What went so fucking wrong?

What went so fucking wrong?

internet. games are no longer a social activity that you have to meet up for. you can be completely isolated from the entire world and connect, thus eliminating any need for human interaction.

it was an inevitable step as technology increased. enjoy those times for what they were, but if you want to spark those again you have to make friends who enjoy being social

>mfw when all i did was play half life mods by myself because i never gave a shit about hanging out with people

>in the 80s and 90s games were made to bring friends together
>As time changed so did people
>They grew up, they moved
>And so did games
>They changed to still bring those same people together over the great distances their lives had taken them
OP is a faggot

Your fault. Shouldn't have stayed consolepleb.

>tfw never had friends to play vidya with


>go to friend's house to hang out and play video games
>try to get him to play local two-player games
>he just wants to play GTA
Might as well stay at home and watch LP's.

Strategy games for me. Too many extroverts in my vidya

Other than Nintendo, theres barely any local co-op games these days. Everything is either single player or online multiplayer

W-what happened after 2009?

What do you think

>tfw accidentally turned my best vidya bro into a normie dudebro when I introduced him to Gears of War
>For a while he was actually keeping track of his headshots on his XBL profile

Your friend went on to play adult teamplay skill-based games while you stagnated with children's games.

>theres barely any local co-op games these days


>brb, gotta have dinner
>last online may 14th, 2008

I legit think online gaming ruined bro coop moments.

hell, barely any games have co-op anymore

Sounds like your friends don't like you very much. I still do both over the years

>tfw the second you started university all your friends stopped caring about anything but getting blind drunk at pubs and so you just stopped talking

I haven't had IRL human contact with someone I'm not related to or work with in 10 years.

>never recapture those times where my friends and I would just spend an entire afternoon playing PSO or Air Ride