Game over

>game over
>they won

time to apply for disability welfare user

>coz sure as fuck you guys wont get a job

>working 9-5 in 2017

>Bought Nier
>All the other denuvo riddled games a shit anyway
>The games I do want are easily pirated

Can't say I care.

They will go out of bussiness soon, so don't worry.


BTFOing moralfag pirates is beautiful

faggot namefag off youself

Hackers made Denuvo useless and the games that use it sell like garbage, so sooner they will realise wasting millions on this pos is useless.

It's still doing a great job of protecting games during their peak time for sales. I think you're making assumptions because you don't like DRM,

time to apply for dem autism-bucks user

>inb4 gettin a job

Always had a job because I'm not a fucking parasite, this is why I like Denuvo, piratefags are literally a direct reason developers choose not to develop for PC, but they feel some sort of moral high ground despite being precisely the problem.

>cares about anti-piracy shit.
Glad I have a job and know how to budget so I can just buy vidya instead of violating laws.

>because I'm not a fucking parasite,

oh so thats what you think right?

are you banging a model?

is your 6/10 gf even faith ful?

do you cück even own your own property?

what do you even drive? some cück-box on wheels?

Games sell ok

>Now with denuvo
Games sell like shit

Pottery. Maybe it's because the games that use denuvo are shit or people refuse to buy them because denuvo. Either way, pottery.

pirates are gay haha just read that

drm ruins games, not pirates.

pirates will never stop existing so inconveniencing everyone in a vain effort to make it happen is just bad business.

though bad business is the baseline these days, customers are not the desired commodity anymore, they are an obstacle

DOOM 4 and Total War Warhammer both use Denuvo and have he highest sales of their franchise, as a couple examples. Want to try again?

>first instinct is to yell cuck at stable adults.
Its okay buddy, some day you'll move out of mom's place.

>piratefags are literally a direct reason developers choose not to develop for PC
kek, /vee/'s misconceptions are so cute sometimes

That fatalist attitude obviously isn't shared by developers and producers, so uh, that's bullshit kiddo

Drm never wins

>Total Warhammer 2 announced
>1 is still not cracked
It's over, Denuvo won.

Drm isnt design to stop piracy indefinitely, just stop it long enougb that get the initial sales from people who dont want to wait for the crack.

they're still making patches and dlc for warhammer there is nothing else stopping CPY from cracking it

That is straight up exactly why we don't have Super Street Fighter IV on PC. Want to try again?

oh because the people making video games are the arbiters of truth and justice, is that it?
their mass delusion is their own fault. DRM as it is is like locking up every fucking item at a dollar store because theres a slim chance someone might steal or accidentally break something.

its expensive to implement and is a burden on the paying customers who may choose to go elsewhere

I wait and they got cracked. So fuck them all =)

Uhh user, SSFIV arcade edition is on steam.

CPY cracked Hitman before all the DLC was out, it's not an excuse. It's over, piratecucks.

hitman and warhammer have the same version denuvo if you can crack one you can crack the other

Right on

You're not fighting some ideological war against corruption, user. You're just stealing shit you can't afford. Don't ever feel like you have some sort of moral high ground

Denuvo v4 is uncrackable. Give it up and get a job.

Do not mention the j word here. Welfare it is here or autism bucks

Sure you can, that's why they haven't cracked Warhams, amirite?

>Denuvo v4 is uncrackable.

there is no such thing as uncrackable.DRM

Two threads at once?
Shit, you guys are working overtime.
Good on ya.

>What is Denuvo v4

>2 shits have been deposited in your loo

>oh so thats what you think right?
Yes, fucking parasites

>are you banging a model?
8/10 milf (my fetish)

>is your 6/10 gf even faith ful?
8/10, and yes we are, we even do threesome with innocent young women

>do you cück even own your own property?

Yes I'm a landlord, so I suck all the money from parasites like you

>what do you even drive? some cück-box on wheels?
A plain 2016 civic. Nobody should invest too much in a automobile.

Stop using ''cuck'' if you don't know how to use it.

Just install linux.

people have said that about all versions of Denuvo

>its a burden and deters sales.
This is true. So then dont buy it. In your mind if you see something you want at a retail store locked up, you think you should steal it anyway, because protecting high theft items goves you some sort of moral grounds for just taking the damn rhing.

As far as games go, you think if a developer wants to prevent piracy so they can maximize their profits from their labor, you feel that you are then entitled to play their game because they dared try to protect their copyright. Just admit that you're just a greedy piece of shit that wants things and doesn't want to pay for them. At least you would be an honest piece of shit.

DOOM 4 no longer includes Denuvo and is basically the Vulkan tech demo game which led to lots of people buying it after Denuvo was removed.

Total War: Warhammer is a cross over between two incredibly popular series and was available at launch for platforms where the Denuvo malware wasn't included where it apparently sold well enough to justify the sequel being ported as well.

DOOM set those sales records in the first year after release, about 3.6 million copies sold with DRM. You're right, TW:W is a popular game. Not sure what your point there was


What does Denuvo even do (beyond apparently keep some games from being pirated and others it not matter at all, they get cracked regardless)?

I already did.
Your taxes have been buying my games and consoles for a long time now.

>enable Vulkan
>input lag through the roof

Why is Vulkan so shit?

>about 3.6 million copies sold with DRM.
Which is why the complaint threads from people who bought the game but couldn't play it were endless until they made the sensible decision to remove it.

>TW:W is a popular game. Not sure what your point there was
Game available on more platforms > sells more copies
Many people buy game on platform where it doesn't come with bundled malware.

>What does Denuvo even do
Makes all games uncrackable during the first week or two, which is the time period when the majority of sales are made. That's all that matters.

Then why was he calling it malware?

This is on Windows I take it?
Microsoft has a history of de-tuning competing APIs to force D3D and maintain their dominance.

On other platforms with Vulkan support its working well. No input lag or other issues, just faster and more consistent framerates.

Op here. Unknowingly your income is more stable than 99% of us here. U dont have workplace drama or performancr reviews or market flactuations. You just sit down and do nothing


Im not sure I understand the point you're trying to make. Can a game be successful with Denuvo? Completely. I'm sure quite a few people agree with you that it's an inconvenience for good, employed consumers, but that's not what I'm arguing at all.

>nu-piratefags got mind broken by denuvo
>start spouting muh consumer right muh console is better muh the games are bad anyway

Denuvo is PC gaming's boogeyman so everything bad about every DRM ever and ones that never existed is applied to Denuvo even though Denuvo itself is just a one time authorization tacked on to other DRMs.

It phones home, it intentionally breaks compatibility layers, and it plugs into Windows at a low level frequently relying on bugs or unintentional behavior in its code that interfaces with the hardware which can thrash disk drives and cause other serious problems.

>can thrash disk drives
And this is how I know you're full of shit.

Most people who pirate elsewhere is because they're on a third world country.

People that pirate in the USA is just pathetic. My fucking friend who is a McSlave got a fucking 2017 truck for 20k (no lease)

I don't understand how US poorfags can't afford mere 60 bucks for a game.

I guess I just imagined all those threads from people who had encountered problems and the lawyers posting offering legal aid in setting up a class action.

Care to comment on their intentional breaking of compatibility layers denying access to games to paying customers who for various reasons are unable to use Windows?

Op here . Most you guys with university education in 1st world get 130000 a year salary. In my 2nd world country its 24000

They're all NEETs. That's why they have a smug sense of superiority about it.

>I guess I just imagined all those threads from people who had encountered problems and the lawyers posting offering legal aid in setting up a class action.
You might as well have. Until you post actual proof, you're just spewing bullshit.

And now he's broke.

I can afford games easily, but I choose to get them for free because it's a simple way to save a grand a year.

>He spends a grand on videogames annually

You're definitely still on the payroll of Mom and Dad, just abuse their credit card some more

You're severely misinformed. With a college education in the US you'll be lucky to find a job that will pay you minimum wage ($7.25 an hour / $15k a year), most companies will want to give you an unpaid internship. Even if you're lucky enough to find a job you'll be unlikely to get enough hours to qualify for health insurance which will eat up a good chunk of your money.

>$7.25 an hour
Spotted the southerner.

No, it is becauese fighting games traditionally never sold on PC, and connections are unreliable, so they sold even less.
Dont make up bullshit to support your other made up claims.

Most States aren't that much better. If you happen to be lucky enough to live in one of the few areas that has bumped the minimum up to $15 an hour you'll be dealing with a much higher cost of living which will basically wipe out any gains.


That's some low effort job searching right there. I wound up repairing furnaces with no formal training just by being available for work and willing to do anything. Had a job making spiral wooden staircases the same way, both payed a hell of a lot more than $7.25 and took no formal education to get.

I know this is a tough concept to grasp when you have a double digit IQ, but I /save/ a grand a year because I don't /spend/ a grand a year. I offer a military discount for math lessons if you're interested, bubba.

I'm just impressed you accumulate a grands worth of videogames in a year, I mean shit I'll maybe buy 7-8 games annually, usually less. That's fucking nuts.

Can you only shit up one board at a time, shareblue?

You are why DRM exists. How does it feel to be part of the problem?

>Likes denuvo
>Likes your game running shittier
>Likes DRM where pirates literally play the game at better fps, and the people punished are only pirates who wnat it DAY1 which is stupid and people who paid for it. Pirates who wait a few days literally get it as it was originally intended without DRM, and thus playing better.

DRM is cancer, neck yourself.

I pirate, but when a game is worth it I buy it, when a game has a demo I try that instead, if it's trying to push an agenda (first new-DRM game, SJW bullshit blatantly EVERYWHERE,etc) I pirate it instead.

>8/10 milf
>implying it's yours

What? That's bullshit, I got a job for twice that with no college whatsoever in a field i had no real experience in.

I would be making even more as a cop if I were able to pass polygraph tests but that's not gonna happen but whatever.

I'm indifferent because I don't have to deal with it as it is already removed for me.

I'd ask you how you feel about paying for games with DRM and funding my hobby but I already have a pretty good idea.

I'm sorry but if your friend got a 2017 truck for 20k only working McDonalds, he was doing other things as well. Entry level McSlave job is $10~/hr or less in most places, even if ihe's working fulltime (lol he's not probably at McDs) he's making 20k/yr.

Since he's working parttime he's really making around 10k, almost all of his money is going to food/housing if that's all he does and he's living alone. If he's basement dwelling and paying NO bills, then yeah, sure.

Sorry dude but piracy doesn't have a moral high ground. I don't give a shit about DRM, but reactions like this make me love it. Do you feel a sense of entitlement maybe? That you SHOULD be able to get it for free then decide to pay later? That's adorable.

You are so wrong it hurts. In the US that's not even the median not to mention the average.

Throw in debts accrued if you went to a decent university and even if you're making 130k/yr you're spending a while paying off debts if you're not stupid.

No, I don't feel any sense of entltlement to the game, it's quite simple.

If a company wants to sell me something, and they're giving me two options:
1)Pay me, and I'll give you a gimped version, it won't play as well and will have meaningless restrictions that will annoying you at times.
2)Don't pay me, and get the full experience.

Only an idiot picks #1.

Now, if it has multiplayer that's gated by the payment or is a good company, or has very non-intrusive DRM, then no problem I'll buy the game, and I've bought many. GOG, bundles, etc are pretty good. Hell I bought Borderlands before they snuck DRM in near the end as a 'test' for Borderlands 2, which I never purchased (or even pirated) because of said terrible DRM.

Mature women with children are more faithful than young sluts user, do you even real life?

I'm a buy fag normie
make decent money have a wife
I remember being 20 and not having money but wanted to play the latest games that did not offer a demo.

Ill buy the game so you dont have to.

He lives with his parents, doesn't pay bills and emptied his bank account to buy the truck.

The spike in sales in the first week or two are pre-orders and people who were going to buy the games regardless so having some shitstain DRM in place changes literally nothing on that front, do you honestly think anyone would buy a game just because they couldn't pirate it on release? Most good games continue to sell well after that period while shit games will quickly decline, going little beyond that initial high. Why do you think shit games will proudly announce their opening sales then shut up forever while good games will update with their lifetime sales milestones.

Bullshit, you're the same as me, except i don't assume i have the right to pirate games, i just do because their pirated version is playable and i cant be arsed to spend money on it. I was fooling myself that Witcher was worth buying but actually i only bought it after pirating (cheap as i could on sale) to get all the updates and mods working. So fuck off all you parasites. Guy's right, developers are less inclined to make games for a parasite ridden platform

Not true. In fact, they're more likely to trade up and/or double dip with any man that will support them and their children financially.

>release [fighting game] right after it becomes irrelevant
>gee I wonder why pc fighting games dont sell

Want to know how I know you're underage?