Wind Waker is the best Zel-

>Wind Waker is the best Zel-

Good thing I've never made it this far because I always stop when I get to the Triforce hunt.

>this thread again

user, please. It's getting old.

Why don't you faggots just filter and/or ignore?

Seriously, why not?

>He posted it again!

keep in mind it's late game

What exactly is the issue here? I gave up on WW.

No one actually thinks WW is the best Zelda

why don't you

Wait a minute

I'm not the one complaining bro.

I'm trying to help you out

>dumb playtester doesn't understand the puzzle
>nintendo has to spell it out for everyone

To let newfags know this has been going on everyday this past week.

>defending autism

the autism cycle

If they are new, then it does not matter; it is new to them.

Are you retarded?

WWtoddlers will literally defend this. Prepare for 300 post of
>muh comfy

Can anyone defend this for me. I got nothing

The puzzle was made so you would have to count the number of candles in each lamp to figure out order to hit the switches in another similarly laid out room, but then the game gives you the solution, hints at the solution, and then gives you the solution yet again when you get to the room with the switches. It's hand-holding to an extreme in what should be a late game puzzle.

I don't get it.

WWfags should not be allowed to post on this board. This board belongs to Majora's Mask.

Still better than TP and SS. It was so good, the sequels had to be put on the DS so they wouldn't outshine TP and SS, and still managed to be better than those two.

ST just got outdone by BotW.

sauce you jerk

Oh right.
Seems like a shitty puzzle anyway. Without the handholding it would still be pretty obvious and just a meme puzzle designed to extend the playtime of the game.

Since Nintendo has been doing shit like that since day one I'm not surprised.

>WW best Zelda
Said no one ever


>WW is better than TP and SS

>meme puzzle
What the fuck does that even mean?

It's a meme just like your life

It was. You explored an open world and on the sea, you sailed seamlessly without any load times or slowdown. Twilight Princess went back to that stale Ocarina formula, and Skyward Sword made all the supposed complaints about Wind Waker a reality.

But keep getting butthurt over people liking things you don't. Also, I'm not defending that puzzle. That's a legit complaint.

The worst part is that they still haven't removed the blatant handholding from Zelda. Look at Breath of the Wild, and how NO gaming journalist had trouble with it whatsoever, aside from the oddball like Sterling. The game gives you weapons that break, but it's too afraid to ask you to learn preservation, so it gives you a thousand weapons to compensate. It lets you fight Ganon at the outset, but it doesn't want the player to die, so it makes him a complete wuss. It supposedly as "dynamic enemy AI" but they cna all literally be button mashed to death if you've ever at any point touched a twitch shooter or any other game that requires more skill than COD.

>comparing Zelda to a twitch shooter

Found the retard

No it was not. Wind waker was a mediocre, empty, useless, unfinished piece of shit. Literally less than five dungeons and the ones they had were fucking atrocious.

>muh sailing, muh comfy
The only argument going for wind waker. If I wanted something stupid like that, I would just load up a screensaver and stare at it for hours.

TP might not be the pinnacle of Zelda gaming but at least it kept getting better the more you progressed. WW came to a screeching halt with thay dumbass triforce treasure hunt. WW is fucking shit.

>just a meme puzzle designed to extend the playtime of the game.
Honestly agree with this. If they didn't trust their playerbase to figure out a simple puzzle like this (and these hints are probably there because a playtester was retarded enough to get stuck here) they would have been better off replacing the puzzle with a miniboss or generic "kill all the enemies" puzzle that doesn't waste so much time with cutscenes telling you exactly what to do.

I know they're different in genre, but they should both require split second reaction times, with no room for screwups. But not even lynels offer that. They make deku scrubs from OOT look complex.

Same arguments as usual. Sit on some ice, user.

Was this in the original?

solve this if you're that great

>"c-c-come up with something new to complain about!"

This is probably the dumbest argument yet.

These WWfags are getting desperate.


Oh God this fucking picture. Anyone have the original?

How is that blatant handholding? That's subtle handholding. And that has less to do with handholding and more to do with the difficulty of the game.

What, do you want weapons to break faster in hard mode?
Also Ganon has a phase where you have to parry has projectile so you're wrong

More like you keep posting the same tired ass arguments with the same regurgitated replies in the same thread.

Which are all still valid, you ignorant faggot.

Don't like it, leave

It's still way too easy and way too accomodating for casuals. That shouldn't be tolerated in 2017, if children want to play a game, let them go play Call of duty.

>What, do you want weapons to break faster in hard mode?
I want hard mode in the game, without requiring a 20 dollar surcharge. And while we're at it, make weapon preservation a vital component. Stop weapons from dropping period, and instantly kill the player if he has no available weapons. Make them learn how important it is to keep stocked with weapons, and know enemy weaknesses so you're not just mindlessly bashing rocks together hoping for a reaction. But that requires effort, something Nintendo is foreign to.

>Also Ganon has a phase where you have to parry has projectile
Wow, something he's had since the SNES days. Totally difficult and TOTALLY unexpected, right?

>Hard mode cost $20 in BOTW
How true is this

>More like you keep posting the same tired ass arguments
Maybe you should refute them, then.

>and instantly kill the player if he has no available weapons.
lol what the fuck

>instantly kill players if he has no weapons

Okay stop talking. You sounded smart until you kept going and revealed you're a retard

Look fellas, as someone who abandoned the xbox and playstation around their "edgy mature shooter" phases, I'm so sick of games not offering me the level of challenge that I'd like. Aren't YOU sick of Call of Duty constantly paving their corridor levels with checkpoints so you don't die or feel the consequences of screwing up? That's how I feel with the weapon durability system here, along with the death mechanic. You're not punished at all for screwing up, or not taking an engagement seriously. It is the most handholdy, casual mechanics I can think of in this industry, right behind just outright removing the ability to die ala Kirby games and Wario land.




Does anyone honestly not believe BotW is the best Zelda at this point? It literally does everything WW does but better (outside of maybe dungeon design)

WW was one of the better games but it had some glaring flaws too.

Okay because I upset you by not replying, I don't think you're wrong but dying because you don't have weapons is dumb as shit, you should be shit out of luck but not just dropping dead immediately because your sword snapped.

There is no argument to your nonsensical, retarded posts.

That's the point

The biggest fault of WW was that it was literally designed for toddlers. From the piss easy combat to the baby-tier puzzles to the linear dungeon design, it's probably the least challenging Zelda game of all time.

I mean, is there another mainline Zelda that's as easy? I genuinely can't think of anything except maybe SS.

3D Zelda rankings:

In Wind Waker's defense, it's visuals and art style have aged extremely well, and the Earth/Wind Temple were fun. Also amazing finale.

The overworld is absolutely empty though, and the rest of the dungeons are terrible. WW is the worst because it's a rushed and obviously unfinished game.

You're both retarded for rating WW so high.

>(and these hints are probably there because a playtester was retarded enough to get stuck here)
I'm all for focus testing and pandering to your playerbase, but I feel like sometimes game devs take it way too far.

I remember reading a HL2 (EP1 or 2 I don't remember) dev commentary where Valve said one of their playtesters got stuck in a level because he kept walking through the tunnel that led back to the starting area. He did this for 2 hours without even realizing it apparently, so they just removed the tunnel and made it so there was only one path.

I could do that, but he'll just say

The sailing wasn't a problem, and improved on in HD, you had to map out the entire sea for your own benefit, and you have a lot of things to find.

>Submarines, platforms, fishmen to fill your map, Beedle's shop rings of light with treasure underneath, glowing points of treasure, other treasure and upgrades on top of enemies, battleships, big octos hidden under seagull flocks, the ghost and the most important part of the game, islands, each with its own task to do, be it a heart piece, weapon upgrade, chart, or just something to do like a minigame or even a pseudo-dungeon

The only mistake they made was making it so that you had to do them in a set order. The Earth/Wind shrines were great dungeons, and the Forbidden Forest was cool, too. In total, you have six dungeons, seven if you include Ganon's Tower, and you even have pseudo dungeons like the Oasis underground, Fire Mountain and Ice Ring Isle. Around the same size as a shrine in BotW. The characterization was great, and WW Link is by far the most expressive Link we've gotten and even the GC game still looks good, compared to TP which looked like ass even then.

And lastly, the combat was great, and still stands as the best combat we've had in a 3D Zelda. And you don't need to parry to take out enemies. Just time your movements right and you'll always win, even with the Darknuts.

>playtesters being retarded

Never forget.

What do you even gain my posting here?
Like, why not just stop and improve the quality of the board?

>The overworld is absolutely empty though,
No it wasn't. There's tons of islands/caves/ships/etc. with hidden hearts and items, almost one in every quadrant actually.

If you want empty, look no further than Skyward Sword. The entire world had probably like 3 floating islands.

OoT > BotW > TP > MM >>>> SS > WW

>all the WW shitposting is now pissing off indifferent people so much, they will get annoyed by the WW haters, side with the WW defenders, and be skewed to look back on WW more warmly


>best combat

TP literally took ww's combat and improved it.

Admit it, the nostalgia has you by the balls

I've seen this image a dozen times and it still fascinates me that someone could be that retarded

Then honestly what is the point to the mechanics? Why have a weapon system if you're just gonna hold their hand with billions of other weapons? You don't even have to prepare or stock up on weapons, since you'll find them everywhere you go. And the death mechanic makes it easy to just continually bash your head against the wall with no penalties.

When even Kotaku can beat your game with no difficulty and barely any deaths, that's when you know you screwed up.

>And lastly, the combat was great
It really wasn't.


I'm pretty sure it's literally impossible to die in WW.

Lmao literally the opposite mate.

Last thread that had 100 replies was from people finally admitting that ww fags are a cancer to gaming.

I won't stop until ww is rated lower than the cd-i games.

>I still have the same opinion so it's still valid like it always was

I mean, do you LITERALLY have nothing else to do right now?
Are you a Liberal, by chance?
Who are you being paid by and what are they paying you for exactly?

>Why have a weapon system if you're just gonna hold their hand with billions of other weapons?
It's been said a hundred times: to get the player to use different weapons. Otherwise players will just keep using the strongest weapon.

But I do think they could've done it better and made more status effects/properties for each weapon.

>Then honestly what is the point to the mechanics?
idk man ask Dark Souls.
We go from weapons need repairing sometimes to weapons need repairing after two hits to weapons never need repairing ever.


That's blatantly false and you know it.

There was a time 2-3 years ago when you'd be right. WW was beloved and regarded as the best Zelda game, probably because of the Zelda cycle and people who grew up with it. However opinion on WW has soured a lot over the past year and it seems TP is getting that treatment now, with many people claiming TP was one of the better Zelda games.

Please do. Soon, WW will be rated higher than OoT.

>this post

How do you even live?


It's true though. You can button mash your way through a large chunk of the game except for special enemies like Darknuts, but then that just leads back to the parry window being infinitely gracious that it may as well have been automatic for the player.

WW Combat is honestly not really better or worse than any other Zelda game and if we want to get really technical, it's TP that has the best combat system since it's literally just WW with the fluff cut out.

WW fags>>TP fags>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>CDi fags>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SS fags

Well, I mean, I still have the same opinions "Which are all still valid, you ignorant faggot.

Don't like it, leave"

>this much denial

All other 3d zeldas>TP>>>SS>>>>>>>>>>>WW

As somebody who never finished WW, what is the problem here?

I can tell that you have to hit them in the correct order they were shown to you, so what is so bad about that?

I miss MM fags more desu senpai. They were annoying, but at least they were fun.

>MM's themes and narrative compare to classic literature!

>you will never shitpost in real life and force devs to make it 'easier' for you, because you 'couldn't figure out how to progress'
I bet this dude is an asshole who just wanted the game worse for everybody else

Yes, were actually discussing vidya, how dare we!

Yes it was. Every Zelda game has places to explore with hidden hearts and items. That doesn't automatically make them good. It's how well designed those places are. Stop denying reality. Most of the islands had only one thing to do, be it an easy puzzle or an easy combat trial.

Skyward Sword has the entire surface world. which by the way is the most well-designed overworld in any 3D Zelda aside from BotW.

>to get the player to use different weapons.
So what is the point if the game gives you billions of the same weapon? Nintendo couldn't even fix the loot table to prevent you from having more than one weapon type at a time? I know that would've required them to actually get off their butts and program their game instead of lazily slap it together, but come on.

I'm not saying it wasn't mostly easy, but I think "mash A to win" is an exaggeration.

And the "I don't like it so you might as well have made it suck worse" is a terrible argument.

Personally I liked OoT and MM's combat more than TP, but then again that's how opinions work.

Patrician taste

>There's tons of islands/caves/ships/etc. with hidden hearts and items, almost one in every quadrant actually.
>If you want empty, look no further than Skyward Sword. The entire world had probably like 3 floating islands.
>defending WW while shittalking SS
>even though both had about the same amount of empty overworld

Sad thing is... You're right.

SS is still shit though

Zelda is kiddie shit. More news at 11.

Except you're literally not, you dense faggot.

You're "discussing" (see: reposting) about how much you hate a particular aspect of one game. What's the fucking point? If you want to discuss the game, then discuss it.

TP's combat was stiff. The fluidity of WW still has yet to be replicated. Swinging your sword while moving was cool, but that's it. No nostalgia here. I replayed it recently and it's still stiff.

I told you don't have to do that. And you mixed the buttons up, sweetie. You can't jump attack through everything.
See above and my last post. You can die in Hero mode due to no hearts, and the Darknuts do decent damage, let alone the elite ones.

(You)[Only one per customer; void in Ohio]

>discussing how much I hate a game

>"not a discussion about games"

No, you are just retarded enough to believe the aesthetics are making a difference.

The combat between WW and TP are practically the same but since you played WW when you were either young or retarded, the cartoony feel made you think that.

WW had smoother animations, not controls.