>it's a warriors are OP expansion
Oh wait that's every expansion
It's a warriors are OP expansion
>Expansion removes player choice and further cookie-cuts classes
Oh wait that's every expansion. Is this game ready to die yet?
it's already dead
About fucking time.i really thought they'd squeeze out at least two more expansions before rolling over and moving entirely to Overwatch cosmetics
Such a shame, to have such a great story to go off of (Warcraft III) and to completely fuck it up. Any series that introduces time travel is going to be shit.
they didn't have to introduce time travel for it to become shit.
>Removes previous time-gating to introduce more time gating
>it's a I don't know what I'm talking about post
Color me surprised. Classes are as different as in TBC, and more than as in Wotlk, Cata and MoP. The only ones suffering from kinda same style are melee DPS but then again fuck them
>Oh wait that's every expansion
at the start sure but then Blizz nerfs them into the ground, which the sort of tried with Arms amd Prot but lacking foresight ,as alwaysm Fury scaled stupidly well with Nighthold gear
Yeah Fury was just fun. Tried Arms thinking it would be....eww is the best I can describe it.
Grinding for the sake of grinding in this Exp.
you mean warlocks, right?
There is no way you actually believe this.
Shit changes with every patch. Blizzard is somehow worse at balance now than they ever we're before.
>tfw play fury but my dps ranges from 150-200k without battlecry at 880 ilvl while my friend at 860 does ridiculous damage
What the fuck am I doing wrong. Is it because my artifact only has 36 traits unlocked? Is it my lack of haste? We have the same talents god dammit why can't this class just fucking work for me, my rotation is correct
>It's a lets fuck fire mages in the ass before the major patch is out so hard that they all quit
Ohwait that was every class
Blizzard suck now ohwel
>my rotation is correct
If you were playing correctly you'd be doing your DPS at 820ilvl
You'd have to TRY to fuck up fury's rotation, my dude.
Fury is stupidly reliant on having the correct legendaries.
My dps was in the shitter until I got stone heart and then the tier set. Then it skyrocketed. Blizz even admitted they were gonna let our tier gear fix us instead of balancing properly.
Not always
I have the 4 set from Nighthold and my only legendary is Kil'jaeden's Burning Wish.
My opening rotation with KJBW and Draught of Souls warrants me a good 1.3m dps, but without battle cry active it just dives, and it's driving me crazy.
its worst now with artifact bullshit
>played prot/arms
>whoops they are nerfed :^D
>go rogue outlaw
>whoops nerf too :^D
He's unironcally not wrong explain why the class game play is bad?
I do. Again, except melee DPS the other classes are pretty different. Holy Priests and Shammies are group healers. Druids can do both. Paladins and Disci Priests are tank healers. Disci Priests also gain half their healing from damage that they do.
As for tanks, warriors dodge, block and parry, monks stagger, paladins are impenetrable, druids have a shit ton of health and get healed more, death knights heal themselves, and monks and demon hunters have great mobility.
All three warlock specs play differently, Ele shamans pray to RNGesus, MM hunters have no pet while BM hunters have two pets, Surv is melee, Fire mages are crit machines and Frost mages pray to RNGesus too, Arcane and Boomkins have solid rotations that don't rely on procs too much
>not mentioning shape priest as the best it's ever been since wow launch
I just haven't played it yet
Also I've encountered very few priests
Because of energy and chi, rogues and monks can look similar but because of monks' mastery, energy management becomes a thing. I play those classes along with warrior and death knight and can say they all play very differently.
stop playing this trash
the lead dev is a purple hair faggot that plays with a tablet
Should I resub or play another MMO?
Stone Heart tanks in value without Massacre, and only helps in single target fights. Convergence of Fate at any level is much better.
Disc isn't a healer at all it's just a shitheap
>arcane doesn't rely on procs