Okay I'm getting nier: autobooty

Okay I'm getting nier: autobooty.

Which version is better: Ps4 or PC?

Other urls found in this thread:


Ps4 for controls, PC for Dem booty graphics. Whatever's more important to you

Hmm probably controls.

Can I not just hook up the ps4 controller to the pc?

PC. Just hook up your controller and benefit from the smooth controls and enhanced visuals.

PC but don't pay for it. It's got Denuvo packaged in. You're just rewarding bad industry behavior.

I played it on PC for a little, was getting frustrated with controls. Switched to controller and instantly better, would recommend.

The PS3 original Nier is the better version.

Fuck Automata

I honestly don't care.

I have no problem with pirates but I'm not gonna withhold myself from supporting a company for some thieves.

Sorry mate

Has it been cracked yet?

Such a gay pile of shit

Save your money

No. Probably six months minimum until crack. It is the newest Denuvo.

Yo does anyone remember the pw for the mega with the ost in it? I downloaded it a while ago and forgot about how it needed the pw.

How ironic, I have the password but lost the link.

You share first.

Both have the same controls though. Not even "kinda the same controls", but literally the same controls.

Yes you can. But Yoshida will come for you.

>they don't know about the PC bug where enemies suddenly gain immunity to stuns

>for controls
>when you can just use a Dualshock on the PC

mega.nz/#!FUdXiKib!MAN7Dse4_0VsD5LTEizyXo_ePeulrYiGKBHxdhZWr_4 Bonus

mega.nz/#!tQknCT7D!qKC1MtAO267Y5oW4m3Lanh3GwIV284utprMLWvH8NwE Main

PC always wins. It's why everybody gets triggered when a PC release of any game is announced.

I'll give it a week

If my GPU is a GTX760 is it better to just get it on PS4?
I'm thinking it might even look a little better on the PS4, but framerate is the most important to me

That's why I bought it on PS4 instead

>NieR thread
apparently you can set the country portion of the motivational message after ending E to Atlantis

>If my GPU is a GTX760 is it better to just get it on PS4?

You could also just torrent it from nyaa

I have a 760, couldn't maintain a framerate and ended up buying the PS4 version.

This was before all the mods which supposedly slash the game requirements. Who knows what you need now.

Sonybros will do whatever they can to make you buy a PS4

What's the PW?

You can also set it on "The Moon"

Probably, I played it using a WiiU pro controller.

You dumbass. Why would I have the password but not the link?



Best bet is a PS4pro for upscaled 4k and is much smoother. The PC version is a half assed port and thanks to dunuvo there won't be any mods for it

Waiting for that user to deliver the PW, I delivered the links, that was the deal.

Much appreciated for the input
As long as I have stable framerate on the PS4 I'm happy

Doesn't matter which version you choose.
You'll cry at the E end anyway

I trust you user, you were like a brother to me. ;_;

Enjoy your no nude mods.


wait wait hol' up

What if.. the moon humans... are actually us? Like what if by “the moon” they really mean “outside the game”? Could NieR really be some commentary on the relationship between video game characters and their real-life players?

PC controller support is nice, but keyboard is where your real tech mastery comes from once you learn how KB+M works in hard or higher.
And there's mod support which is getting the same attention as DMC4SE.
You wouldn't even know denuvo existed if no one told you about it, you seem to not be old enough or care enough to realize that online drm has come and gone and people say the same shit rumors about it back then as they do now, denuvo is just the new shit on the block which has games people want to play so they gotta bitch about something. Go back to your hole or do some god damn research.


The guys trying to crack denuvo don't have any real talent to speak of, every cracked denuvo game only happened, because of a leak that fell into their lap. I don't think they have talent to seriously crack shit.

Don't worry I'm here to save your day.



Just curious, why specifically recommend the PS3 instead of just the game in general? Is the 360 version inferior in some way or are you just a sonyfag?

No, best bet is to get the PC version and download FAR, and you're done.

I have it for both.

>PS4 pro:
very good, slight stuttering but overall amazing

Better visuals, no stuttering, requires a modded patch to run in the right resolution until the devs fix their game

No it literally means the moon, after the original gestalt was lost the remaining devola and popola units across the world in other villages sent the remaining replicants to the moon in hopes to preserve human genetic material, there is fuck all they can do about bringing humans back as in this world a human isn't a human without a gestalt or soul, so we got some DNA, but nothing that makes that DNA human. Which is why project gestalt failed and why this entire game is about the evolution of the robot and android ego and soul.

Also requires a controller

What's very hard mode like because hard mode is a little nuts. It's fun but when one hit KO gets a little tiring, especially with each boss.

pc work better you don't need any patch like some retards claim go for it

I love you user.

Right but I just use my pro controller for
It. Works great

Meanwhile I'm playing on PC with true 4k and denuvo doesn't stop modding otherwise mods wouldn't exist already dipshit. It prevents exe tampering, but this doesn't even hinder script mods you dumb piece of shit.

Doesn't require a controller, there is a dedicated dodge button it's just mislabeled as auto run on keyboard controls. In fact it's better to play with KB+M in hard and above given the fact it's easier to aim AND there's certain tech that is extremely easy to nail with a keyboard. Infinite jump cancel combos with self destruct, doing self destruct cancels in everything is easier with a keyboard.

Thanks user

>there is a dedicated dodge button it's just mislabeled as auto run on keyboard controls.
Oh okay; yeah that's much better

I was more so thinking of the twin stick shooter segments. How do you play those without a twin stick? in b4 4-directional bullet dodging

this guy is a troll

PC obviously.
If you have a PS4 already, there's no shame in getting it to make the system seem more valuable.
God knows it needs to.

Yakuza 0, GR2, Persona 5

I'm getting my use out of it.

It doesn't require a controller. A controller is just better explained and intuitive. I think it even had a dedicated dodge button on keyboard, R maybe? but it's not mentioned anywhere.

Lots of hidden keyboard controls.

There are no nude mods

On PC i had no problems with the GTX 970meme at 1080p besides the cutscenes cutting the framerate in half for some reason.

Play it on PC if you want, but only if you pirate it. You should never ever give your money to Valve. If you want to buy it, buy PS4 version.

you can switch to arrow keys as a secondary stick or use your mouse, once you get used to it, it's easier to play on keyboard and mouse, my biggest gruff only about the KB+M controls is you can't bind side mouse buttons to shit like fire or dodge so you gotta do some careful keyboard adjustments and pin more on muscle memory, but it's not a big issue if you're used to certain action games already.
How, because I laid the truth down, you can spit shit out, but can't take it. You wouldn't even know denuvo exist if the internets didn't tell you about it, just like you don't understand other online drm has existed on already and still exist.

I'd rather give shekels to valve than Sony

It's not even cracked yet, CPY are hacks who can only crack games with leaks that fall into their lap, they don't actually crack games.

cutscenes are locked to 30 fps, PC version is working on fixing this so it's not so jarring.

I76700k and a 1080 gtx.

Can I get solid fps at 1440p?

this guy has no idea what he's talking about

Please stop supporting the industry and their recent trend of hyper sexualizing of female protagonists

>last good game they released was portal six years ago
>now they only haveshitty F2P microtransaction idden shit
>while sony is funding great games all those years

I rather give my money to sony, because I want to show that I want a company that is actually behind great games
Fuck me if I would gie money to Valve

Some fucking rebuttal, explain if you know your shit so well and don't link the ruskie blog to denuvo being evil, because none of that shit has been proven.

nobody feed this troll

Nothing Sony has "funded" or created has interested me in decades.

Sony, when it comes to software, is shit.

Stop posting, if you can't form a rebuttal you're a fucking mongoloid.

>no stuttering

You don't even have to give money to Valve, since Square Enix has other partners for selling keys. Such as Green Man Gaming.

Also I agree with this guy Valve at least provides a service that is worthwhile. Steam is extremely fast when it comes to download speeds.

Not sure if anyone has mentioned it, but I'm pretty sure Platinum decided to patch Denuvo out recently.

Nice bait attempt, friend. Try a bit harder next time

i'm not sure if its real but when i search cpy nier automata it looks cracked as of today

confirm or is that not the real site

The fucking dumb ass issues I'm getting with NieR on PC is doing my nut in.

>No mods
Someone already made a nude mod for 2b

Not real, CPY hasn't cracked a game that didn't already have a leak associated with it, they are talentless hacks who can't actually crack denuvo without a leak to begin with.

is it pirateable yet?

Then I am sorry for your shit tast. Go play DOTA or anothes showelvare F2P crap.

>Such as Green Man Gaming.
>which sells steamkeys


Very hard is 1 hit kos from every hit, no matter what. On hard you can at least use plug-in chips tp help you survive.

No see here In order for denuvo to be cracked by CPY it would have to have a leak first. This is the way they have cracked all their prior games. So unless inside info about denuvo v4 version code for Nier gets leaked this won't be getting cracked.

>played with a pro, ds2, ds4, bone and 360 controller
>pro and bone are the best for it

Try again

Jesus Christ, did I trigger you user?

Why are you taking it personal

Just a reminder our casual party rts has more complexity and depth than any console exclusive since f zero gx which we have too

isnt there any 2Bait meme?

Valve only gets a cut from steam keys they sell.

Very Hard is a lot of fun, definitely beatable, I've been playing for a while with little girl stretches of not dying. Tower is a serious challenge though, just for the lack of saving.

Disregard this person

9S = Shinji; Whiny bitch.
A2 = Asuka; Angry bitch.
2B = Rei; Cool, dedicated, and best girl.


i haven't played the game yet and i have a feeling tthat you have a shit taset a2 best girl boih

>do the mission where you have to child machine
>rescue him
>5 minutes later game crash
>first time this is happening
>restart game
>have to do the mission again
>the machine gets hit by a straight line of purple bubbles and die
>fail mission
>kill myself to restart the mission
>mission still in failed status

the p.. power of PC g.. gaming.... r-right?

>comparisons that don't work in the slightest
>Automata characters only sound shit due to being compared with shit Eva characters

>2B: best girl
t. haven't played the game. 2B is literally worst girl and she gets killed off.