Be largest rom collection

>be largest rom collection
>never btfo'd
How do they go it?

Their servers must be in Zimbabwe or some shit

It's a good site too, other than them storing scene-releases with intros it's pretty much the place to go to.
>not having adblock
>watching anime on youtube
I think these tabs aren't ironic

they're just backup copies :^)

How hard would it be to launch a server into space to orbit the earth?

>not giving the sites you like a good old 0.02 cents

I remember finding this site more than ten years ago and thinking 'wow, this can't last long', and since then they've added pretty much every PS2 game ever made.

How the fuck have they done it for so long

That doesn't excuse WMP or watching anime on youtube .

>Gay sex with HATS ON


I assume its because they give you the riot act about only keeping for 24 hours, you must own the game, etc

Wouldn't the ping be a bitch?

>tfw still remember downloading snes,gba and nds roms from this site
Shit,what happened to the time.

If it ain't broke don't fix it
>implying its anime

>be largest rom collection
its not

Disclaimers, if they claim to only be archiving for educational purposes and remind the user that you can only emulate if you own the game there's nothing wrong with that.

Obviously because the users delete the roms after 24h.

so who has a bigger one?

John Rom at Crazy Ron's Rom Depot.

>John Rom

Then why was cool roms nentindo section taken down?

Not if I steal his antique gas station memorabilia.

You honestly think your giving them 2 cents per view? lol more like 0.0002. And that is prob optimistic. But hey more money for them better they can help others :) Thanks for the site.

I remember downloading a psp game from that site but it wasn't an iso, it was just data garbage

Is this common to happen?

Jesus fuck Emuparadise is gonna be 20 years old soon
What the fuck

>1998 is 30 years ago