Laptop friendly games (touchpad or controller)

hey, Sup Forums
any recommended games to play on a laptop, i.e. it's playable with either a controller or a shitty touchpad
it has pretty good specs, so that's not an issue
I already have the following in mind
>Dragon's Dogma
>Resident Evil REmake
>Eternal Darkness
>Zelda TP
>the first Spyro trilogy
>Grim Fandango

Other urls found in this thread:

>laptop gaming
Laptops are for word processing and facebook

>gaming on a laptop
No. Unless you're playing shit like farmville and roblox.

Fag get a PC


Castle Crashers
Also do yourself a favour and get a USB mouse

Starcraft 2

I have a desktop too, you literal autists
laying on the couch playing games on my laptop as well, or playing while taking breaks in uni is comfy
you wouldn't know though, considering you're all fat neets

I can emulate most PS1 and N64 games just fine on KB only. Silent Hills work great on KB.

why not use a 360 controller or something?

>with a shitty touchpad
RPG games
Diablo, WC3, Baldur's gate, vampire masquerade etc

fallout 1 and 2 but you should look up proper builds before making your own.

>chiclet keys
>gaymer aesthetic
so much wrong with this. neck yourself if that's your laptop.

I play a lot of mame games and emulator games i think they all can be played with a controller easily, and also on a laptop without charger,
I will recommend you to download sega gen romset Sega has a lot of good games that are not just 100 hours rpgs.
And will also recommend downloading fba romset, the version used in fightcade has not that much game so downloading romset of that version will be a better choice other wise romset of latest version of fba goes for like 10 gb so going for that will be a pain,
You can also download full snes romset its only like 1 gb.
Have fun mang
I am also going to get a laptop for uni, and hope it can run sfV doesn't matter on lowest settings

"Games that you can play with a controller" is pretty fucking broad, OP

What exactly do you want

Agreed with Lenovo and chiclet keys, But I have kinda a tron fetish, so I'd be down with a laptop with lights like that.

read the OP for examples, friend

it is c",)
you're the one's that's angry over other people's computers, so you should probably kill yourself

Your examples don't define any sort of meaningful subset though
Otherwise I'm just going to list literally every game ever released that is playable with a controller

then do that.
the genres mentioned in the OP are rpg, adventure, action, platforming; maybe try one of those? :)

I'm not so much angry as I am disappointed in you, OP. If you want an actual answer to this dumb question you posed then go to steam and use the controller friendly tag. Nobody here but you knows the taste you have in games, but it's probably flavour of the month dumbshit judging by your taste in tech.

>pretty good specs
Lmao, no it doesn't.
Go ahead and try Nier.

Not OP but that laptop will play Nier easily. It has a 1050 Ti in it so that dumb gook game wont be hard to run at modest settings, even in fullHD.

Joke's on you
It's unoptimized as shit

What the fuck is wrong with Lenovo? Is it Sup Forums's autistic hate of the month?

The "le ebin gaymer" aesthetic combined with absolutely garbage specs does leave them the brunt of many jokes.

>expecting Sup Forums to know shit about computers
99% of this fucking horrible board are autistic neets that spend their time parroting memes they hear from other autistic neets who hate shit they know nothing about

Lenovo hasn't been good in years, which is terrible because every other manufacturer is even worst.

Magic the Gathering
Civilisation V/VI
The Walking Dead
The Talos Principle
Titan Quest

Any of the Dark Souls games.

doom 2

>has to be plugged into videogames wherever he goes at all times
>calling anyone else fat

Neverwinter Nights is great on a laptop

laptops come with 1050 up to 1080. i'd say you can game on them.
not arguing about the price difference.
you can try binding of isaac, all emulated handhelds,
but get a mouse, really.

>classic fallout games
>XCOM games
>The longest journey
>Classic tomb raider games
>Final fantasy 1 - 10

>the longest journey
kys desu

>mfw playing Overwatch in half of the 720p render on lowest settings on shitty laptop

>mfw too good to play shitty meme games

AMD Radeon HD 8550G
AMD A8-5550M APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics
2.1 GHz CPU
Windows 8.1

I've mostly been playing Dota 2 and TF2 lately. I played a bit of Estival Versus the other day and downloaded Tales of Berseria last night.

I need to try Dragons Dogma and see if it runs well enough. I guess i'm out of luck with Nier.

Not sure what I can do with my lappy and too poor for a new PC.


>tfw to intelligent to play overwatch

If achieving 273 FPS is mandatory to your game playing experience, then you are correct that a laptop's not gonna cut it.

Mobility cards are not the same as the desktop "equivalent". A 1080m is more like a 960.

cave story
touhou games

Theres no such thing as a 1080m retard


>"le le le GAYMEENGU LABDOB EcksDEEee"
mustards need to be gassed
my shitty laptop from 2012 plays dark souls 3 on medium-high at 1080p 30fps

football manager

My previous Lenovo laptop which was something like the previous model from the one in the OP (Y700 iirc) maxed out Dragon's Dogma at 60 fps
not sure about your AMD meme card/CPU though

What did he mean by this

ive stopped gaming on my laptop as i don't have time anymore. instead i play emulators on my phone, gods eater burst, disgaea, street fighter 3 alpha, monster hunter, shin budokai another road, super smash bros 64 and rune factory 3, as well as some gba games, and sometimes just chess. basically small, fast to play games which you can pop in and out easily.

but if i had to give suggestions, try burnout paradise, warframe, terraria, suikoden 2, borderlands 2, grim dawn, diablo 2, empire earth 2, total war shogun 2 and ultimate marvel vs capcom 3. maybe mortal kombat ix to sweeten the deal.
those ought to keep you entertained for a while.

the laptop 1050 and 1070 are actually faster than the base desktop ones.

>the laptop 1050 and 1070 are actually faster than the base desktop ones

But its not. Its theoretically faster since they bumped the cores but they have to lower clock speeds in order to compensate for the meme tier battery life.

Fuck off faggot I use my laptop for roguelikes and programming embedded systems and FPGAs.

Say that again to my face

install desktop drivers. hurr durr.

Out of curiosity, does a lpatop with touchpad beat controllers in fps games?

>install desktop drivers
That's not how it works. Its time to stop posting user

You know nothing about computers if you believe thats how it works