Do I do it Sup Forums?
Do I do it Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
that's a nice CGI hand you have there
Killing yourself? Sure.
film it and post the webm please, if you don't you're mother will die in her sleep tonight
Do I continue or start a new game?
do it faggot
>the last sound you hear
>trophy unlocked
>we did it Sup Forums
sure, just leave the Switch before you jump
>tfw you're afraid of height
You could kill someone with it
ay Sup Forums, just me enjoying bloodborne on switch
>Sup Forums poster drops switch on accident
>kills someone
>gets prison for life
do it faggot
Trust me, no Nintendo fan wants this Souls garbage. We can play it on PC and it's overhyped NeoFAG shit.
How are floating?
>building turns
I'm a Nintendo fan first and foremost and enjoyed Bloodborne a lot, hell it was pretty much the one reason I bought a PS4.
So speak for yourself.
>Do I do it Sup Forums?
do what? jump or drop the switch?
are you? does this make you nervous?
nope, but now i have lube for my dick
i always see these webms, but we never see the people who fuck up their jumps
do those exist or are they not made public
a true nintendo fan would never buy a PS4, sonynygger
You can be charged with manslaugther if the person really kills himself. Please don't do this online, it could get you into hot shit.
The Gamecube is my favorite console of all time and I bought the Switch. I also own a PS4 so does that mean I'm not a true Nintendo fan?
I saw a russian fall off a crane a while back. Ugly stuff.
Something is wrong with that hand. I get an uncannny valley-esque feeling looking at it..?
What do you think user. Also it's very likely he was safety-roped during the camera cut.
You should jump op
Take that image you saved from another thread with you
Some of them do fuck up, but it's more of a rarity. People who are this dumb and courageous at the same time are rare and usually do not make mistakes of that kind. Of course sometimes slips do happen
The cameras do not often survive the fall if there is a major height.
oh no this obligatory "kys" comment on a shitpost that i haphazardly photoshopped together has pushed me into a corner, i will now blow my fucking brains out without even closing the tab because i am so distraught, and hopefully the FBI will IP track this monster that has devastated my loved ones and brought me to this terrible fate. woe is me
Has anyone ever been charged for that?
You can watch his other stuff, he's legit
Enjoy prison buddy, I'm killing myself right now!
plenty of crazy russians doing that shit has died
I can smell your sweaty hands through my screen.
>playing Switch on top of a building
>a bird knocks it out of your hand
>it falls to the street and breaks into multiple pieces
>not covered under warranty
Great system Nintendo!
yeah give me the switch first
fug :DDD
He just kissed you softly, calm down user
camera doesn't need to survive, just the micro sd card
mirrors edge looks better than I remember.
Fucking white people