What the FUCK was Bioware thinking? People keep telling me the ending is the worst thing about this game but I doubt it'll be worse than this fucking dude.
What the FUCK was Bioware thinking...
The ending was like losing a job due to restructuring. Years of investment rendered meaningless because of corporate fuckery, while you're forced to endure watching it be spun by marketers in order to jerk off shareholders.
Kai Leng was like going out to eat at a decent restaurant, and having a drunken homeless person barge in, stumble over to your table and vomit all over you and your food. A much more egregious and aggravating issue at the time, but less soul-crushing in the long run.
Kai Leng was just your regular old godawful writing. Nobody care s about his character, and while it was shit it didn't really matter in the bigger picture.
The ending was a bigger deal to most people not just because it was bad, but because Bioware had been making a big deal about how it would be unique to every player and not just one A/B/C choice, and it ended up being exactly an A/B/C choice leading to three endings that were almost exactly the same except with different colored explosions. The patch they hastily slapped together to counter the wave of criticism didn't do much to help either.
For me, I don't understand why people focus on the ending rather than the fact none of the game made sense. The reapers abandon their perfect strategy of shutting down the relays and bombarding the fuck out of everyone from orbit, and instead attack with zombies which somehow ground forces can stave off. That's not even going into the nonsensical sub plots like the geth one. Mass effect 2 failed in the story department, 3 floundered.
The best part about him is that he's portrayed as some sort of hypercompetent assassin villain who rivals Shepard.
Yet his end is ... less so.
Come to think of it, there wasn't a single well-developed villain in all of Mass Effect. Sares was the closest they got and even he was a shitter.
He's actually a good villain you fucking retards,spoilers from the ME novels :
Good. You opened this message. This isn't actually asari military command. They're busy tending to what's left of their planet.
So you survived our fight on Thessia. You're not as weak as I thought. But never forget that your best wasn't good enough to stop me. Now an entire planet is dying because you lacked the strength to win. The legend of Shepard needs to be re-written. I hope I'm there for the last chapter. It ends with your death.
>asian character
>slit-eyed visor
That's edgy as fuck.
Literally shit-tier villain.
Did anyone at Bioware take responsibility for this?
You know, the novels don't look that bad
>that spoiler
evry tiem
ME3 is hot shit from its very beginning. The ending was so controversial that people forgot about its other issues.
>kick the shit out of that faggot during the actual fight
>he strolls away in a cutscene
>ha ha, u lose sherperd
The novels fucking blow. Kai wipes out a fully armed, fully armoured squad of crack Turian commandos literally wearing nothing but boxer shorts and a knife. I knew exactly what kind of shit ME3 was going to be the second they acknowledged him as a canon character
He's so cool, he'll eat all your cereal.
they have this safe space policy so they believe they make a great game and the sales are astronomic. Was the same shit with Cisquisition.
Apparently one of the novels was super rushed and uninspired, and full of continuity errors that contradict with the universe established by the games.
Bioware announced an "updated edition" with fixes but I don't know how it turned out.
That "updated edition" never came, user
No kidding.
I don't know what the fuck I expected from these people.
The ending wasn't even the worst bit for me.
The constant whining over the fucking kid pissed me the fuck off like nothing else.
And all the "oh, here I stumble wounded in a wasteland" bits. Jesus fucking christ. I'm playing a goddamn space epic murder simulator, not a goddamn paraplegic crawlsim.
erry tiem
And yet It still brings a smile to my face
Kai Leng was written by Mac Walters.
So if by "take responsibility" you mean "get promoted to Creative Director and have more storytelling responsibilities" then yes, that's what happened.
You want to know what happened to Mass Effect: Andromeda in one sentence?
>The guy who wrote Kai Leng was rewarded by being given final creative control over Mass Effect: Andromeda
Good. You opened this message. This isn't actually asari military command. They're busy tending to what's left of their planet.
So you survived our fight on Thessia. You're not as weak as I thought. But never forget that your best wasn't good enough to stop me. Now an entire planet is dying because you lacked the strength to win. The legend of Shepard needs to be re-written. I hope I'm there for the last chapter. It ends with your death.
>So you survived our fight on Thessia.
>but that's the point user ACTUALLY; you're supposed to hate him because he's a villain
The reapers have no intent of whiping out life, they send their stupid zombie troops to the surface to collect people alive and bring them back for the harvest. That's the entire point of the reapers.
Why'd biocuck shit the bed by making some autistic, edgelord weeb instead of just making it more like the Enclave? Fucking faggots.
Is this bait?
he was just illuminati man´s hired gun ninja assasin and undirectly a matrix 3´s neo rip off
So did it fit in the story? Yeah as much as ME1 main enemy.
I had more of an problem with the conclusion that didnt make any fucking sense
In the end he was a beta compared to Shephard anyway
Writing aside, I hated his fucking boss battle, it was such contrived bullshit.
Literally first seconds of ME3 were so fucking badly written/staged/voiced that you have to be a complete retard to believe that the ending is what makes the game bad
That's a pretty apt analogy I must say.
Someone post the cereal.
>the running animations
>Anderson "sprinting" like a goofy cartoon
Someone, probably dozens of people, saw that and just shrugged. "Eh, it's okay."
Sums up the game really
>synthetics killing organics to stop them from creating synthetics that'll kill organics
The endings are far from being the only problem with ME3
He was a massive faggot, but the ending is still worse because it invalidates two whole games and its "themes" are contrary to everything ME as a series preached before.
But that was part of the ending.
Well yeah, they had to make up for ME2 being pointless and close out a trilogy with a shortened development cycle.
As soon as ME2 came out it was clear as day that there would be no way for ME3 to close out the series in a satisfactory way.
Kai Leng was just some edgy wannabe.
The ending was a literal, and I mean really fucking literal Deus Ex Machina.
Plus it told you everything you'd done prior didn't matter and thus killed all replayability.
>start ME3
>Shepard has way less dialogue options
>5 minutes in and they already pulled a super weapon that has never been mentioned before capable of killing all reapers at once
>coucil has aliens even though i sacrificed them in ME1, and they look exactly the same
>Udina is the coucilor even though i chose Anderson
>a couple of hours later and i havent had a single speech check
Yeah, its not just the ending.
His armor is cool. I wear it exclusively whenever I play ME 3. Other than that though, yeah his character is shit.
The entirely of Mass Effect 3 was a mess. Thank god i jumped ship when i heard what they did to Jacob. Was pretty clear at this point that something was wrong.
I think he's a self aware parody
That honestly sounds hilarious
> would read/10
Tuchanka mission was the only good part of Mass Effect 3. Everything else was a mess
>adds a bunch of cool psychic powers
>they're all on a shared cooldown
Sometimes i think that Bioware is just trying to see with how much shit they can get away with before EA shuts them down.
Just look at Inquisition and Andromeda.
>pours cereal
>eat a big mouthful
>condescending grin with milk dripping down his chin
Thanks, now i wont even bother pirating it.