Why doesn't this game get as much hate as FFXIII? Honestly this games combat is worse than XIII's. It feels so fucking clunky, your party is useless and you can't tell when enemies are attacking, you're just button mashing

I hate this game so much.

Because it's better than FFXIII

and we're done here

just because the story is "better" doesn't mean it's a better game

I dropped this game after I bought William's game.

it means its a better piece of multimedia

>Why doesn't this game get as much hate as FFXIII?

Still a little new for that. XIII didn't get much shit upon release.

Give it some time.

it is better in every single conceivable way.
Better RPG mechanics
Better summons
Better world
Better lore
Better story
Better cast
Better music
Better themes

Yes, but there are so few summons, and two are one-time cutscenes, and no Carbuncle.

Open-world which is only better because it's not entirely a corridor. World is still boring.

Lore is subjective. I actually don't mind both games' lore.

XV's story is garbage just like XIII's.

Cast in XIII was at least well presented.

XIII has more memorable tracks than XV.

Homosexuality isn't a theme.

>Better RPG mechanics
>Better summons
I guess
>Better world
>Better lore
who cares
>Better story
who cares, it's still bad
>Better cast
>Better music
>Better themes

You can say wrong all ya want, pal.
Doesnt change that im right and youre not

If you say so, sweetie.

Metacritic says otherwise

The only thing XV did better than XIII was having a world you can explore and that really isn't true in the second half of the game. The combat was worse being a simplified action combat with a party that doesn't really do anything and is completely useless against any of the harder enemies. The music was decent but not nearly as memorable as XIII's since it just sounds like Kingdom Hearts and latin chanting. The lore and story in neither games is great but XIII actually presents information in the game and through datalogs instead of just not doing that and leaving large issues completely unaddressed or simply handwaving them

>The only thing XV did better than XIII was having a world you can explore and that really isn't true in the second half of the game

the interaction of the main 4 in XV was better than the party interaction in XIII

>letting a few numbers determine if a game is good or not
why are there still autistic faggots like this?
a game could have like a .5 difference between each other and you people would go fucking batshit crazy saying how the other game is a huge flop and is shit.

>Better summons
>implying XV's summons aren't an abomination before man and God
Are casuals really that impressed by pretty graphics?

Their likeability and interactions aren't comparable since they weren't designed to be brotripping bros like the party in XV. So yeah long-time friends have a fairly better chemsitry than total strangers but the party in XIII also had character arcs over the plot and unique dynamics with one another whereas I can't say as much for XV where the party exists narratively and gameplay-wise to prop Noctis up rather than exist as their own entities. Initially the friendly jabs and tone of the party was entertaining but for me the novelty wore off as you go through the game and realize that the interaction is pretty shallow and they don't have personalities that exist independant of Noctis, the moments that the game seems to try giving them characterization are far too understated and handeled poorly (ex. "I'm a nilfheim expieriment, oh that's okay bro we still love you", "Noctis I am going to yell at you for absolutley no reason as we are traversing Titan's domain because it builds character or something"). Maybe that'll change with DLC but that shouldn't be the case

I mean summons are traditionally just very powerful spells with neat animations. In the early games Summoners were just black mages that could cast less often because summons are expensive

>I mean summons are traditionally just very powerful spells
And now they're not even that, they're RNG cutscene nukes for playing like shit. And they're all fucking throwbacks.

Prompto just shut up already.

I don't understand what people are seeing in XV's party. The party interaction in XV was complete garbage, it's my biggest complaint. I don't care about any of these characters. All they do is repeat the same shit ad nauseum and annoy the fuck out of me while fishing.

There's nothing to these characters. Nobody has a motivation other than helping Noctis and all of their individual sideplots that could've fleshed them were cut out so they could be made into DLC. They're just archetypes, the party mom, the bruiser, the peppy best friend. Anything that could've developed characterization were either ham-handed like Prompto randomly angsting one time in the very first part of the game, or completely wasted like all of the camping asides like cooking or doing outdoorsy things. You don't learn anything about the characters or develop that relationship, it just reinforces the completely shallow archetypes.

You spend the whole game with these fucks. The game should've been filled with party banter and it never should've repeated.

13'S only track is "doo deeeeee doo doo dee dooooo deee daaaa doooooooooo" and the 9000 remixes of that same tune

over and fucking over

literally nothing else stood out

does anyone else get pissed about the character's dodging animations? especially after playing gladio/doing all of the campfire training missions. It's like a fucking jackie chan movie

FPBP. I'd argue that in terms of gameplay XIII-2 comes close, if not surpasses XV but the cast is just way too insufferable. XV has a shit story but the main party is at least tolerable in french

as opposed to what with FFXV

No lightening

13 has tons of good soundtracks while ffxv has just a few good combat soundtracks, the town music and exploration music is all shit. No wonder they added a mp3 player

It does get as much hate. Are you retarded?

It's only saving grace, I guess, is that it is a slightly better "game" but even still it's a horrible FF just like every FF post-FFX.

It was the last half of the game I admit was horrible. It was painful trying to get past those parts. I knew if I didn't beat it then, I would never play the game again.

Was it worth?

I gave up on the game.

>Why doesn't this game get as much hate as FFXIII?
It was so forgettable that everyone already forget about it.

As one of the few people who defends and enjoyed XIII, XV's combat is better. It's still full of problems but not as many as XIII had.

>XV's combat is better

how is holding one button better?

Two buttons, actually. Compared to XIII's mashing X and occasionally a shoulder button here and there to switch paradigms. In XV you at least have to deal with crowd control, have multiple weapon types available, and have to worry about positioning in some fights.

who the fuck thought these (lack of) campfire animations were ok?

does cor hate ramen?