Actual discussion as opposed to an OP with husbando shit or some baity opinionated nonsense

Favourite Korok 'puzzle'?
Favourite weapon type?
What do you do for nonsense fun (like translating the hylian text)?

We're going to have to move to /vg/ soon, god help us

>he runs around in a full set of upgraded soldier armor
>asks why every fight is so easy

Stop posting this whore

Stop using upgraded armor

no u

>Favourite Korok 'puzzle'?
throwing rocks into a circle of other rocks is fun, usually because you have to erect an ice pillar or two to slide it in. it's a bit more difficult than the others so I like em

>Favourite weapon type?
spear for sure. too bad they break so easily, I rarely have more than one or two on me

>What do you do for nonsense fun (like translating the hylian text)?
sometimes I put on my full knight armor set, equip a spear, mount my horse, and go fucking jousting. it's so satisfying hearing that crunch when you poke a nigga in the face as you ride by.

>erect an ice pillar or two to slide it in

oh son of a fucking bitch i know of at least two that would have been far easier had i thought of this. thank fuck they give you a half dozen rocks to chuck

That Korok dude on top of Deku Tree is asking me for a fish but I have no idea which fish he's looking for.

What do?

voltfin. there are some in lake saria in the forest.

Just solve the riddle in the clue he gives you, and drop the right fish in front of him.

voltfin fish

usually easier to purchase than find

Just don't put edition in the OP.

Also there should've been more giant boomerang variants in the game, that is the coolest weapon.


No kiddin'

i had to stop watching people play the game on youtube because all of them were using the boomerang like morons and getting mad at the game for it

no pattern recognition these days. "oh the last three times i used this in an enclosed space it hit a wall and fell to the ground but THIS time it will surely return to my hand"

They're fine but I tend to forget that you're supposed to throw them eventually.

Do we have hard facts about how the game runs post-patch? I don't know if it's mostly placebo or what, but I feel like it really does run noticeably better.

I think there's a noticeable improvement but i was chalking it up to placebo

it's not placebo but I don't have like patch notes or anything to prove it.

it still dips in rito village and korok forest but much better than before, and no dips anywhere else.

wait now that i think about it i was beating up moblins this morning and didn't experience any of that fantastic framedropping action that you used to get

Maybe the patch really improved performance even if a little bit.

>yfw a patch does what it's supposed to do

I kinda liked that silky smooth 0FPS in small doses.

sometimes it legitimately worked out to feel like a big epic slowdown to showcase how you slapped that fucking lanky asshole across his stupid face so hard he careens off a cliff

but i've had it so bad i legitimately thought my game crashed and was in the process of standing up to reboot when it got it's shit together

Hit stop is one thing, but that was so clearly a bug. It's like the engine panicked when it had to apply physics to moblins.

I have not noticed any improvement. I don't think it did anything on Wii U

yeah something with their rigging or god knows what was just not working right

I'm talking about docked Switch performance, which is how I've been mostly playing the game, should've specified.

Its definitely better on Wii U but you still get noticeable drops in towns.

slap around some moblins and see if you get them hangs

Anyone have that Zelda image that's like this?

>when people claim the giant horse sucks because of the stats it shows

It feels too slow.

it can smash lynels out the way

How many times should I upgrade armour? I want to keep a balance between difficulty and feeling more powerful. I don't want to be hardcore or just be able to ignore hits from monsters.

it's gallop is comparable to most other horse's sprint

if you feel too rock solid you can just equip slightly shittier armor. I don't use the champion tunic or the soldier set now that they're upgraded, i generally have the sheikah set or guardian armor on now


I mostly just don't enjoy feeling like even more of a manlet while riding it.

Why did Zelda bully Link?


Where's a good place to get ancient cores quickly?

Where's the giant horse anyway?

What did you name yours?

he wouldn't stop following her


It also has a loud ear range. I was whistling to get the bokoblins attention but the horse came and ruined it

I have to go test this out. Everything feels sluggish after getting a 5 speed horse.

port around to all the test of strength shrines. the little guardian dudes often drop one



gonna contact the mods or /qa/ and get them to start autobanning these

enjoy /vg/ where u don't get all the attention you want so badly fags

Alright thanks.

I need like 10 of them so this is gonna take a while.

>gonna contact the mods


you do that, let us know how it goes


Hurry the fuck up to

it's almost like i referenced that myself in the main body of the OP



Don't have it yet but I've been thinking of calling it Akuma.

>getting the attention
Enjoy the (You).

jesus, did retard school just let out?

I love it when some newfag wanders into the thread and refuses to leave


>u don't get all the attention you want so badly fags

Thanks for giving us the attention we so badly want :)


Wanted to name him Ganonhorse but not enough characters

yeah mine was going to be Gannonbanned but no such luck

So many korok seeds needed for those last few weapon slots

>Rejecting the divine message.


What would be something awful that the different Zeldas could've told Link?

Oh husbando discussion is alright, just not something the OP should be centered around

Who's a bigger autist? People who figured this out or the developers for even doing it?

... Geldo, Stipog.. what?

is this the text around Lurelin village?

Gerudo alphaabet someone posted I haven't used it yet to translate anything because everything I wanted has been translated

Oh fuck I see it now, not a comma but an apostrophe

Geldo's Typography, where Geldo is nip for gerudo, right?
Saving this

Is there any place where I can find RED moblin?
Never found a single one yet, only black and blue ones everywhere (I'm also missing the first-rank moblin spear)

east of the plataeu in some ruins

Check the surroundings of Great Plateau, I think to the north there's one.

>Where's the giant horse anyway?
Head to the mounted archery camp, south of the lake tower, an NPC gives you the details there.
>What did you name yours?

I love the series, and have played them all, but this game makes me feel so directionless. I think I just need structure and don't enjoy open world games as much as tight focus.

could someone post a picture of the flying minecarts using the magnet? friend of mine doesn't think its possible and i'm at work.

Midnight, as is the canon name for Ganondorf's horse.

Anyone have info on where/when the dragons spawn? I don't want to keep reloading the same shrine over and over.

Favourite weapon is one handed ones because I like to have my shield out. I just beat the fourth guardian but don't want to fight gannon until I've done all the other shit. What do?


Keep exploring, just fight Ganon when you feel ready. An extra few days won't make a difference to Zelda.

Do the dungeons then

i'm getting all the shrines first, maybe clear up a bunch of sidequests

I regret wasting a minute of my life reading that.

I have 1 shrine left to find and it's driving me insane.

Convinced it's a shrine quest because I've been all over the map with the sensor on and nothing. Hate life.

Puffer Beach?

did the game always have chests next to the name when you hover over a shrine on the map?


that signifies you found all the chests in that shrine

Strangely not, in Toh Yasa you get the chest icon for picking up an earlier chest - but later in the shrine is the chest containing the rubber suit.

The whole things feels like the opposite of how the game runs. Yeah, in old Zelda games you would want to open literally every chest you could find. In this game, opening a chest with a new weapon just effectively deletes a weapon from the world.

good thing we all know what infinity minus one is

How can I trigger a bloodmoon lads? This quest for Kass is doing my head in

Is there any way at all to get two drops per dragon appearance?

drop some logs, drop some flint, hit the flint to start a campfire
keep hitting "sit until morning"

i fucked with it for hours before resigning to just watching the skies at 10:30 ish and seeing if it's a red moon or not

i lucked out and spotted it between two trees and fast traveled to the nearby stable. just barely made it to the podium before midnight

i did this for multiple moon cycles and it did not work. out exploring i got a blood moon every 5-6 days, sitting at a fire over and over never yielded one.

Go kill a bunch of the monsters inside the castle. Ganon will blood moon to re-staff his guard.
