What the fuck happened?

What the fuck happened?


I hope Doom 2 has more varied enviroments.
Takes place and Earth and lets you visit Heaven as well as Hell.

The idtech 6 is amazing.
I don't know why they didn't use it for the new quake or dishonored.

id resurrected the FPS genre with the best shooter since the original DOOM.

djentfags took over and shoehorned their shitty overproduced subgenre of groove metal into the soundtrack

weapon switching: the game

Repetitive gameplay and a garbage-tier soundtrack.

Heaven would ruin it. Then it becomes a fight between good and bad.

Doom is about doomguy being badder than even hell.

olivia pierce for president

It kinda felt samey. You knew what to expect after first three levels.

>not going pistol only

I had like 15 hours of fun that time.

>nu/v/ complains about having an arsenal of weapons at their disposal

yeah I bet it would've been better with an assault rifle and 45 other weapons that shoot just like it.

>Dark for no reason
>Nothing works for no reason
>Grit over surrealism horror hell
>Short compared to Doom 1 or 2
>Demon limit means only expect locked rooms, only cases where demons are already present are in large open areas (that are actually just another room)
>No modding
>idtech 6 butchered to outsource MP

Was fun for a few minutes but then the forced puzzles, endless npc conversations and the racing sections sucked, I think personally that the areas where you have to escort caravans are the worse in gaming as of late.

Dark for no reason?


Multiplayer was absolute garbage, which really hurts.

don't even start with the fucking zero gravity escort missions jesus christ what were they thinking

thanks for reminding me to watch yahtzees duke nukem forever review

neo-id released neo-doom with qte's
neo-Sup Forums liked it

Even on backup power and with glowy runes, a lot of the corridors are dark for no real reason. I don't recall Doom being dark except for the occasional monster closet jump scare.
Generally supposed to be more gritty horror that doesn't mesh with the action/grunge based gameplay so it just comes off as a source of eyestrain.

Really doesn't help all the demons have a similar red/brown colour scheme with low contrast.

This. Adding heaven, angels and shit will spoil the darkness and gore atmosphere that is doom. No need for light vs dark bullshit.

Balance and game system design is dogshit this goes for weapons and enemies which all have terrible pathfinding
Levels are all setpiece arenas even if they don't seem it and encounters never escalate to being interesting especially on multiple play throughs
Narrative being shoved in your face non stop
Player is literally lead by the nose beginning to end
Contextual everything

It doesn't sound like djent at all famalam


Doom was dark user, the first ones were, problem is you don't remember it well because it was low resolution, but Doom used to have "black fog".

>Narrative being shoved in your face non stop

now you're just making things up.

Just 15 seconds at Google tell me fog was only in Hexen

this tbf

Bethesda accidentally let a good game get released.

Darkness user, "black fog" is darkness, are you slow?

>Narrative being shoved in your face non stop

That guy got it

>dude there is like no story at all le rip 'n tear xDDD
He means the auto distance fade its present in all the doom engine games basically just gets dark the further you can see
It's a neat effect

>People complaining about being more of an arena shooter where you have to actually move around instead of a boring shooting gallery of "take cover to regen your health" kind of game
Neo Sup Forums is real

English is not my native language, but I'm fluent, and that's the first time I saw anybody call darkness "a black fog". Do you call eagles "large angry pigeons", by any chance?

Still a lot brighter than most of Doom 2016
You can see floor tiles, parts of the room are fully lit and everything seems functional.
Not to mention that room is particularly dark compared to the rest of the level.

It's like saying Doom 1's "dim" is the same as Doom 2016's darkness. More advanced lighting obviously but the contrast is fucked.
The game clearly isn't going to work as an atmospheric thriller so it should be a lot easier to see on the eyes without turning up the gamma.

How can you be a non-native English speaker?

>what is emigration

>arena shooter
Nope it's just plain bad
>neo Sup Forums is real
Yep that would be you

No romance options
No sex scenes

It's figurative speech, no need to be english, it isn't an expression in my language either but come on, you can picture it in your head.

I actually had no trouble navigating, which cannot be said about the times of msdos.

>Nope it's just plain bad
Nice reason, totally get your point

Ok user you're confusing nuDoom with Doom 3. Either that or you really need to adjust the brightness on your monitor/TV. Even the areas that were supposed to be dark weren't actually all that dark.

ITT People who want unnecessary bloat in their video games.

??? this is bad?

Why are your imps grey
>fog everywhere
That doesn't exist, and would be the only excuse Id could claim to say the contrast is fine to make enemies pop out.
There's been dozens of times in D44M where an imp is wallhanging and it's just brown on brown, camouflaged almost perfectly till it throws a fireball.

I've played it recently for Arcade and everything is just fucking BROWN.

>throws out random words
>does not give any context for them

please define bloat

It wasn't another Tortanic

Doom wasn't an arena shooter, though. Enemies fuck you up FAST if you're out in the open with them.

no single player expansion pack

why they focus so much on the multiplayer I have no idea. which is a shame because those levels look really cool.

Spider mastermind boss fight was gay as fuck. Not to mention there was only one phase. What the fuck. The fight preceding the final boss fight even managed to be more difficult. It's a joke.

i cant believe some people gave a $60 TF2 clone with micro-transactions GOTY over this le underrated indie gem.

>literally 4 scenes in the entire 12 hour campaing where you cannot control your character

>one of them is the end cutscene

>narrative is shoved in your face non stop

Playing it now for the first time
Really its one of the most fun games Ive playing a while
it has great gameplay when compared to other shooters in 2016 2017
it runs and looks great
good replayability since you can try to find all secrets or play on hardest difficulty if u havent done that already

>good replayability
>you can try to find all secrets or play on hardest difficulty


There's logs and story littered throughout every chapter. Via comm link and actual cutscenes. The Mars plant and the UAC is fully fleshed out, you're being biased.


it sucks

id was dead for the longest time and they lost their last good hope, Bethesda made it worse by being Bethesda.
Basically it was a clusterfuck of terrible. You knew it was going to be bad when they locked in the name as Doom, being ignorant of how that affects the community of the first game that's even keeping the series on life support from twenty four fucking years ago. Let that sink in. A quarter of a century ago.

Yeah but thats exactly my point. The logs are optional. You can just not read them if you don't care. Logs are (generally) an infinitely better way to convey the story because it doesn't ruin pacing which was what made Doom 2016 great.

>doomguy is not a space marine but actually an ancient member of some demon killing knight order
fucking retarded

>Doom 2016 receiving huge critical success

>somehow id blew it.

>I'm twelve and what is FPS

And the comm link transmissions and the cutscenes and the fact that there are at least several points in the game where you can watch conversations take place via hologram.

It doesn't really change anything. He's still mad as hell murders demons the same.

>glory killing counts as a QTE

>QTEs are bad because yatzhee doesn't like them

Great opinions bro

it's quite literally djentstep.

An ugly mixture of The Algorithm and Zardonic.

Nothing. It was really good, one of the only good releases of last year. In a better year it definitely would have been forgotten the day after it came out but 2016 was the worst year for games I've ever seen and it was one of maybe 3 games that was worth playing at all.

It's not a quick time event if there's no pressure to press the button quickly. It's a context sensitive attack that goes away, you don't need to use it. People just argue blithely and expect everyone to gather around and listen.

This was literally the freshest triple A FPS in years. Ironically all it did was take out a bunch of features added to all fps over the last 2 decades.

No reloading
No bullshit 2 weapon limit
No waiting for shields to recharge

It added in a couple really unobtuse rpg elements and it all worked well.

>This was literally the freshest triple A FPS in years.

while its a bold claim, it also shows how stale this last few years have been in terms of FPS games.

>putting your opponents argument in meme arrows counts as an argument

it could be the original doomguy

Fix your audio problem!

Honestly I think you just needed to turn your gamma up.
It was pretty bright for me

also, short?

It felt about as long if not longer than DooM 2. Took me about 10.5 hours.
I can get through DooM 2 in way less than that.

pretty sure doomguy is exactly who we thought he was, and the demon killing order are just dudes who happened to already exist and saw doomguy work and were like 'shit we need this guy on our team'

You can just walk past and ignore those.

yeah diablo 3 tried le heaven meme and its literally a dead game at this point coz nobody cares about the cringy morale story

No, he joined the order. He's still the original marine.

samefagging this hard

I wouldn't mind some brief glimpses of some paladin-like order, like what they already had in the game but a bit more fleshed out

Now this is shitposting.

come on senpai

I hate this fucking board.

>last few years
>nearly two decades
Okay there Legolas.

no modding, that's what sucked

maybe it´d be worth one DLC to get to kill all the paladins

We've also had Titanfall and Halo 5 though

Hating on Doom is pretty retarded,genuinely enjoyed it.
Soundtrack was good too, and while it was wub-wub tier, it added to the atmosphere. Every game isn't your fucking indie game with bells and shit, doom soundtrack couldn't be any better. Go ahead and please post link of some song that you think would fit better.
Try playing it at night in complete silence with headhones on and you'll now what I mean.
Maybe all the haters are plebs who played it on "I'm too young to die".


There's some autist here who just really hates arena combat for some reason

>went back to this recently and checked out snapmap
>people are now making levels where you can play as doomguy, carry 8 weapons at once and are scripted as well as the singleplayer

I wish they'd release proper mod tools but I was pretty impressed. The only problem is that you don't get to have the upgrade runes from the singleplayer like air control.

Guess you got a toaster and can't enjoy all the fancy effects.