Sup Forums is such a fucking shithole it doesnt get an april fools joke unlike other boards

>Sup Forums is such a fucking shithole it doesnt get an april fools joke unlike other boards
this board itself is a joke

God I hope they merge us with Sup Forums.

Why don't they merge us with Sup Forums and Sup Forums? Those boards are lonely too!

merge vr vp vg and v
just for one day

you cant even use the never ever face properly

hey Sup Forums, how's the pony porn going?

They should merge Sup Forums with Sup Forums so all the anti-anime normalfags get BTFO and flee back to le ddit

th-th-they were just trying to preserve our unique culture, it wouldn't even be funny if they tried to taint it, if even for a day...........

>/k/, /s/, /p/, Sup Forums merge when?

>robot unicorn shit from way back
>el video or whatever it was changed to
>that one time when a Sup Forums team beat reddit in tribes and Galo reaction images were everywhere

Everything is back to normal now? Or are we preparing for the second wave?

Sup Forums already merged with reddit

"/vtv/ : Sony always win baby" or gtfo, mods.


Make it happen Hiroshima

>no Sup Forums and /u/
But it was destined. I don't even think we had our monthly yuri thread last month.


Th-they're just waiting to merge us, right? That's part of the joke, right? We weren't forgotten?

>Sup Forums

They knew

Which boards got merged? So far I've found /mlpol/ and /cock/

Merge us with /an/ or /out/ for fun. Hate how people are going "merge us with Sup Forums since it make sense" since the whole point seem to be to merge conflicting boards.

No point making a joke on Sup Forums when your life is already a joke


probably because this board is already filled with shitposts and you morons would probably wouldnt let go of the joke after april the 1st and it wouldnt be as funny



All the people posting the "master race" shit unironically? Reddit

Cute men merged with animal

Sup Forums needed another bombing. It was getting out of hand there.

You have to be relevant to be pranked.

Sup Forums gets stronger every time you bomb it.


jokes on you faggot this site is ours now

drag this site kicking and screaming away from leftist cuckold faggotry no matter how many gay threads and nigger porn you post

>Sup Forumsfags actually believe they are anything more than cellar neonazis and laughing stock of this site

Just nuke this board, nobody will care, its pretty much 80% cross-boarders now


sjw yapping the word "nazi" everytime they get a wet fart are the laughing stock right now. It wasn't up to you to decrete the Godwin law didn't work anymore.

>we r Sup Forums
>we r legion
Literally riddit-noir: the board. Normie infested cancer.

>Sup Forumsedditors upset that Gamergate amounted to nothing while Sup Forums won the US election SINGLE HANDEDLY

And stay there damn ponyfuckers

>all the mods are too afraid of Sup Forums's autistic ones to do anything
Nuke that board, it's like that south park episode where they move to San Francisco and everyone is smelling their own farts

Well, according to kotaku gamergate won the election

I hope they cycle merged boards throughout the day
Like at noon EST they start merging more boards

Sup Forums Sup Forums /vr/ /vg/ /vp/ - /t4v/ - El Video when?


>the whole point seem to be to merge conflicting boards
Why do you think I want us to merge with Sup Forums? It's because I hate them almost as much as I hate furries.

>random furfaggot in top left


>anywhere on Sup Forums is good

When I had a bad day, I will just baiting with political or womyn threads for the retards here,

It is truly satisfying to see those shitheads getting mad

this. the mods had one fucking job and they fucked up

>lol I'm such a hacktivist
I don't understand how you can be so cringy. I already know you're gonna try to deflect this with freshest memes like Shariablue or whatever the go to screech is nowadays, but do you seriously think of yourself as a part of some badass shady internet community that's changing the world amd shit?

Can you not see how cringy that looks? Literally no better than kids wearing their dad's suit and a fedora because that's real class

the combination of Sup Forums and /mlp/ is effecting both gloriously
they mixed acids and bases and are currently neutralizing both boards
this is actually one of the best things mods have done

Sup Forums knows about cringe

This. You can't discuss video games here. If you try discussing a game that doesn't rely on fanservice, it's gonna get ignored or shitposted to death

enjoy your ban horsefucker :)

GG made a proper difference in gaming, Sup Forums didn't make any difference in the elections.

Inb4 "I was just trolling"

>GG made a proper difference in gaming
Like what?

>Sup Forums didn't make any difference in the elections.
Hillary derailed her campaign to rant about green nazi frogs.

No shit. I tried coming here since 8c was down. However the board is just filled with console wars and shit threads. Fucking reddit really did take over this Sup Forums.

Die you degenerate Barneyfag

Sadly that's the truth.

This. You ruin Sup Forums for a day, Sup Forums just moves to the other boards for a day. Honk honk, April Fools motherfuckers.

>Sup Forums just moves to the other boards for a day
So what changes?

it's what Sup Forums gets for being such a shithole, no fun allowed.

I'm fine with Sup Forums being bombed but letting those fucking cloppers out is a bad precedent
you fucking newfags don't remember how bad it was when they were shitting up every thread and board with their garbage

>disliking /ourguys/ the ponybros
Shitskin und thirdworlder: Detected!

Time to merge /f/ Sup Forums Sup Forums /go/ and /t/

>someone vaguely mentioned US once lolllll
Godamn it user are you implying elections were won by anything other than hardworking Midwestern white men and Rust belt's blue collar workers (i.e. lifeblood of the US of A)

Don't use the Lord's name in vain user

Nu-Sup Forums doesn't care about /u/ anymore

The old Sup Forums that had a half assed friendship with /u/ is long dead.

Lack of moderation.

>post yfw /mlpol/ is permanent and GR15 is updated so that politics outside of /mlpol/ are ban-worthy

/lit/ and /fit/

This so much.

One day Ponies will reclaim our spot as the undisputed leaders of this site

Bot spam from retards saving images and running scripts to become bots themselves was far, far worse.

Solution for horsefags = make a board and have mods have zero tolerance

Solution for bots = giving into the botnet, that is now using you to advance its AI which may one day enslave you

>no /vidyanime/

/mlpol/ would be great to cull all the newfriends

Make Sup Forums great again, the edge of the Internet politics instead of dumblr hugbox filled with normies and attention whores

Again, what changes? There are literal hours, HOURS a day proven that either there are no mods present, they make the threads or they don't care.

12 AM to 4-5 AM EST is shitposting power hours.

>not restlessly anticipating the rise of the Machine God

>Sup Forums won the US election SINGLE HANDEDLY
Fuck off to r/The_Donald or r/cuck or whatever you have crawled from and never come back you fucking underage shitter.

b8ed hard lmao

but I do get it it's just not funny

Thanks user

So what boards have merged? I only see Sup Forums and /mlp/, does that mean we have to wait for the others?

>tfw one year since Anthony Burch wasn't found
Time flies

That's the april fools joke.


april fool's..

>I was merely pretending
Fuck off and pretend there then :^)

Holy fuck this is great, I am legit laughing my ass off right now.

Easily the best april fools prank they could've pulled.

Because Sup Forums's already been merging with Sup Forums for a while
polies get out pls, we know the gaming industry is full of cucks, most creative industry's are.

>no /amv/ board mix
>/m/ already mixed with /o/
Mods are shit

Should've merged Sup Forums with Sup Forums for true cancer.

>merge Sup Forums and Sup Forums
>nothing changes

Really makes you think...

>/an/ isn't merged with /k/


>Sup Forums and Sup Forums merge
>significantly more porn threads but they're all overshadowed by Trap Threads because Sup Forums doesn't have to thinly veil its lust for cock anymore

even if Sup Forums merges with other board, will hiro still put "no dubs allowed" on the new board?

pol saves us from merging with reddit

>Sup Forums got /mlp/
Fuck. I wish Sup Forums got /lgbt/

fuck you retard newfags lurk more

>thread about them trying to kill Sup Forums with ponies
I fucking can't stop laughing.
What's even funnier is if Sup Forums was such a butthurt baby that it did kill the board because of a one day joke.

you mean ken ashcorp?

>yfw /u/ and Sup Forums merge

Don't we all

>Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums merge
>it becomes /vba/ - Visual Basic for Applications & Vidya & Random & Anime

>fuck you retard newfags lurk more

In what way does that make sense when it only just happened today? I'm not going to go through every board you fucking faggot.

Kill yourself.