Persona is a PlayStation exclusive franchise, i believe Sony has some deal with them, no chance it will ever release on anything else than a PlayStation.

BUT the PS3 emulator is doing good, in a few months or max. a few years you will be able to play it on PC. No chance for Switch though.

It sells a lot, actually. A lot of people also want to play their games portable so they have more incentive to buy it on Switch than PC.

/SonyNintendoPC/ bro here. I'll get it on PS4 anyway. I'll save SMT for the Switch though.